Technical Note
The Radphi experiment took data during summer 2000 using the tagged photon beam line in Hall B at Jefferson Lab. The photon beam had an incoherent bremsstrahlung spectrum with an end-point of 5.65 GeV. The photon source was operated in two modes, the first with a thin radiator of approximately radiation lengths and 130 nA of electron beam current and the second with a thicker radiator and 77 nA. Both configurations correspond to an inclusive rate of /s in the tagging focal plane. The experimental trigger was based on a triple coincidence between three thin scintillator layers in the barrel detector referred to as the bsdAND . The range of interest in the beam spectrum was defined by a subset of the Hall B tagging counters subtending from 75% to 95% of the end-point energy. The electronic sum of the signals from these 19 counters called the taggerOR was combined in coincidence with the bsdAND to ensure that every trigger had a hit in at least one tagging counter within the tagging time window of 20 ns. Introduction of a veto from beam halo counters upstream of the detector, denoted the upvOR , completes the definition of the level-0 trigger as bsdAND taggerOR .
The upv veto was used to suppress interactions coming from scraping of the beam on material upstream of Radphi, and just served to gate off the experiment for 40 ns whenever a halo track was seen. The upvOR rate varied from 1.4 MHz near the beginning of the run down to around 400 KHz where it remained for the latter third of the run period, after the accelerator operators had improved the beam alignment. The effect of the upvOR veto on the experiment was simply to reduce the live time of the experiment by a factor of 2-5%. Its effects are ignored in the following analysis.