The next try
I again used Gaussian, elliptically symmetric with constant widths
and with center of gravity at the pole of ellipse. I also tried
the function proposed by Scott:
a linear combination of exponential and Gaussian,
parametrized according to sheared energy between them.
There was some improvement, but still not satisfactory.
There were always blocks where difference between MC data
and PSF was substantially larger then errors.
The failure to fit data with analytic function is probably
connected with the fact
that MC data are peaked at central block with usually one or
two blocks sharing most of the shower energy. I calculated shower size
from hits list, and got similar values as Scott got for cluster widths
for different energies and angles. However, sigmas from fits are still
1.5-2.5 smaller then cluster widths, and accidentally or not,
coincide with uncertainty in shower position.
This basically confirms that MC showers are not Gauss-like.
It can fit event by event both MC and real data. The package is build to
use PAW interface. However, it should be flexible enough to be used as stand alone
program. The concept it follows is:
- put data from an event into memory
- initialize starting values for E,X0,Y0 (the shower energy and center
in the LGD plane)
- take any additional parameters from data file
- fit, currently using just MIGRAD
- report
Comparing MC showers with single Gaussian,
, with
where r is the radial distance from the shower center,
L size of the block and E total shower energy.
The block energy error used to find
has been taken as
, with A=0.08,
while B has still to be determined.
is the energy of the block and
Gaussian at the center of the block.
The Gaussian width (sigma) in G(x,y) is fixed by choosing large error offset B,
in order to make all blocks equal during fitting (small errors make fitter
to adjust width for just one "relevant" block, the one with maximum energy).
Here is an example of fit for two different
initial widths:
Average fit value of the sigma from the above sample was 1.7.
When sigma is fixed, B is reduced to the size that gives reasonable Chi2
for 1.0 GeV showers (~ 1.) Here are the results for Sigma=1.7 and B=0.008:
To explore effects from center of block sampling we decide to use second
order correction to the integral across the block:
where r is again distance from the center of the block
to the center of the shower.
May 25, 2002
The importance of 2-nd order correction can be seen from following
When Gaussian width is lees then or comparable to the block half-size
2-nd order corrections are significant.
When this correction is taken into account the Gaussian width droped
to ~ 1.4 cm (fitted with large B). Then errors are set back to
A=0.08, B=0.01. Resulting fit widh fixed width independently on shower energy
looks little worse comparing to the previous case.
One might expect that if the shape of the showers is not the single Gaussian.
The more accurate we are in representing Gaussian the more inaccurate
we reproduce data. The last step in this (first step) study of MC showers
is to try two Gaussian function fixing one by one parameter
(Gauss+Exp function with 2-nd order corrections might be to complicating
to implement).
June 10, 2002
With integrated function used as PSF, radial width droped to ~1.1 cm.
The central blocks are fitted slightly better, but overall fit
did not change substantially (energy is stil biased to lower values).
For such a small width both zero and 2-nd order expansioan of the integral
differ from
A summary of this study of isolated clusters from MC resulted in
technical note
August 8, 2002
To check fitter on real data Richard generated large sample of isolated
clusters, with theta=(5, 10 , 15, 20, 25) and phi=12.
The first look at the shape of clusters with single Gaussian shows
that real photons are similar in shape to MC shower but with
larger radial width:
the first attempt ,
the second attempt .
August 19, 2002
Energy comparison between the fitter
(single Gaussian) and present clusterizer for 500 events.
Profile of Radial width as a function
of fitted energy from 500 events.
Present status
September 5, 2002
Isolated photons at 5 deg
Isolated photons at 10 deg
Isolated photons at 15 deg