Physics Meeting 1/6/2012

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The following is an update on amplitude fits with error bars now including the MC contribution. The effect of detector resolution on the uniform background wave is also shown.

Background wave and resolution

The following are plots of the invariant mass distribution of the resonance from disparate MC sets but they show well how detector resolution effects the strength of the uniform background wave. As a reminder, the generated data included 1-- and 2+- which are fitted here with blue and green points respectively.

Xfit hdg goodErr.gif Xfit perf-res matchedtracks.gif Xfit perf-res truth.gif
Basic fit of reconstructed data. Black points trace the uniform background After analysis of reconstruction data with appropriate cuts, thrown 4-vectors are matched to reconstructed tracks and the former are used for amplitude fits. Background is traced by the magenta line. After analysis of reconstruction data with appropriate cuts, thrown 4-vectors are kept and used for fits. Background is absent (on the scale of this plot.)

Current state of fits

Xfit hdg.gif


  • 1-- (fit) - blue points
  • 2+- (fit) - green points
  • uniform background (fit) - black points
  • other fitted false waves too small to see
  • combined intensity (fit) - red points