Following this are 64 bytes of programming data listing the values for channels 0-31 (in that order) in 2-byte words. Each channel needs 14 bits, so the format is two leading zeros and 6 MSB of data is the first byte, then 8 LSB of data in the second byte. All channels are present in the packet, but only those marked in the mask will be programmed; all other bytes will be ignored and can take on any value. The total size of the data in a programming packet is: | Following this are 64 bytes of programming data listing the values for channels 0-31 (in that order) in 2-byte words. Each channel needs 14 bits, so the format is two leading zeros and 6 MSB of data is the first byte, then 8 LSB of data in the second byte. All channels are present in the packet, but only those marked in the mask will be programmed; all other bytes will be ignored and can take on any value. The total size of the data in a programming packet is: |