AMC July 1 - 28

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The past few months have been spent working with new students, getting them accustomed to the lab, and getting them into a project to work on. Some students were given one big task while others have had their hands in multiple projects. Some of the things that have been accomplished since the beginning of the summer include, but are not limited to:

  • Installing union in PVC and epoxying any leaks
  • Fixing the computer in 405
  • Hooking up new NetBooters
  • Testing LabView program
  • Painting one last bit of the dark box
  • Converting 3d drawings to 2d drawings for machinist
  • Redesigning the piping in 405 to accommodate the new heater and pump
  • Learning how to use the paint guns, coming up with a concrete method for painting fibers, making a dedicated painting station, and documenting painting trials.
  • Ordering new ferrules, and working with Wilmad-Labglass's representative to get a product that would be possible to manufacture while still meeting, or coming close to meeting, our needs.
  • Re-designing the LabVIEW program to be more efficient and to work with a new netbooter