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3,172 bytes added ,  18:56, 16 May 2008
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== (000) Reset Cycle ==

Block 000 will have four functional blocks: one each for the DAC, ADC, and Ethernet controller, and one to coordinate their completion. The temperature sensor lacks an external reset function; it self-initializes on startup. The "R" packet will supply flags as to whether or not to enable the various blocks. A power-on reset will default to resetting all components. Using the enable flags like a mask on the done lines, the fourth functional block will update the state register. For information on the reset procedures, see [[Reset and Initialization]].

* ''Clk'': clock
* ''/Rst'': asynchronous, active-low reset
* ''State'': 3-bit state value
* ''D_En'': DAC enable, assume held high/low by previous block
* ''A_En'': ADC enable, assume held high/low by previous block
* ''E_En'': Ethernet enable, assume held high/low by previous block

internal signals
* ''S_En'': state enable, ''S_En'' <= not (''St(2)'' or ''St(1)'' or ''St(0)'')
* ''Go'': when ''S_En'' goes high ''Go'' pulses for one cycle
* ''D_Go'': DAC reset go pulse, ''D_Go'' <= ''Go'' and ''D_En''
* ''A_Go'': ADC reset go pulse, ''A_Go'' <= ''Go'' and ''A_En''
* ''E_Go'': Ethernet reset go pulse, ''E_Go'' <= ''Go'' and ''E_En''

* '''DAC Reset'''
** Resets and initializes the DAC.
** inputs
*** ''Clk'': clock
*** ''/Rst'': asynchronous, active-low reset
*** ''D_Go'': go pulse to begin reset/initialization process
** outputs
*** - All DAC reset/initialization control lines -
*** ''D_Done'': goes high when reset/initialization process is complete, falls on ''D_Go'' pulse
* '''ADC Reset'''
** Resets and initializes the ADC.
** inputs
*** ''Clk'': clock
*** ''/Rst'': asynchronous, active-low reset
*** ''A_Go'': go pulse to begin reset/initialization process
** outputs
*** - All ADC reset/initialization control lines -
*** ''A_Done'': goes high when reset/initialization process is complete, falls on ''A_Go'' pulse
* '''Ethernet Reset'''
** Resets and initializes the Ethernet controller.
** inputs
*** ''Clk'': clock
*** ''/Rst'': asynchronous, active-low reset
*** ''E_Go'': go pulse to begin reset/initialization process
** outputs
*** - All Ethernet reset/initialization control lines -
*** ''E_Done'': goes high when reset/initialization process is complete, falls on ''E_Go'' pulse
* '''Coordinator'''
** Coordinates the completion of each reset cycle and notifies other blocks that the reset process is complete.
** inputs
*** ''Clk'': clock
*** ''/Rst'': asynchronous, active-low reset
*** ''D_En'': high when DAC is to be reset
*** ''D_Done'': high when DAC is done resetting
*** ''A_En'': high when ADC is to be reset
*** ''A_Done'': high when ADC is done resetting
*** ''E_En'': high when Ethernet controller is to be reset
*** ''E_Done'': high when Ethernet controller is done resetting
** internal signals
*** ''Flag'' <= (''D_Done'' or not ''D_En'') and (''A_Done'' or not ''A_En'') and (''E_Done'' or not ''E_En'')
** outputs
*** ''Done'': when ''Flag'' goes high, ''Done'' pulses for one cycle; connects to state register as an enable
*** ''New_St'': new state to be written to the state register; goes to 001 while ''Done'' is high


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