Fraction of Bremsstrahlung beam on RadPhi target as a function of beam center offset from target (Read "Collimator" as "target" and "Fraction transm." as "Fraction on target".) E0 = 5.65 GeV Target size: 25.4 mm at 40800 mm Target half-angle = 0.311 mr = 3.442*(Theta_crit at 5.65 GeV) Offset steps = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 mm (For 13 mm, the beam center is off the target, and the calculation fails for reasons I have not yet debugged.) E0 = 5.65 GeV k/E0 = 0.95 E0 Collim. Collim. k*dN/dk Fraction Circ.Pol. (GeV) radius offset per RL transm. /ThCr /Rcoll transm. 5.650 3.442 0.000 0.85719 0.89306 0.99663 5.650 3.442 0.079 0.85619 0.89201 0.99663 5.650 3.442 0.157 0.85307 0.88877 0.99663 5.650 3.442 0.236 0.84779 0.88327 0.99663 5.650 3.442 0.315 0.83944 0.87456 0.99663 5.650 3.442 0.394 0.82789 0.86253 0.99664 5.650 3.442 0.472 0.81150 0.84546 0.99664 5.650 3.442 0.551 0.78908 0.82210 0.99664 5.650 3.442 0.630 0.75811 0.78983 0.99664 5.650 3.442 0.709 0.71455 0.74444 0.99663 5.650 3.442 0.787 0.65550 0.68293 0.99660 5.650 3.442 0.866 0.57478 0.59883 0.99658 5.650 3.442 0.945 0.47560 0.49550 0.99657 5.650 3.442 1.024 nan nan nan k/E0 = 0.90 E0 Collim. Collim. k*dN/dk Fraction Circ.Pol. (GeV) radius offset per RL transm. /ThCr /Rcoll transm. 5.650 3.442 0.000 0.85172 0.88175 0.98611 5.650 3.442 0.079 0.85067 0.88067 0.98611 5.650 3.442 0.157 0.84743 0.87732 0.98611 5.650 3.442 0.236 0.84195 0.87165 0.98612 5.650 3.442 0.315 0.83333 0.86272 0.98614 5.650 3.442 0.394 0.82149 0.85047 0.98615 5.650 3.442 0.472 0.80483 0.83321 0.98616 5.650 3.442 0.551 0.78223 0.80982 0.98617 5.650 3.442 0.630 0.75130 0.77779 0.98615 5.650 3.442 0.709 0.70818 0.73316 0.98610 5.650 3.442 0.787 0.65010 0.67303 0.98602 5.650 3.442 0.866 0.57088 0.59102 0.98592 5.650 3.442 0.945 0.47333 0.49002 0.98589 5.650 3.442 1.024 nan nan nan k/E0 = 0.80 E0 Collim. Collim. k*dN/dk Fraction Circ.Pol. (GeV) radius offset per RL transm. /ThCr /Rcoll transm. 5.650 3.442 0.000 0.82253 0.86863 0.94197 5.650 3.442 0.079 0.82149 0.86753 0.94198 5.650 3.442 0.157 0.81826 0.86411 0.94200 5.650 3.442 0.236 0.81282 0.85837 0.94203 5.650 3.442 0.315 0.80428 0.84935 0.94208 5.650 3.442 0.394 0.79263 0.83705 0.94212 5.650 3.442 0.472 0.77633 0.81984 0.94216 5.650 3.442 0.551 0.75442 0.79670 0.94217 5.650 3.442 0.630 0.72468 0.76529 0.94213 5.650 3.442 0.709 0.68355 0.72186 0.94196 5.650 3.442 0.787 0.62836 0.66357 0.94166 5.650 3.442 0.866 0.55287 0.58386 0.94131 5.650 3.442 0.945 0.45904 0.48477 0.94122 5.650 3.442 1.024 nan nan nan k/E0 = 0.50 E0 Collim. Collim. k*dN/dk Fraction Circ.Pol. (GeV) radius offset per RL transm. /ThCr /Rcoll transm. 5.650 3.442 0.000 0.82616 0.84590 0.63823 5.650 3.442 0.079 0.82505 0.84476 0.63824 5.650 3.442 0.157 0.82162 0.84125 0.63829 5.650 3.442 0.236 0.81588 0.83537 0.63837 5.650 3.442 0.315 0.80693 0.82620 0.63847 5.650 3.442 0.394 0.79483 0.81382 0.63858 5.650 3.442 0.472 0.77815 0.79674 0.63867 5.650 3.442 0.551 0.75609 0.77415 0.63870 5.650 3.442 0.630 0.72670 0.74406 0.63858 5.650 3.442 0.709 0.68676 0.70316 0.63818 5.650 3.442 0.787 0.63355 0.64869 0.63745 5.650 3.442 0.866 0.55990 0.57328 0.63660 5.650 3.442 0.945 0.46565 0.47678 0.63636 5.650 3.442 1.024 nan nan nan k/e0 = 0.20 E0 Collim. Collim. k*dN/dk Fraction Circ.Pol. (GeV) radius offset per RL transm. /ThCr /Rcoll transm. 5.650 3.442 0.000 0.99261 0.83496 0.22943 5.650 3.442 0.079 0.99124 0.83380 0.22944 5.650 3.442 0.157 0.98700 0.83023 0.22945 5.650 3.442 0.236 0.97991 0.82427 0.22947 5.650 3.442 0.315 0.96891 0.81502 0.22950 5.650 3.442 0.394 0.95413 0.80258 0.22953 5.650 3.442 0.472 0.93387 0.78555 0.22956 5.650 3.442 0.551 0.90732 0.76321 0.22957 5.650 3.442 0.630 0.87231 0.73376 0.22953 5.650 3.442 0.709 0.82521 0.69414 0.22942 5.650 3.442 0.787 0.76273 0.64158 0.22921 5.650 3.442 0.866 0.67562 0.56831 0.22897 5.650 3.442 0.945 0.56229 0.47298 0.22891 5.650 3.442 1.024 nan nan nan