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The LGD resolution

The energy and spatial resolution in the LGD are measured using 2-shower invariant mass distributions from $ \eta \to 2\gamma$ and $ \pi^0 \to 2\gamma$ decays, exploring the formula for the square of the invariant mass

$\displaystyle M^2 = 4E_1E_2\sin^2{\frac{\theta_{12}}{2}} = 2E_1E_2(1-\cos{\theta_{12}}),$ (1)

where $ E_1$ and $ E_2$ represent photon energies, while $ \theta_{12}$ is their angular separation. The variance of the squared invariant mass in terms of the variances of energy and shower position in the LGD is given by

$\displaystyle V(M^2) = \sum_{i=1}^{2} \left[ \
 \left(\frac{\partial M^2}{\part...
...rtial x_i}\right)\left(\frac{\partial M^2}{\partial y_i}\right) V_{XY} \right],$ (2)

where index $ i$ counts photons. The expression for the energy resolution $ \sigma_E = \sqrt{V_E} $ is given by Eq. 2 (NIM: $ A E + Bsqrt{E}$) where parameters $ A$ and $ B$ have to be determined. Spatial variances are taken to be

$\displaystyle V_X = \sigma_x^2$ $\displaystyle = \frac{C_E^2}{E} + \left(X_0\sin{\theta}\cos{\phi}\right)^2,$    
$\displaystyle V_Y = \sigma_y^2$ $\displaystyle = \frac{C_E^2}{E} + \left(X_0\sin{\theta}\sin{\phi}\right)^2,$ (3)
$\displaystyle V_{XY}$ $\displaystyle = X_0^2\sin^2{\theta}\cos{\phi}\sin{\phi},$    

where $ C_E$ depends on the size of the LGD block, and $ X_0$ is radiation length [1]. For this LGD $ C_E = 7.1$ mm$ \cdot$GeV $ ^{\frac{1}{2}}$, and $ X_0 = 31.6$ mm [2]. Finding energy derivatives from Eq. 2 is straight forward while all spatial derivatives can be expressed in terms of measured photon momenta [3]. Taking all this into account, Eq. (2) can be simplified as

$\displaystyle \frac{V(M^2)}{M^4} = \frac{V_E(E_1)}{E_1^2} + \frac{V_E(E_2)}{E_2^2} + \frac{V_S(M^2)}{M^4},$ (4)

where spatial derivatives and variances are grouped into the term $ V_S(M^2)$. From events with two reconstructed showers the $ \pi ^0$ sample was selected by limiting invariant mass to $ M < 0.5$ $ GeV$ and the $ \eta $ sample was obtained by selecting pairs with shower separation $ D_{\gamma\gamma} \geq 20$ $ cm$. The mass resolution was measured by forming the invariant mass distributions for a set of well-defined shower energies $ (E_1,E_2)_k$, with $ k=1\dots18$ for the $ \eta $ and $ k=1\dots16$ for the $ \pi ^0$ sample. The $ \pi ^0$ and $ \eta $ peaks from these distributions were fitted with a Gaussian over a polynomial background. From the Gaussian fit the value $ V(M^2)/M^4$ has been calculated. The errors are predominantly systematic, governed by the choice of background function, and estimated to be $ 5\%$ and $ 10\%$ for the $ \eta $ and $ \pi ^0$ data respectively. Examining the $ V_S(M^2)$ distributions from $ \eta $ and $ \pi ^0$ decays it was seen that spatial part in the $ \eta $ mass resolution is at $ 10\%$ level, while it gives significant $ 50\%$ contribution to the $ \pi ^0$ mass width [3]. Consequently, in the first approximation the spatial contribution to the $ \eta $ mass resolution has been neglected. Following Eq. (4) the set of $ k=18$ equations

$\displaystyle \left(\frac{V(M^2)}{M^4}\right)_k = F_i + F_j,$ (5)

was formed, where indexes $ i,j$ map different photon energies being used. The least-square solution for the $ F_i$ values, $ i = 1,\dots,11$, was found without assuming the functional form of $ F(E)$. This model-independent solution is free of any restrictions on the $ F$ values except that $ F_i = F_j$ for $ i=j$. The corresponding $ \sigma_{E}(E_i) = E_i \sqrt{F_i}$ from the free solution is plotted in Fig. 1. These points agree very well with the standard expression for the energy resolution (Eq. 2), with $ A=0.037$ and $ B=0.080$ GeV $ ^{\frac{1}{2}}$. In the next step, the spatial corrections to the mass resolution has been included by recording the mean of the $ V_s(M^2)/M^4$ distributions for each ($ E_1,E_2$) choice, for both the $ \eta $ and $ \pi ^0$ samples. The expression for the variance function (Eq. (4)) was modified, using the standard expression for the energy resolution,

$\displaystyle \frac{V(M^2)}{M^4} = \left(A + \frac{B}{\sqrt{E_1}}\right)^2 +
 \left(A + \frac{B}{\sqrt{E_2}}\right)^2 +
 C \frac{V_s(M^2)}{M^4}.$ (6)

In addition to the parameters $ A$ and $ B$, parameter $ C$ that scales the spatial resolution contribution has been introduced. Within this simple model the $ \eta $ data fit with $ C$ set to zero is shown as solid line in Fig. 1, while the fit parameters are shown in the first row of Table 1. The $ \eta $ data fit when $ C$ was let to vary is represented by the dashed line in Fig. 1 and the second row in Table 1. The fit confirms that the $ \eta $ mass resolution is not very sensitive to spatial corrections. In the next step all measured points from the $ \eta $ and $ \pi ^0$ samples were fitted together. The fit is shown as the dotted line in Fig. 1, and the resulting parameters are shown in the last row of Table 1. Both the $ \pi ^0$ and $ \eta $ mass distributions are described well with this single set of parameters. The scale parameter $ C$ can be viewed as a correction to the nominal value of $ C_E = 7.1$ mm$ \cdot$GeV $ ^{\frac{1}{2}}$ for the LGD, since the energy-dependent term in the spatial errors is dominant at small and moderate angles $ \theta < 15\deg$, while the angular part in Eq. (3) becomes important only at large angles $ \theta> 15\deg$. According to the fit results the energy resolution function is
$ \frac{\sigma_E}{E} =3.6\% + \frac{7.3\%}{\sqrt{E}}$,
while the shower position uncertainty can be expressed as
$ \sigma_{\rho} = \sqrt{ \left(\frac{0.64}{\sqrt{E}}\right)^2 +
\left(X_0\sin{\theta} \right)^2 }$, $ \rho \sigma_{\phi} = \frac{0.64}{\sqrt{E}}$,
where ($ \rho,\phi$) are the polar coordinates of the shower in the face of the LGD. All lengths in these relations are in mm and all energies in GeV.

Table 1: The parameter values from different fits to the $ \eta $ and $ \pi ^0$ mass resolutions, obtained using Eq. (6). The corresponding fits are shown in Fig. 1
Fit $ A$ $ B$ $ \left[GeV^{-1/2}\right]$ $ C$ $ \chi ^2$
$ \eta $ ($ C=0$) $ 0.0371\pm0.0006$ $ 0.0797\pm0.0008$ 0 1.05
$ \eta $ (full) $ 0.036\pm0.008$ $ 0.080\pm0.003$ $ 0.26\pm1.76$ 1.04
$ \eta+\pi^0$ (full) $ 0.035\pm0.004$ $ 0.073\pm0.006$ $ 0.90\pm0.02$ 1.50

Figure 1: Energy resolution of showers in the LGD obtained from analysis of the $ 2\gamma $ sample. Points represent the free solution to the $ \eta $ mass resolution measurements when the contribution from the spatial resolution has been neglected. The solid line represents the fit to the $ \eta $ data with the standard energy resolution model (Eq. (6)with $ C=0$). The dashed line represents the fit to the $ \eta $ data when the spatial contribution is taken into account by Eq. (6). The dotted line corresponds to the simultaneous fit to the $ \eta $ and $ \pi ^0$ data with the same function (Eq. (6)). Corresponding fit parameters and $ \chi ^2$ are shown in Table 1.

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Mihajlo Kornicer 2003-12-11