Radphi Video Conference 6/17/2003
June 17, 2003
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT
Meeting Agenda:
- Shower energy resolution in LGD - UConn
- Progress on BGV reconstruction - W&M
- Progress on PWA - Indiana
- Final steps to NIM paper - discussion
Present: R. Jones, M. Kornicer, D. Steiner, D. Armstrong,
S. Teige, D. Krop, Alex D., Elton Smith, C. Steffen, D. Sober
M. Kornicer: LGD resolution
- He has a good fit to the η
variance with a model
For the η the spatial contribution is small, and we obtain a fit
For the π° the spatial contribution
cannot be ignored. To calculate that, he uses Elton's spatial model
and propagate to the V(
) errors. In this way a global fit
is obtained to all π° and η data
where spatial term is parametrized as Elton specified.
Will write these results in a note. For E852:
Dan Steiner: BGV calibration
- He is working on Z-calibration and found some bugs.
He is using the new time-list values to calibrate t->Z conversion and
a speed of light of 9.4 cm/ns. Elton thought a value closer to 16cm/ns
would be more reasonable. The Z distribution is an asymmetric flat-top.
He shows a nice BSD pixel -BGV correlation plot. He also showed that a
significant number of BGV counters with adjacent counters hit, which indicates
the need for merging adjacent hits.
- He also showed a nice correlation between Z from timing and the
ln(up/down) in pulse height.
Dan Krop: PWA progress at
- He did a mass-dependent fit using a model for S-wave using
Adam's model (AMP is equivalent) For d-wave he wants to use E852
ππ d-wave parameters which uses a coupled-channel analysis of
ππ d-wave including the f2(1270) but also general scattering
amplitudes. The new fit with this model is not ready for prime time,
but progress is being made.
Scott T.: NIM paper
- need a few paragraphs to describe LGD calibration -R. Jones will do.
- also need to make an author list. R. Jones will send around a request
to each institution.
Next meeting: during work fest on June 3-4 2003, (Tues - Wed)
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Mihajlo Kornicer