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753 bytes added ,  19:19, 27 September 2007
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== Abstract ==

Temperature could be a important factor in determining the suitability of the new solid state photon detectors in replacing the older photomultiplier tubes in the GlueX particle physics Lab. This experiment tests the dark rate and the signal strenght of the SSPM - 0606BG4MM - PCB SiPM (Silicon Photomultiplier) to find out the range of the temepratures that it could funtion at and find its optimal operating temeprature. Photons from a blue-green LED were filtered and the signalwas picked up by the detector. The temperature was then adjusted to test the ability of the SiPM to funtion under different circumstances. The resutling data was then deconvoluted and it can be determind that..... _______________Conclusion_______________ .


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