As an example 2.5 cm of Be taget was chosen (7% rad.length, 4.6 ) the
same as was using in RadPhi experiment at CEBAF.
The total hadron production cross section for 4-6 GeV photons is 150
b/nucleon and for
production it is 0.5
All together give a flux photons/s for a
To be able to reconstruct decay length in terms of life time units with
accuracy better than one and for constrained purpose, about 2%
uncertainty in photon energy is required. Existing tagging system is not
capable to work with this flux but Pestov counters with 25 ps resolution
could help.
For that value of photon flux and desired photon energy spread the
coherent bremsstrahlung system, reported by Richard Jones (UConn)
at Bloomington workshop can be used. With 8 GeV initial electrons
it can produce 6 GeV photons with about 2% energy spread with
intensity about (plus about
of 5 and 4 GeV)
For CPT study it should be 20 times more intensive photon beam.
Questions: Is flux achievable with tagged photons by 25 ps Pestov
Or by coherent bremsstrahlung system? With higher electron
energy (16-20 GeV) may be it is posible to get this rate
for 4-5 GeV photons.
What is lifetime of the diamond crystal at that intensity?
What is the physical limit of intensity?