Electromagnetic Background Study for Hall D
Richard Jones
Elton Smith
started November 6, 1998
last entry November 6, 1998
During the FSU workshop, I offered to produce an estimate of the electromagnetic backgrounds in the Hall D detector. I thought this would be a good way I could contribute because I can build on what I have already done in a similar study for the Radphi detector. Here I outline what I had in mind to do, and let's discuss how that should be modified to best address the background issues for the CDR. Then I will produce the Monte Carlo data and post it in the form of an ntuple, with documentation, from which various groups can extract numbers. As a starting point, I pose the following questions.
Although answers to these questions come out roughly in that order, you have to know something about the answer to question 3 in order to get started. From our experience in Radphi, and I guess from common sense, I suggest that the background is almost entirely electromagnetic in origin, that comes from two sources of more or less equal importance: beam halo and target conversions. The Radphi study concentrated on beam halo. In this study we have to consider both sources. I propose the following simple simulation to get things started.
Something simple like this I could complete in two-three days, provided with the inputs listed above. Anything reasonable would suffice for a start, provided that it gets documented. I am willing to do the Monte Carlo. Would you or someone else in the detector group be willing to provide me these inputs in a form that could be posted for documentation purposes, i.e. reasonably self-contained?