The level 0 trigger is what generates the gate for the adc and tdc
modules. The logic formula embodied in our present level 0 circuit is
as follows.
![]() |
(11) |
A comparison between the model and observations of made towards
the beginning and the end of the June period is shown in Fig. 9
and 10, respectively. Fig. 10 shows how complicated the
shape is over the range of the scan. The linear region at low current
transitions around 10nA to a quadratic behavior due to accidental
coincidence with the tagger. Then above 50nA the quadratic rise stops
and the curve turns over as the accidental charged-particle vetoes begin
to suppress the trigger rate. The parameters that control the shape of
this curve are
; the first two were
varied to fit the measured
data whereas
measured independently during runs taken with special triggers. The
agreement between the values for
with what is
seen on the oscilloscope indicates that the electronics is behaving as
expected. Note that
is expected to be a few ns less than the
tagger OR pulse width because a few ns of overlap with the RPD OR signal
is required before a coincidence is registered. Likewise
should be few ns less than the sum of the CPV OR and RPD OR pulse widths
because only a few ns of overlap between the two is sufficient to
generate a veto. This implies a practical minimum value on the effective
veto window width of 8-10ns given that one is working with a minimum
width around 5ns for the CPV OR and RPD OR signals.
The only new restriction that appears in the model at this level is
that Eq. 12 implicitly assumes that the UPV OR and CPV OR signals
are statistically independent. This is the assumption behind the
factorization of the accidental veto probability into the product
. These two signals are
certainly not independent because many tracks passing through the UPV
will also create a signal in the CPV. However the UPV OR rate is so
low that it makes very little practical difference how random UPV vetoes
are accounted for in the model. At the other extreme one could assume
that every UPV OR hit is accompanied by a CPV OR signal, in which case
the factor
in Eq. 12 should be replaced by
unity. At the full operating intensity of 250nA this increases the value
by roughly 2%.