Procedure for Operation of CODA Run Control - Fall 2013

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Operation of CODA Run Control

This procedure describes how to initialize a data run using the "simple" configuration, which consists of an Event Builder and a Read-Out Controller. Modification of the set-up can be done through the "dbedit" and "cedit" programs, which allow creation of new configuration files.

  • Log on to Password is "HallD_DAQ"
  • Once into halld, open a terminal, and navigate to the /home/halld/ directory.
  • Ensure that the msql daemon is running by typing "msqld".
  • Set the proper environment variables by typing "source micro/coda_micro_setup". These environment variables include EXPID and SESSION, which can be changed to accommodate different run control set-ups. You should see the following message:
"Setting up coda 2.6.1 from /usr/local/coda/2.6.1
 AFECS Home set to /usr/local/coda/2.6.1/Afecs-1.4 
  • Once the variables are set, initialize the run control daemon by typing "platform".
  • In new terminal windows, start the event builder (EB) by running "home/halld/start_event_builder" and the read-out controller (ROC) by running "home/halld/start_roc".
  • Open another terminal window and open the run control interface by typing "rcgui".
  • Select "Connect" under the "Platform" menu.
  • Click the "Configure" button that appears below the "Platform" menu (farthest to the left) After a moment, the event builder and read-out controller should appear in the table in the center of the gui, as EB5 and TROC5. You should see messages at the bottom indicating that the configure started and has succeeded.
  • Click the "Download" button immediately to the right of the "Configure" button. By now, the run parameters Expid, session, and configuration should be displayed.
  • Click the "Prestart" button immediately to the right of the "Download" button.
  • Click "Start" to begin the run.

CODA is an implementation of the Multi-Agent Framework for Experimental Control Systems (AFECS). AFECS maintains a page with information regarding CODA here.