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E.Chudakov: GLUEX


Cables affecting BCAL efficiency

A simple GEANT simulation was done in order to calculate the influence of the material in front of BCAL on the photon detection efficiency. The main concern at the moment is the influence of the FDC cables, located in a narrow slit between the FDC and BCAL. The setup is shown on this picture. The photon was considered to be detected if it released more than 90% of its energy in BCAL.

The results are shown here. The DC cables kill about 20% of low 20 MeV photons at small angles.

I simulated some hypothetical meson decays in order to find out the net loss inflicted by the cables on the detection efficiency. Two sets of data were simulated - without the cables and with the cables. The requirements for detection were:

The beam energy was simulated between 8 and 9 GeV. All the decays were simulated accordingly to their phase space. The following processes were tried (a binary reaction with dσ/dt=A*exp(5*t) assumed):
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Last updated: Jan 31, 2007