'''Mar 27''' - Didn't come in for the morning - wasn't feeling well. Stopped by for the weekly meeting in the afternoon but it was already complete.
'''Mar 27''' - Didn't come in for the morning - wasn't feeling well. Stopped by for the weekly meeting in the afternoon but it was already complete.
'''Mar 31''' - Adjusted the matrix for Bundle 21/S in the Bundle Names Google Doc. Prepared Bundle N for bending and emptied and cleaned the tank. (4 hours)
'''Mar 31''' - Today I adjusted the matrix for Bundle 21/S in the Bundle Names Google Doc. Then I removed Bundle M from the bending unit with Ann Marie and cleaned the fibers. I find having a wet cloth and a dry cloth is the best way to clean them. Aftwerwards, I prepared Bundle Q for bending. We decided to go out of order because the other bundles were smaller and if Bundle 16/P is large, we'll need the smaller bundles to mix with. Ann Marie emptied, cleaned, and filled the bendng tank and we placed Bundle Q in the water.
Ann Marie also showed me how to upload files to the GlueX portal. I'll be uploading photos from the Wiki to that site tomorrow.(4 hours).