The idea of experiments discussed for -factories is in simultanious
detection of
decays in
state and
reconstruction of their decay points with accuracy better than one
decay length.
Due to fully asymmetric final state (
) quantum mechanics
prohibits decay of both kaons at the same distance from originated
if they have the same decay mode.
In addition to this very exciting quantum mechanics test at macroscopic
this interferometry can be used for a study of direct CP violation in
decays (
) and for precision CPT tests.
For these purposes one should measure the difference in number of events when
pair appeares before
with those when
pair is first (
are times (or decay lengths) from
decay point of kaon with neutral or charged pions.
This asymmetry integrated over all decay lengths
(less acceptance gives less accuracy) is related as
with direct CP violation parameter.
The evaluation of this asymmetry in the interference region
gives an information about imaginary part of
CPT conservation.
As it was shown in [1] with the produced
's and
reasonable detector acceptance (20% of
decay length, c
=15.49 m
in case of
) the
value can be measured with about
accuracy. DAFNE claimes to have 50% acceptance for
decays with a
4 m diameter of drift chamber.
If photon detector can reconstruct vertex with accuracy
the interferometry test would give accuracy in CPT test
about 0.1 degree
with a present limit about 1 degree.
By using decay or nuclear interaction in the forward system as a
rare decays can be studied, including first observation
of CP violated
modes, which are predicted at the level of
The electroproduction of at CEBAF also can be a source of
pairs and below some preliminary analysis of
posibility to perform similar experimets is presented.