geo. version 1.1 0. 0. 0. 0.26 0.26 -2.0 2.0 -2.0 2.0 0. 2.62 2 8. 0.01 100. 6. 6. -38. 38. -38. 38. 3.0 3.8 2 0.05 0.02 .false. 50. ------------Everything below this line is a comment--------RTJ The format of the data records above is as follows, line-by-line. geover (char[]) : label indicating the version of this file xt,yt,zt (float) : coordinates of center of target upstream face sigxt,sigyt (float) : rms gaussian beam spot dimensions on target xlow,xhig (float) : cutoff limits for primary vertex position ylow,yhig (float) : ditto zlow,zhig (float) : coordinates of upstream,downstream target faces jspike,pfix,sigmap : three cases jspike=0 (int) : photon beam energy flat on [pmin,pmax] (see below) jspike=1 (int) : photon beam energy distributed as a Gaussian with pfix,sigmap (float) as mean and rms jspike=2 (int) : photon beam energy distributed according to a bremsstrahlung spectrum (histogram 9999) zglass (float) : unused holex,holey (float) : unused xgmin,xgmax (float) : unused ygmin,ygmax (float) : unused pmin,pmax (float) : limits of photon beam spectrum if jspike=0 (see above) mctype,statterm,floorterm : obsolete (leave these values as they are) donoise (boolean): unused barnoise (float) : unused