This logbook is designated to follow the search for the interesting physics signals from the Radphi experiment, performed by the UConn group. The search should be the part of the prospectus for the M. Kornicer Ph.D. dissertation. The link to the paragraph of the ongoing NIM article related to the LGD resolution, that is going to be extracted from the tech-note is also given here.
The first signal to be considered is η' -> ωγ production in 4γ channel. There is also η' -> γγ reaction that can be seen in 2γ channel. The number of produced η' in 4γ channel from 2000 run is estimated to be 60,000, based on 0.2µb cross-section for the η' production on proton target. Corresponding number in 2γ channel is around 400,000. The details of estimate can be found here (PS). The acceptance is to be checked from MC simulation.
To answer this question I generated 600 events in η' -> ωγ, ω -> π° γ, channel and 4000 η' -> γγ channel. These numbers correspond to 1e6 events per µb.
η' -> ωγ simulation
η' -> γγ simulation
The main conclusion is that we need to use BGV to increase acceptance and probably the BSD and CPV more efficiently, before we analyze such weak signals.
The influence of these two methods can be seen by comparing photon multiplicity before and after they have been applied to η' -> ωγ reconstruction. In the 4γ channel the reconstruction efficiency is reduced from 26% to approximately 16%. The 5 and 6 multiplicities have been suppressed almost completely, however, some fraction of 4 and 3 clusters are transferred to lower multiplicities. As a result the number of 3 and 2 γ's is not changed significantly.
Acceptance of η' in the case of 2γ channel before and after cluster reclamation and fiducial cut. The mass before and after cluster reclaim and cleanup. It seems that acceptance improves because of cluster reclaim. The role of the fiducial cut on η' acceptance in the case o 2γ channel has yet to be determined.
I started with the forward-pixel difference, Δφ distribution.
From the flat portion of the Δφ distribution an estimate is that approximately 80% of the FULLY_CONTAINED_FORWARD events are in the real connection with the trigger. The bottom of the peak of the distribution is much wider then the pixel resolution because of Fermi motion and in-target scattering. This has to be compared to MC ω production.
More from MC ω production: invariant mass for different multiplicities.
Two reactions for this study have been proposed: γp -> p ω(π°γ) and γp -> p b1;(ωπ°). Fig. 1a shows photon multiplicity as a function of number of generated photons (nF) with polar angle defined by fiducial cut (4° = θ =25°), for b1 reaction. Fig. 1b shows photon multiplicity distribution after cluster reclamation has been applied, for the same reaction.
For training purposes, we decided to start with single-shower Monte Carlo and look at the cluster multiplicity. Single showers are generated into the first quadrant of the LGD with energy up to 5 GeV and polar angle from 5-25° approximately 15% of them are found to have 2 showers reconstructed
In the study of omega(3γ) events, we find that the Event utility is useful in analyzing the topology of split-offs. There are several types of events that we were able to identify. The first one that we call type 0 represents the well-reconstructed events that comprised 72±5% of total reconstructions. Examples of this kind of event are type 0a, type 0b and type 0c. In addition there are 4 different types of split-offs:
After studying events by Event display utility the idea to measure split-off probability by selecting isolated clusters is abandoned. The procedure involves choosing a window around the impact point of generated photons. By making a window to small the clusters from neighboring generated photons might be counted as splits. The split-offs occur up to the 15-16 cm from the impact point. By making a window to wide some parts of the detector are preferred more than others, which makes the split-off probability measure unreliable. This can be seen in the radial distribution of isolated generated photons with one (solid) and two (dot) showers inside the 20 cm window set by the impact point.
The qualitative analysis of events lead to the following proposal:
The analysis of the split-offs resulted in the design of new clusterizer at UConn.
The impact of this change on acceptance before and after the new generator has been applied was not huge!.
pTy distribution from MC without Fermi motion and corresponding ΔpTy. The measured pT distribution.
Accounting for yields from 2000 run.
It was proposed to look at energy-angle showers distribution to see is there any way to use 2-d cut to improve our ω signal
A 2D cut in E-Θ plane (distribution obtained by applying CP veto, π°γ selection and M(3γ) ≤0.4 GeV) is shown by two straight lines. The first line represents a low energy cut-off (0.15 GeV) while the other one goes through E-Θ points (0.1,7.0) - (0.5,4.0). After this cut a very nice ω signal was produced. It seems that this gives better signal than simple fiducial (6-24°) cut. Both fits in previous mass plots were performed with the Gaussian and 3-rd polynomial background. Here is the invariant mass comparison from two line cuts in E-Θ plane: black curve is from cut above (0.1,7.0) - (0.5,4.0) line, and the red one is with E≥0.15 GeV in addition.
A 2D cut revision with two cut-off regions defined by (0.1,7.0) - (0.5,4.0) line and Θ≥24°, Eγ<0.2 GeV box. Here is the resulting mass plot fit, compared to distribution obtained with fiducial cut (6,24) (dot line) Note: spectra were not tagged.
New BGD veto applied to 3γ gives 1,285,779 ω , compared to 526,506 previous use of bgveto.
In conclusion, we established a set of simple rules for a hit in the BGD to be included in the veto counting. The AND of the following conditions forms a valid non-recoil hit:
The following table gives ω yield from real data depending on the applied cut. Each cut represented in a column implies presence of previous cuts except for the 5-th column where πγ selection and fiducial cut are applied separately. Consequently, in the last column both of the cuts are used. The last row gives ratio of the height of the background at the 0.8 MeV and the Gaussian height.
Cut | Nrec=1 and CPveto | tagging | BGveto |
| E-θ |
Yield | 4,821,930 | 2,227,765 | |||
Background/peak | 0.52 | 0.56 | 0.35 |
0.25 |
Cut | nrec=1 and CPVeto | BGVeto | Yield | 723,948 | 517,288 |
Background/peak | 0.84 | 0.61 |
The number of tagged neutral fully contained forward produced ω (1.5M) is factor of 2.5 less than what we would expect based on the known cross-section. Efficiency corrections to the ω yield from various sources:
Cross sections for ω production depending on energy:
Energy [GeV] | average | 4.7 | 5.8 | 8.2 |
σ [µb] | 2.7 | 2.9+-0.4 | 2.3+-0.4 | 2.0+-0.3 |
Yield [M] | 4.37 | 4.69 | 3.72 | 3.23 |
BSD pixel efficiency
Summary of the accounting for ω production in Radphi:
φ yield (Gaaussian background)
σ [µb] | 0.4 |
branching ratio | 0.0051 |
MC acceptance | 0.12 |
tagging efficiency | 0.95 ± 0.01 |
CP veto randoms | 0.68 ± 0.01 |
target-beam overlap | 0.94 ± 0.005 |
BSD efficiency | 0.70 ± 0.03 |
expected yield | 10K |
The sample without π° (m2(1)>0.2 GeV): m2 all pairs, mN vs m2 scater plot, and m2 after 0.9<M(3γ)<1.1 cut.
Tagged distributions of m2 vs M(3γ) for each pair ordered by its mass. The second row is corresponding projection onto m2 axis.
box plot, color plot m2,m3 and m2+m3. eta selection
Tagging issues:
Recoil - Forward φ difference for ω production:
pTy distributions
Both pTy and Δφ are fitted with 2 parameters, one corresponding to difrctive ω distribution from MC and the other one correspondign to Δ distributions. Δ°(π- p) and Δ+(π+ n) are included in the fit by fixing their contributions according to their relative acceptances estimated in MC.
Cuts to obtain tagged t-distribution: Nbgv=0, Low E-theta cut, π°γ selection, and E(3γ)>(E0 - 300 MeV).
t-dependence | Signal |
t distribution corrected by MC acceptance | look at dashed line |
t-dependence | Signal in t-bins | ||||||||
ω yield as a function of t | 0.0 < t < 0.1 | 0.1 < t < 0.2 | 0.2 < t < 0.3 | 0.3 < t < 0.4 | 0.4 < t < 0.5 | 0.5 < t < 0.6 | 0.6 < t < 0.7 | 0.7 < t < 0.8 | 0.8 < t < 0.9 |