C This is the control file for the GEANT simulation C Parameters defined in this file control the kind C and extent of simulation that is performed. The C full list of options is given in section base-40 C of the GEANT manual c The following two lines generate single-track events provided that c events.in does not contain an input file name starting in column 1. c The meaning of the arguments is as follows. c KINE ipart momentum theta phi delta_momentum delta_theta delta_phi c - ipart = GEANT particle type of primary track + 100 c - momentum = initial track momentum, central value (GeV/c) c - theta = initial track polar angle, central value (degrees) c - phi = initial track azimuthal angle, central value (degrees) c - delta_momentum = spread in initial track momentum, full width (GeV/c) c - delta_theta = spread in initial track polar angle, full width (degrees) c - delta_phi = spread in initial track azimuthal angle, full width (degrees) c SCAP vertex_x vertex_y vertex_z c - vertex_[x,y,z] = coordinates of primary vertex in MRS (cm) KINE 101 0.3 35. 0. 0. 0. 360. SCAP 0. 0. 1. c The following two lines generate electrons inside the bremsstrahlung c radiator. In conjunction with DIAGNOSE_BREMSSTRAHLUNG in gustep.F c this was used to simulate a full bremsstrahlung beam, resulting in c the following normalization for a tagged beam of 50M tags/s in the c tagging window from 4.37 to 5.36 GeV. c tagged rate on target: 44.7e6 c generated events per beam s: 3.92e9 c beam time per generated event: 0.255 ns c generated events per lgd gate: 494 c These average rates can be used to estimate how much background must c be added to the signal to obtain an accurate bg noise estimate in MC. cKINE 103 5.65 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. cSCAP 0. 0. -3996. c The following line controls the rate of background bremsstrahlung photons c that are overlayed on each event in the simulation, in addition to the c particles produced by the standard generation mechanism. This rate of c background production is applied for the duration of the ADC gate. A c value of 3.92 corresponds to nominal Radphi running conditions at a c tagged photon rate of 50MHz. To disable the generation of random c background, comment this line out or set the value to zero. Background c is not generated for one-track simulations that are produced using the c KINE c directive (see above). cBGRATE 3.92 c The following line controls the cutoffs for tracking of particles. c CUTS cutgam cutele cutneu cuthad cutmuo bcute bcutm dcute dcutm ppcutm tofmax c - cutgam = Cut for gammas (0.001 GeV) c - cutele = Cut for electrons (0.001 GeV) c - cutneu = Cut for neutral hadrons (0.01 GeV) c - cuthad = Cut for charged hadrons (0.01 GeV) c - cutmuo = Cut for muons (0.01 GeV) c - bcute = Cut for electron brems. (CUTGAM) c - bcutm = Cut for muon brems. (CUTGAM) c - dcute = Cut for electron delta-rays. (10 TeV) c - dcutm = Cut for muon delta-rays. (10 TeV) c - ppcutm = Cut for e+e- pairs by muons. (0.01 GeV) c - tofmax = Time of flight cut (1.E+10 sec) c - gcuts = 5 user words (0.) CUTS 1e-4 1e-4 1e-3 1e-3 1e-4 SWIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RNDM 116 ABAN 0 CKOV 1 LABS 1 TRIG DEBUG 1000 RUNG 9999 END