Operation of CODA Run Control - Fall 2015

From UConn PAN
Revision as of 20:39, 3 November 2015 by Jonesrt (talk | contribs)
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A new VME crate has been loaned to us by JLab. This is a non-VXI crate, and it came with a single CAEN V792 integrating ADC module instead of the fADC250 that we were using for tests in 2013-2014. These changes have required us to go back to the start and reconfigure a CODA daq runtime that works with the fall 2015 setup. Some things have not changed relative to what is described in Procedure for Operation of CODA Run Control - Fall 2013.

  1. the ROC is still at (halldtrg5.phys.uconn.edu, also called guest2.phys.uconn.edu)