unusual detection efficiency on the part of the SiPM. For example, 10% efficiency
unusual detection efficiency on the part of the SiPM. For example, 10% efficiency
with the above number of photons still yields a signal of 130 photons. However,
with the above number of photons still yields a signal of 130 photons. However,
given that the scintillator ([http://www.detectors.saint-gobain.com/Media/Documents/S0000000000000001004/SGC%20Scintillating%20Optical%20Fibers%20Brochure%20605.pdf BCF-20])
given that the scintillator ([http://www.detectors.saint-gobain.com/Data/Element/Product/product.asp?ele_ch_id=P0000000000000001909 BCF-20])
has a finite decay time (2.7ns) the more photons are produced the more clearly resolved is the leading-edge time of the pulse.
has a finite decay time (2.7ns) the more photons are produced the more clearly resolved is the leading-edge time of the pulse.