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Created page with "''Monday, July 29:'' Worked with Ben to show him how to edit the Wiki. He's put pictures of painted fibers on the wiki, along with some tips for painting fibers. Worked on g..."
''Monday, July 29:'' Worked with Ben to show him how to edit the Wiki. He's put pictures of painted fibers on the wiki, along with some tips for painting fibers. Worked on getting the NetBooters working with LabVIEW. At the moment, I am able to access the webpage for each of the NetBooters, the serial port (in Hyper Terminal) works perfectly with each of them, but when I send code through LabVIEW and the serial port I am only able to communicate with the old NetBooter and neither of the new ones. I've written to Synaccess and gotten very little help back (wasn't expecting much) but the man I spoke with did suggest that I send an initialization command. I thought that LabVIEW did that on its own with the sub vi that I'm using, but maybe that was a bad assumption. I will keep reading the NetBooter manual and slinking through LabVIEW to see if I can find answers.

''Tuesday, July 30:''

''Wednesday, July 31:''

''Thursday, August 1:''

''Friday, August 2:''


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