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5 bytes removed ,  15:26, 17 April 2008
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Since the Dark Rate is the rate at which the SiPM avalanches, its value depends on 3 factors:  
Since the Dark Rate is the rate at which the SiPM avalanches, its value depends on 3 factors:  
1. The probability that an rogue electron would set off the SiPM at any one occurance
* The probability that an rogue electron would set off the SiPM at any one occurance
2. The Rate of Scattering, or the average amount of time that is required for an electron to impact a silicon nucleus, redistributing energy randomly among the two entities.  
* The Rate of Scattering, or the average amount of time that is required for an electron to impact a silicon nucleus, redistributing energy randomly among the two entities.  
3. The number of Silicon Nuclei in the detector
* The number of Silicon Nuclei in the detector
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1. The actual energy of electrons follow a poisson distribution, where a large number of electrons have very little amounts of energy while a miniscule number of electrons have a very large amount of energy.  
# The actual energy of electrons follow a poisson distribution, where a large number of electrons have very little amounts of energy while a miniscule number of electrons have a very large amount of energy.  
Therefore, the probability of the elections having a large amount of energy is
Therefore, the probability of the elections having a large amount of energy is
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2. The rate of scattering is a constant number that determines the average amount of time that is required for an electron to impact a silicon nucleus. It is dependent on two factors:  
# The rate of scattering is a constant number that determines the average amount of time that is required for an electron to impact a silicon nucleus. It is dependent on two factors:  
## The average speed of an electron
#* The average speed of an electron
## The average distance between 2 Silicon nuclei
#* The average distance between 2 Silicon nuclei
The electron travels at an average speed equal to the Fermi Velocity, where
The electron travels at an average speed equal to the Fermi Velocity, where


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