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* Here are pictures of what the fiber should look like after each step [[Fiber Pictures]]
* Here are pictures of what the fiber should look like after each step [[Fiber Pictures]]
=== Gluing ===
== Gluing ==
The gluing process is on going, so there will be updates to this section.
* <u>Setup:</u>
** There is quite a bit to set up before you begin actually applying epoxy.  To start, make sure you have the following supplies:
*** Lab Gloves
*** Kim wipes
*** Digital scale
*** Acetone and Isopropanol 
*** A container to mix the epoxy, and a waist container
*** The resin and catalyst (or hardener) of the epoxy
*** A pipette with tip and dispensing pump
*** Tongue depressors
** Once you have collected all the necessary equipment you can begin setting up for gluing. First and foremost, PUT ON GLOVES. Now, take out several kim wipes and place them under the digital scale, the waist container, the resin and catalyst, and on anything that could have unwanted chemicals spilled on.  Set 3 or 4 tongue depressors, and 3 or 4 pipettes, off to the side of your workstation so that they are not in the way but easily accessible.  Pour some Acetone or Isopropanol in your waist container for quick cleaning.  Inspect all glassware make sure that they are completely clean.  If you find glassware that is not clean, clean it using Acetone and then wait at least 10 minutes before using the glassware.  Now that you are all set up you can begin gluing.
Here is a picture of all the new equipment that is required for the new application process.
[[Image:Pipette equip.JPG|thumb|center|Pipette equipment]]
* <u>Epoxy 20-3238</u>
** Weigh out your resin and catalyst, this is a MAJOR factor in the success of the experiment so take your time in mixing and getting the exact amounts of resin and catalyst (100 parts resin to 30 parts catalyst).
** Once you have the two components weighted out, mix them together.  The mixture should turn mildly opaque and become viscus. When the components are mixed completely, the mixture should turn clear and the viscosity should thin out a bit (becoming more like cooking oil in viscosity).
** There will be bubbles left in the mixture. To get rid of them, just let sit for about 10 or 15 minutes, for the bubbles to come to the surface.  Then gently pop the bubbles with a tongue depressor. Now since the pot life of epoxy is 40 to 45 minutes, you will have plenty of time to get rid of the bubbles.  [[Image:Setup Noepoxy.JPG|thumb|Fibers Setup Before Epoxy]]
** Once you have the mixed the epoxy, lay the fibers out in the apparatus how you want them to be glued together like in the picture seen to the left, click on the picture to get a better look at the fibers. Make sure that the ends of the fibers are clean and polished before applying the epoxy.  (Note: This can and should be done while you wait for the bubbles to escape from the epoxy. Also picture taken under microscope.)
** Now that you have the fibers set and ready to receive the epoxy, Take a clean pipette with a dispensing pump and apply a tip to the end of the pipette. (Note: It was not extremely easy to tell when a tip is completely attached to the end of the pipette, so practice before attempting this would be best.)  [[Image:Glued Fibers.JPG|thumb|left|Fibers After Epoxy]]
** With the tip on the pipette, get a small amount of the epoxy in the pipette, and then apply to the small gap between the two fibers. The final result should look like the picture seen to the right. Again click on the photo to see a bigger image.


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