Collaboration Meeting: Physics Analysis Kickoff

September 30, 2000
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT

(list of participants)

Objectives: We should accomplish at least the following three things at this meeting: (a) bring each other up to date on what we are doing and get input on how to proceed, (b) lay out a road map for how to complete this analysis, with specific goals for the next three months, and (c) work out a plan for the sharing of computer resources to optimize the speed of the analysis and avoid duplication of effort. Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm on Saturday, Sept 30.

Place: Physics 121 conference room. The Physics building is one wing of the Gant Science complex which is shaped like a U. Physics is the bottom of the U. There is a clickable campus map available on the web. Unfortunately if you print it out, the printout is not clickable.

Parking: Across the street facing the Physics building is a parking garage. They do charge on Saturdays. Staff Lot 9 (see map above) is free and mostly empty on Saturdays.

Directions: Driving directions from the airport can be found here. The Best Western Inn is located about 7 miles south of campus on Rte 195. You will find out that Rte 195 is the Big Road around here, with one lane in each direction (even on bridges). To find the Best Western just follow the directions to campus, but then instead of turning into campus at the white-steepled church, continue straight through Storrs down 195 until you see the Best Western on your right. In case of any problems, call me either at work (860)486-3512 or home 429-1343. Saturday morning you should enter the Physics building from the south end (above picture is looking south) which I have requested to be left unlocked 8:00 - 5:00 Saturday. The first floor is up one flight of stairs.

Schedule: The following is a broad outline, meant to more as a guide than a schedule. Some talks will include results to be shown, others will be informal reports of work in progress.

  1. Reports on work in progress
    1. R. Jones: Welcome
    2. E. Smith: Tagger timing and other W.I.P.
    3. D. Steiner: Calorimeter calibration
    4. D. Armstrong: Work in progress
    5. P. Rubin: call planned for 10:00(EST)
    6. G. Rogachev: Work planned or in progress
    7. S. Teige: Kinematic fitting
    8. C. Steffen: BSD timing and other W.I.P.
    9. M. Kornicer: BSD pulse height calibration
    10. R. Jones: Monte Carlo and Event Display
  2. Road map
    1. definition of what we think will be our first "result"
    2. definition of critical path to first result
    3. milestones for next three months
  3. Computer resources
    1. S. Teige: I.U. cluster
    2. R. Jones: UConn cluster
    3. working groups:
      • new accounts on clusters
      • site-dependent issues
      • central archive of data file storage
      • any open questions from meeting
  4. Set future meeting schedule
    1. more frequent meetings?
    2. try teleconferencing?
    3. next gathered meeting