Radphi Work Days June 3-4, 2003

(notes taken by Richard.Turk.Johannes@uconnecticut.educate.adsl.athelos.com )
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT


The workday is a kind of extended internet meeting devoted to working on Radphi analysis and the NIM article. The general structure will be a sequence of working periods of a few hours interspersed by progress reports from various working groups. The following should be on the task list.
  1. Review status of the NIM article
  2. Extend the set of benchmark reactions
  3. Fix procedure to determine LGD resolution
  4. Fix procedure to calibrate BGV as calorimeter
  5. Examine new results from 2pi0 pwa
  6. Assign tasks to finalize NIM publication this summer

work plan

  1. People will come and go as they need to. The schedule of presentations and periods of common discussion will be posted.
  2. There will be a vrvs conference room open during the entire period for shared discussions. Small groups will meet there and then go off to other rooms or one-on-one sessions if it gets congested.
  3. People are encouraged to work on more than one topic. While none of the above tasks will probably be finished in two days, the more we get done the closer we are to our goal of a physics result.
  4. For each project a kind of online log book will be generated by the end of the workshop, so that the results will be preserved and allow the shared development to be carried on with less interaction.

post-meeting summary

Links to project web pages:

  1. status of NIM article (S. Teige)
  2. report from pass 0 calibration (D. Steiner, completed!)
  3. kinematic fitter (D. Krop)
  4. benchmark samples for known reactions (M. Kornicer)
  5. LGD resolution studies (M. Kornicer)
  6. 2pi0 partial wave analysis (D. Krop)
  7. tagger coincidence spectrum for earliest pixel in event (R. Jones) All events with at least two lgd clusters are included.
  8. pass 1 calibration of barrel detectors (D. Steiner)

[from D. Armstrong, June 4, 2003]

To interpret information about radiation damage to the lead glass, it would be helpful to know when during the 2000 run we boosted the voltages on the LGD.

[from C. Steffen, June 10, 2003]

It looks like someone saved out the config directory at the end of the run with the name config-8-2000. Under that directory, I see the directory lgd_hv, which has some .dat files that I suspect are the voltage changes for the LGD.

A listing of the .dat files in that directory that have time stamps in 2000:

-rw-r--r--   1 radphi   radphi      6180 May 22  2000 hv7200.dat
lrwxrwxrwx   1 radphi   radphi        10 May 22  2000 current_lgd_hv.dat ->
-rw-r--r--   1 radphi   radphi      6180 May 25  2000 lgd_hv_iter1.dat
-rw-r--r--   1 radphi   radphi      7840 May 25  2000 lgd_hv_iter2.dat
-rw-r--r--   1 radphi   radphi      7840 May 26  2000 lgd_hv_iter3.dat
-rw-r--r--   1 radphi   radphi       270 Jun 12  2000 tune_by_hand.dat~
-rw-r--r--   1 radphi   radphi       270 Jun 12  2000 boost_hole.dat~
-rw-r--r--   1 radphi   radphi       190 Jun 12  2000 tune_by_hand.dat
-rw-r--r--   1 radphi   radphi        80 Jun 12  2000 boost_hole.dat
I would interpret this to say that there was one set of voltages set on May 22, one on May 25, and then the voltages for most of the run were set on May 26. One change was made on June 12 to tune the voltages and boost the voltages of the modules right around the beam hole.

This page is maintained by Mihajlo Kornicer