Observational Basis for Dark Matter

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Background Information on Dark Matter

Questions for the Web

Questions Sources with Possible Answers
1. How can we be sure dark matter exists?
  1. Gas Observations
  2. Galaxy Rotation Curves
  3. Gravitational Lensing
  4. Open/Expanding Universe
  5. Missing Mass

2. What are the possible candidates for the particles that actually make up dark matter?
  1. MACHOs, WIMPs
  2. Ordinary Matter
  3. Super-symmetric Particles
  4. Neutralinos
  5. Axions

3. What are the properties of WIMPs, and how can they be detected?
  1. The Neutralino
  2. WIMP Detection
  3. Direct Detection
  4. Solar WIMP Detection
  5. Antarctic Neutrino Detection
  6. Direct Detection Techniques

4. What ongoing research is being done to detect and experiment with dark matter?
  1. Axion research
  2. liquid Xenon research
  3. Science Papers
  4. Indirect Neutrino Detection
  5. MiniCLEAN Experiment

5. Where do we think all the super-symmetric particles are?
  1. Super-symmetric Particles
  2. Different SS Particles