Construction of the Full-Scale Tagger Microscope

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Preparations for Construction of the Full-Scale Tagger Microscope

Current Work

  • Determine an ideal process to assemble components of the fiber splicing unit.
  • Optimize and document a reliable, repeatable process for fusing 2mm x 2mm square optical fibers using a fiber splicing unit.
  • Work with James McIntyre to develop polishing, gluing, painting, and quality assurance procedures for optical fibers.
  • Develop/refine a LabView program that controls a water heater and water pump based on water temperature.

A List of Specifications/Manuals for Items in Lab 405

Data Acquisition Hardware

Net Booter Quick Start Pamphlet

Net Booter User Manual

Net Booter Specification Sheet

Water Pump

Water Heater

Three way sweat valve

Black Silicone Adhesive (RTV)

Ultra Black Silicone Adhesive (gasket maker)




From Summer 2012:

LabView Program

During the summer of 2012, Ben Willis wrote a LabView program that would communicate with a NetBooter and ultimately control a heater and water pump. LabView also plots the temperature of water being heated, and plots the changing temperatures on a graph on the front panel. Before Ben left, he wrote a final report of his work on the program and in the lab in general. I have added a little to Ben's work, mostly housekeeping; deleting some non functioning commands, adding the equation to represent temperature based on voltage, adding an equation for a thermocouple, and connecting with the DAQ. I also plan to make a differential op-amp to allow the DAQ to read the inputs given by the thermocouple. In this way, we will be able to use a thermistor and two thermocouples to control the water temperature in both the straightening pipe and the bending tank.

I had found a lab manual from the University of Minnesota that gave step by step instructions for taking and recording temperature measurements using a thermistor, a DAQ, and LabView. After making the circuit and updating the LabView program it seems to be working within expected error.

The Lab Manual

Temperature Measurements

Along with the LabView program, another component of bending fibers will be to determine the temperature of the water and to make that information available to the program.

At first, I had thought that our best bet as far as reading/recording water temperature was to make a thermistor (as seen below).

Although this thermistor is reasonably accurate, I feel that it would be possible to have (already purchased) thermocouples read the temperature instead. The signal from the thermocouple would need to be amplified in order to be read by the DAQ we are currently using because the thermocouple produces voltages in the micro range. Using an operational amplifier and the right resistors I am confident that I would be able to achieve a strong enough signal from the thermocouple(given enough time). The remaining hurdle in this endeavor would be to tweak the LabView program to use the temperature-voltage relationship equation of a type J thermocouple instead of a thermistor.

Some great resources for thermocouple theory and circuitry can be found here:

The Basics of Thermocouples

Thermocouple Application

After reading the material above, I have found two (cheap) ways to read a thermocouple accurately:

1. Create something in the software that compensates for the room temperature factor at the cold junction. If we end up using the thermistor to read the temperature at the cold junction then we will be introducing the error from one temperature measurement to another. Although the thermistor will read the water temperature within acceptable error, adding more error into the calculation seems unnecessary to me.

2. Follow the diagram above and create a hardware approach to cold junction compensation. After determining the voltage output of a type J thermocouple at zero degrees Celsius, I can introduce that voltage at the cold junction site. By following the circuit above, I would probably be able to construct a circuit that would have cold junction compensation and amplification for the signal. My concerns for this approach involve time constraints and the intricacies of this setup.

Although, after having found this, I think the problem may be solved.

Op amp designed for a type J thermocouple, with cold junction compensation

Completed Work

  • Clean and organize room P405.
  • Hot water tank constructed - still awaiting testing
  • Splicing unit collars redesigned
  • A program was written to automatically control a heater/pump based on the temperature of the water.

Miscellaneous Fiber Testing

Alcohol Tests

Poly(methyl methacrylate), or plexiglass, was found to react to ethanol when used in high concentrations. When our fiber bending tank (made of poly) was being cleaned with pure ethanol, an obvious reaction was seen as crazing developed on the surface of the walls of the tank. Because our fibers are made from a similar material (polystyrene with flour-acrylic cladding) it seemed necessary to also test their reaction to exposure to alcohol.

The first alcohol test compared the differences between ethanol and propanol. After the first test, only ethanol concentrations were used for the alcohol tests because it will be an ethanol concentration that will be used to clean the fibers.

Heated Alcohol Tests

Non-heated Alcohol Tests

It was found that the fibers reacted more in heated ethanol versus non-heated ethanol. Light guide fibers which remained in 65 degree Celcius underwent significant fiber damage at lower concentrations of ethanol (around 65%) than the room temperature ethanol tests (where damage occurred around 80% ethanol). It seems as though the fiber's cladding is being disintegrated or dissolving into the ethanol concentrations they were resting in

Epoxy Tests

To test whether the fibers could be protected from the damage from ethanol, the ends of fibers were covered with Saint Gobain's BC-600 fiber cement. The instructions for use and more information on BC-600 can be found here.

File:Epoxy Test 1.jpg
This is a graph of the results from Epoxy Test 1 and it's respective Alcohol Test. This test was run for 24 hours in room temperature conditions. The red data points are the fibers which were not epoxied. The blue data points are the fibers which were coated in BC-600. The epoxied fibers had a smaller change in fiber size, but also experienced their greatest change around the 75%-85% concentration.
Here is a photo of fiber 5 from the Epoxy Test 1. The fiber's cladding is noticeably damaged.
File:Epoxy Test 2.jpg
This is a plot of Epoxy Test 2, where the epoxied fibers rested for 5 days in room temperature water. Again, the epoxied fiber data is blue, and it is plotted against the non-epoxied red data. Here, the epoxied fibers actually had a greater change in fiber width than the non-epoxied fibers after the 70% mark.
After four days, photographs were taken of the fibers while still in their vials. The most of the fibers' epoxy were coming off as seen in the photograph above of fiber 8.
Here is the final photo of fiber 3. The cladding is extremely rippled, and the epoxy seems to be coming off on the right end.
Here is the final photo of fiber 5. The cladding here seems completely opaque.
File:Epoxy Test 3.jpg
In Epoxy Test 3, the epoxied fibers were placed in heated ethanol. They were placed in concentrations of 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, and 75% ethanol because these were the concentrations where the most severe damage occurred for the non-epoxied heated ethanol tests. The epoxied fibers of test 3 are represented in the plot above with large blue triangles, and the rest of the data, despite color, is from the previous heated alcohol tests. Here, as seen in Epoxy Test 2, the epoxied fibers had a greater change in fiber width than the non-epoxied fibers.
This is fiber 5 from Epoxy Test 3. The cladding here looks rippled, almost bubbly.
Here is fiber 10 from Epoxy Test 3. The cladding does not look anything like fiber 5. The epoxy on this fiber also appears to be peeling off at the ends.
This is a photograph of the vials from Epoxy Test 3 in order of their ethanol concentrations. The concentrations are as follows: 55%, 55%, 60%, 60%, 65%, 65%, 70%, 70%, 75%, 75%.

Strength Tests

In order to test the transverse strength of the fused bonds created with the splicing unit, fibers were fused and then broken in order to test their strength. The size of the fiber and the fused joints were measured and recorded as well as the mass that each fiber held on the fuse point before breaking.

Below is are links to the Google Spreadsheets of the raw data and graphs. It is interesting to note that, in the first test, the joints that expanded the most were also the joints that withstood the most transverse force. This may have been because the fibers that did not fuse successfully were the fibers that did not melt all of the way, and consequently did not fill up any extra space that may have been in the glass ferrule.

The expanded joints in the second test did NOT turn out to be good indicators of bond strength as I had previously thought.

Strength Test 1 (Completed April 4, 2013)

Strength Test 2 (Completed April 12, 2013)

Ferrule Measurements

In hopes of understanding the bulge in the spliced region of the fibers, the ferrules they are spliced in were photographed under a microscope and measured using a tracker program that allows for in-photo calibration and measurement. The ferrules were placed as perpendicular to the table as possible in order to get the most flat, head on shot of the ferrules. The error in the measurement of the angles was quite high. Moving the compass only a little bit (in the tracker program) lead to very different degrees read. Because of this I would estimate the angle to be off anywhere from +- 1-2 degrees. I would say that the lengths measured have an error on the order of +- .05-.1 mm

Measurement Photographs

Lab Journals / Research Progress

Ann Marie's Lab Journal

In the past I had kept my journal in a Google Document.

December 2012

January 2013

February 2013

Jonathan Kulakofsky's Lab Journal / Research Progress

January, 2013

February, 2013

March, 2013

April, 2013

Liana Hotte's Lab Journal / Research Progress

Jan 2013

Feb 2013

Mar 2013

Apr 2013

Aaron Carta's Lab Journal