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Testing the single shower PSF fitter we realized that we are facing several difficulties in determining the correct shape of the shower: This single Gaussian study shows that a single shower fitter is stable when $ R$ is fixed. The fitted shower energy is biased by more than $ \approx 10\%$ for higher energy showers. The bias results from the fact that we fit a sharply peaked distribution with a single Gaussian. The bias remains even when we integrate the fitting function across the block area. The bias itself should not be a problem; it can be removed by proper calibration of the fitter. A bigger problem is the 2-block dominance in the shower energy distribution of MC showers. It might arise as a consequence of low light attenuation along the LGD blocks. We expect that real data will have a broader distribution because of higher attenuation. The next step is to look at real data before we fine-tune PSF.
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Richard T. Jones 2004-04-30