Compton Polarimeter Simulation for Qweak ---------------------------------------- - R.T. Jones, Univ of Connecticut (Qweak maintainer) - D. Gaskell, JLab (Hall C modifications) - Pat Welch, Univ of Oregon (original author) I. Simulation Overview This simulation contains the setup for a Compton chicane and detectors for a Compton backscatter polarimeter. It is based on the CERNLIB package Geant3. In addition to Compton scattering, the simulation is able to produce backgrounds from beam-gas interactions, beam halo interactions in the chicane elements, synchrotron radiation in the chicane dipoles, and gammas from a radioactive source used for continuous calibration. The parameters for the simulation are set in, an ASCII input file that is the standard way that Geant3 obtains its settings. In addition to the standard Geant controls in, a custom set of keys have been defined to set up specific aspects of the polarimeter. A. bremsstrahlung (interactions between primary beam and residual gas) B. backscatter (Compton scattering between laser and primary beam) C. beam halo (tails of the electron beam that sometimes scrape) D. synchrotron (radiation from primary beam in dipoles) E. source lines (radioactive source for continuous calibration) The above five basic simulation modes can be individually turned on/off using the TYPE line. In principle they are independent and can be generated together or in separate runs. However one thing to keep in mind is that when bremsstrahlung is turned on, the beam pipes are filled with background gas (H2 at present) at STP instead of the usual vacuum. This is done in order to obtain reasonable bremsstrahlung rates, but can interfere with the simulation of other processes, eg. synchrotron radiation. As a result it is recommended that bremsstrahlung simulations be carried out in separate runs from the other processes. II. Electron Beam The electron beam is described by a Gaussian core surrounded by a diffuse halo with a power-law radial and angulr dependence. The core Gaussian is described by the beam emittance, beta and radius (independent in x and y) at the entrance to the chicane. This generation is done in genbeam(). The halo is produced in genhalo(). III. Output The output from the simulation is provided in the form of hbook ntuples. These ntuples can be interpreted using paw, to produce histograms of the results. Separate ntuples are produced for each of the above 5 simulation modes. The ntuple titles indicate the mode that produced them. Each ntuple cotains the following information. A. vertx(1..3) - vertex origin of primary track (cm) B. vertp(1..3) - vertex momentum of primary track (cm) C. Egamma - total energy deposited in gamma detector (GeV) D. nstrips - total number of microstrips hit in electron detector E. strip(1..nstrips) - index of microstrip i, closest to beam =1 F. Estrip(1..nstrips) - energy deposited in microstrip i (GeV) G. wXSect - cross section weight factor (see next section) H. wLumin - cross section weight factor (see next section) I. apower - polarization asymmetry for this process IV. Normalization The backscatter simulation produces one Compton gamma per event. This is artificial in the sense that you get the same number of backscatters no matter how intense the laser and beam are, or the quality of the alignment. This is done to obtain adequate simulation efficiency, and is turned into actual rates by the use of weight factors. The power of this technique is demonstrated by the diversity of information that can be extracted from the same data set by using different combinations of weights. In the output each event is provided with 3 weight factors. A. cross section weight (wXSect) B. luminosity weight (wLumin) C. polarization asymmetry (apower) The generator produces Compton scattering with a uniform angular distribution in the cm frame; to correct for the Compton differential cross section you have to weight the events with wXSect. Plots of simulation variables with this weight will show results in units of barns. Furthemore, weighting them with an additional factor of wLumin/N will show rates in 1/s, where N is the number of events in the simulation. In this way, running more simulation events improves the statistical quality of the results but not the mean. To obtain the difference between the rates with opposite beam polarization, an additional factor of apower*p should be used in the weight, where p is the product of the electron and laser beam polarization. For background processes, where the production obeys the physical cross section, the factor wXSect is unity and the wLumin factor carries the correction necessary to convert counts to rates. In general the apower for background processes is zero. V. Beam-Laser Intersection The luminosity of the beam-laser crossing has to be calculated by the Monte Carlo because it is a numerical integral for the general case. The transverse size of the backscatter source is set by the beam radius at the interaction point. The longitudinal position of the backscatter vertex is generated uniformly in a z-interval that is supplied by the user as input (see line BACKSCATTER in and it should be verified for any given geometry of the laser and beam that the z-interval is long enough to contain the entire crossing zone. This can be checked by plotting vertx(3) from a Compton backscatter ntuple. After the event vertex is generated, it is rotated into the frame of the laser and the laser intensity is sampled. This flux becomes a factor in the event luminosity weight wLumin. The laser profile is specified as a cylindrical Gaussian with a Raleigh range (called beta in the code) and waist size (called sigma in the code). These parameters together with the crossing angle and the coordinates of the focus are specified in on a line beginning LASER. The laser spectral line width is also supplied. To generate the scattering event, the incident angles are calculated from directions sampled from the laser and electron beam distributions. The cm scattered angle is then generated on cos(theta) ~ Unif[-1,1] and the event transformed back to the lab frame. The differential cross section d[sigma]/d[Omega] is supplied as a weight factor wXSect for the event. The Compton cross section is actually calculated as d[sigma]/d[kf] (see Compton.F) so the weight actually needs to contain an extra factor of d[kf]/d[Omega]. At the same time as the backscattered gamma is generated, a recoil electron track is also produced that will be bent by the chicane and perhaps end up hitting the electron counter. Note that the backscatter simulation does not actually follow the electron from the start of the chicane up to the Compton vertex, but simply produces both gamma and recoil electron at the interaction point. This is the only part that is relevant in backscatter mode. In other modes such as bremsstrahlung and synchrotron radiation, electrons are tracked from the beginning of the chicane. VI. Detector Response The response of the detector to energy deposited in it is not a part of this simulation. It should be included as a part of the subsequent analysis of the ntuple results. This way one can study the effects of changes in the detector response without the expense of having to repeat the entire simulation. response VII. Building Executables In directory wherein lies this README, locate the Makefile. Open it in an editor and check that the declarations of CERN_ROOT is correct for your environment. Below this are a number of sections for various unix flavors that try to set up the compiler switches appropriate to your machine. If there are problems on the next step, go back and look at the section that applies to your environment and make the necessary changes. To build the executables, simply type the following commands. A. make compton B. make compton++ The first is the standard batch version of Geant and the second is the interactive version. When you start up the interactive version, instead of providing the index 1 for the display number, try typing the letter m. This will start up the windowing interface that is like paw++, with Geant extensions. This environment is useful for making plots and drawing pictures of the geometry. VIII. Directory Listing main.F standard Geant3 main program uginit.F standard Geant3 initialization ugffgo.F defines Compton data cards, reads from uglast.F standard Geant3 finalization ugeom.F master materials+media+geometry file ugmate.F define materials ugstmed.F stub interface to gstmed() ugsvert.F stub interface to gsvert() ugsvolu.F stub interface to gsvolu() define_cave.F defines master volume define_detector.F defines detector geometry define_lattice.F defines chicane geometry define_vacuum.F defines beam pipe and exit port gukine.F generates electron events and calls do_compton for backscatter genbeam.F generates position and momentum of electron in the beam core genhalo.F generates position and momentum of electron in the beam halo do_compton.F generates Compton backscatter, luminosity and weight factors compton.F computes Compton cross section and asymmetry gutrev.F standard Geant event tracking ugskine.F stub interface to gskine() gustep.F registers hits in detector gufld.F uniform fields for dipoles gudigi.F generates response in detector gxcs.F fix for geant++ gxint321.F main interactive program histo_init.F initialize histograms for output trig.F provides trig functions that work in degrees materials.database ASCII file containing description of materials data cards that control a run (see file for documentation) constants related to particles and materials header file for functions in trig.F settings for tracking media main collection of customizable simulation settings