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There is plenty of help on the web regarding how to set up a webdav area on an Apache 2.0 server using the mod_dav apache module. If this is enabled on an area of the site secured with SSL/TLS (reachable by urls beginning with https:) there are a few extra steps, also widely documented. What was not so easy to figure out how to do was how to do client authentication based on client certificates. Most of the sites out there assume that people should use http basic authentication and type passwords all of the time. I wanted to use my client certificate instead. The short answer is that it is only possible if there is only one certificate used to access the webdav area. In this case, one can configure the webdav directory as follows.
<Directory "/home/www/dav/">
AuthType Basic
AuthName "WebDAV Restricted"
AuthUserFile /home/www/.htpasswd/webdav.htpasswd
<LimitExcept OPTIONS>
Require user webdav
SSLVerifyClient off

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