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My work over the Spring 2009 semester can be categorized into four main topics:
My work over the Spring 2009 semester can be categorized into four main topics:
1. Final CAD Renderings of the Microscope Enclosure
2. Hands-on Training for the Operation of CNC Machines
'''1. Final CAD Renderings of the Microscope Enclosure'''
3. Training for and Investigation into Fiber Gluing Techniques
I define a "final" CAD file to be one that has both 3d and 2d views, and is fully-dimensioned to ANSI standards.  
4. "Frontiers of Undergraduate Research" Poster Presentation
A final CAD file is ready to be printed and submitted to the machine shop for manufacturing and construction.
This semester I finalized the following files:
a) Base Plate - for the base of the microscope enclosure.
b) Top Plate - for the top of the microscope enclosure.
c) New Gluing Apparatus - a collaborative project that I took charge of.
This image shows the skeleton framework of the microscope, with the base plate and top plate attached.
'''2. Training for the Operation of CNC Machines'''
I continued working closely with Alan Chasse in the UConn Physics Machine Shop, and together we machined and constructed the new gluing apparatus. We began work on the base plate, but by the end of the semester all of the necessary parts for this had yet to be obtained, so our CNC work was delayed. Plans for machining the top plate are in the works for as soon as the base plate is done.
Working with CNC machines is something that I have wanted to learn, so I really enjoyed getting to use them directly this semester. I hope to continue doing work like this for my project in the future.
The primary machine that I used was a Bridgeport Milling Machine.
'''3. Training for and Investigation into Fiber Gluing Techniques'''
Carl Nettleton left our lab group in February 2009, and I took over his portion of work for the GlueX project.
I completed three successful gluing sessions of fibers in February and March, and worked through all other aspects of the process as "practice runs" under Carl's supervision. I also completed the UConn Environmental Health and Safety class to work with and maintain the chemicals used in our lab.
The majority of my work with the fiber arrays this semester related to the design and fabrication of a new gluing apparatus. It is my hope (as well as my experienced prediction) that this apparatus, coupled with the new optical epoxy mixture, will produce results that are far superior to the previous method used for gluing the optical wave guides to the scintillators.
This is a CAD rendering of the new gluing apparatus that was designed and built this semester to accelerate the gluing process.
'''4. "Frontiers of Undergraduate Research" Poster Presentation'''
The "Frontiers" poster presentation took place on April 17th and 18th, but I began preparations for it in late January. I submitted a formal abstract of my project, which was subsequently accepted to participate in the event. All poster design was done electronically using Microsoft Publisher 2007, and the posters were printed on the new HP poster printer in our lab.
My poster specifically addressed the main points of my work thus far in the lab: My abstract, the underlying physics of the GlueX project, my work with TurboCad, my work with the optical fibers, and my increasing use of the CNC machines. It was a total success.  [ My poster can be found here].

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