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1,261 bytes added ,  18:58, 16 May 2008
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== (010) Idle ==

Block 010 continuously polls the interrupt registers on the CP2200/1 until the Receive FIFO Empty flag comes back as a zero. On this condition it transitions to state 011.

* ''Clk'': clock
* ''/Rst'': asynchronous, active-low reset
* ''state_in'': 3-bit state value

* ''TxRx_D'': 8-bit data from transceiver
* ''TxRx_Done'': pulse from transceiver to signal transfer complete
* ''TxRx_Go'': transceiver go line
* ''TxRx_R/W'': read/write flag for transceiver
* ''TxRx_Aout'': register address bus for transceiver

* '''Request INT0RD''' (0x76) register via <tt>reqFromAddr</tt> pulsed by the ''LoopEn'' signal from Looper (below).
* '''Looper'''
** Switch to determine if this state should loop on itself or continue to the next state.
** inputs
*** ''S_En'': state enable
*** ''TxRx_Done'': ''Done'' pulse from transceiver
*** ''TxRx_Data'': ''D_out'' bus from transceiver
** outputs
*** ''LoopEn'': pulse to repeat fetch cycle; ''Loop'' <= ''S_En'' and ''TxRx_Done'' and ''TxRx_Data(6)''
*** ''Done'': pulse to finish state; connects to state counter as an enable; ''Done'' <= ''S_En'' and ''TxRx_Done'' and not ''TxRx_Data(6)''
*** ''New_St'': new state value to load into state register; goes to 011 when ''Done'' is high


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