* * HDDSgeant3 - fortran geometry definition package * for the Hall D experiment. * * WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE * * This file was generated automatically from the * HDDS xml geometry definition by the hdds-geant * translator. Any changes made to this file will * disappear as soon as it is regenerated from the * xml source. To introduce Geant3 optimizations, * see the subroutine Goptimize() in goptimize.F. * subroutine HDDSgeant3 implicit none integer imate character*20 chnama,namate real a,z,dens,radl,absl,ubuf(99) integer nwbuf real amat(99),zmat(99),wmat(99) integer nlmat integer itmed character*20 natmed integer nmat,isvol,ifield real fieldm,tmaxfd,stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin character*4 chname,chshap,chmoth integer nmed,npar,ivolu real par(99) integer irot real theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3 integer nr,ndiv,iaxis,numed,ndvmax real step,c0 real x,y character*4 chonly imate = 2 chnama = 'Hydrogen' a = 1.00797 z = 1 dens = 8.38e-05 radl = 731265 absl = 606205 nwbuf = 0 call gsmate(imate,chnama,a,z,dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) imate = 3 chnama = 'Oxygen' a = 15.9995 z = 8 dens = 0.00133 radl = 25744.4 absl = 68421.1 nwbuf = 0 call gsmate(imate,chnama,a,z,dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) imate = 4 chnama = 'Aluminum' a = 26.9815 z = 13 dens = 2.7 radl = 8.89259 absl = 39.4074 nwbuf = 0 call gsmate(imate,chnama,a,z,dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) imate = 5 namate = 'Calcium' a = 40.08 z = 20 dens = 1.55 nlmat = 1 wmat(1) = 1 call gsmixt(imate,namate,a,z,dens,nlmat,wmat) imate = 6 chnama = 'Silicon' a = 28.086 z = 14 dens = 2.33 radl = 9.36481 absl = 45.4936 nwbuf = 0 call gsmate(imate,chnama,a,z,dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) imate = 7 chnama = 'Iron' a = 55.847 z = 26 dens = 7.87 radl = 1.75858 absl = 16.7598 nwbuf = 0 call gsmate(imate,chnama,a,z,dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) imate = 1 namate = 'Concrete' wmat(1) = 0.004 call gfmate(2,chnama,amat(1),zmat(1),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) wmat(2) = 0.509 call gfmate(3,chnama,amat(2),zmat(2),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) wmat(3) = 0.034 call gfmate(4,chnama,amat(3),zmat(3),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) wmat(4) = 0.07 call gfmate(5,chnama,amat(4),zmat(4),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) wmat(5) = 0.345 call gfmate(6,chnama,amat(5),zmat(5),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) wmat(6) = 0.038 call gfmate(7,chnama,amat(6),zmat(6),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) dens = 2.35 nlmat = 6 call gsmixt(imate,namate,amat,zmat,dens,nlmat,wmat) itmed = 1 natmed = 'HILL Concrete' nmat = 1 isvol = 0 ifield = 0 fieldm = 0 tmaxfd = 0 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'HILL' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 1 npar = 3 par(1) = 2500 par(2) = 2500 par(3) = 5000 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.1) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' imate = 9 chnama = 'Nitrogen' a = 14.0067 z = 7 dens = 0.00116 radl = 32750 absl = 75689.7 nwbuf = 0 call gsmate(imate,chnama,a,z,dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) imate = 10 chnama = 'Argon' a = 39.948 z = 18 dens = 0.00166 radl = 11777.1 absl = 70602.4 nwbuf = 0 call gsmate(imate,chnama,a,z,dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) imate = 8 namate = 'Air' wmat(1) = 0.7494 call gfmate(9,chnama,amat(1),zmat(1),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) wmat(2) = 0.2369 call gfmate(3,chnama,amat(2),zmat(2),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) wmat(3) = 0.0129 call gfmate(10,chnama,amat(3),zmat(3),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) wmat(4) = 0.0008 call gfmate(2,chnama,amat(4),zmat(4),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) dens = 0.001214 nlmat = 4 call gsmixt(imate,namate,amat,zmat,dens,nlmat,wmat) itmed = 2 natmed = 'AREA Air' nmat = 8 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'AREA' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 2 npar = 3 par(1) = 375 par(2) = 225 par(3) = 1313 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.2) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'AREA' nr = 1 chmoth = 'HILL' x = -75 y = 45 z = 1213 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) imate = 12 chnama = 'Helium' a = 4.0026 z = 2 dens = 0.000166 radl = 568193 absl = 392169 nwbuf = 0 call gsmate(imate,chnama,a,z,dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) imate = 11 namate = 'TaggerVacuum' wmat(1) = 0.99 call gfmate(8,chnama,amat(1),zmat(1),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) wmat(2) = 0.01 call gfmate(12,chnama,amat(2),zmat(2),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) dens = 1.214e-10 nlmat = 2 call gsmixt(imate,namate,amat,zmat,dens,nlmat,wmat) itmed = 3 natmed = 'GONI TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'GONI' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 3 npar = 3 par(1) = 30 par(2) = 30 par(3) = 30 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.3) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'GONI' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 75 y = -45 z = -1213 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 4 natmed = 'GOBX Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'GOBX' chshap = 'PGON' nmed = 4 npar = 10 par(1) = -45 par(2) = 360 par(3) = 4 par(4) = 2 par(5) = -30 par(6) = 29.4 par(7) = 30 par(8) = 30 par(9) = 29.4 par(10) = 30 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.4) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'GOBX' nr = 1 chmoth = 'GONI' x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 5 natmed = 'GOBE Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'GOBE' chshap = 'PGON' nmed = 5 npar = 10 par(1) = -45 par(2) = 360 par(3) = 4 par(4) = 2 par(5) = -0.3 par(6) = 2 par(7) = 30 par(8) = 0.3 par(9) = 2 par(10) = 30 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.5) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'GOBE' nr = 1 chmoth = 'GONI' x = 0 y = 0 z = -29.7 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) chname = 'GOBE' nr = 2 chmoth = 'GONI' x = 0 y = 0 z = 29.7 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) imate = 13 chnama = 'Carbon' a = 12.011 z = 6 dens = 2.265 radl = 18.8521 absl = 38.1015 nwbuf = 0 call gsmate(imate,chnama,a,z,dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) itmed = 6 natmed = 'XTAL Carbon' nmat = 13 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'XTAL' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 6 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.25 par(2) = 0.25 par(3) = 0.001 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.6) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'XTAL' nr = 1 chmoth = 'GONI' x = 0 y = 0 z = 0.001 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 7 natmed = 'XFRA Aluminum' nmat = 4 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'XFRA' chshap = 'PGON' nmed = 7 npar = 10 par(1) = -45 par(2) = 360 par(3) = 4 par(4) = 2 par(5) = 0 par(6) = 0.75 par(7) = 1.5 par(8) = 0.3 par(9) = 0.75 par(10) = 1.5 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.7) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'XFRA' nr = 1 chmoth = 'GONI' x = 0 y = 0 z = 0.001 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 8 natmed = 'QUAV TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 0.1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'QUAV' chshap = 'TUBE' nmed = 8 npar = 3 par(1) = 0 par(2) = 1.9 par(3) = 137.1 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.8) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'QUAV' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 75 y = -45 z = -1046.98 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 9 natmed = 'QUAP Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 0.1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'QUAP' chshap = 'TUBE' nmed = 9 npar = 3 par(1) = 1.75 par(2) = 1.9 par(3) = 137 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.9) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'QUAP' nr = 1 chmoth = 'QUAV' x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 10 natmed = 'QUAD Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'QUAD' chshap = 'TUBE' nmed = 10 npar = 3 par(1) = 2 par(2) = 12 par(3) = 30 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.10) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'QUAD' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 75 y = -45 z = -1061.98 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 11 natmed = 'SHOE Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'SHOE' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 11 npar = 3 par(1) = 22.5 par(2) = 10.5 par(3) = 153.231 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.11) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 1 theta1 = 84.1 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 5.9 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'SHOE' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 64.8154 y = -33 z = -757.49 irot = 1 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 2 theta1 = 84.1 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 5.9 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'SHOE' nr = 2 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 64.8154 y = -57 z = -757.49 irot = 2 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 12 natmed = 'YOK1 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'YOK1' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 12 npar = 3 par(1) = 24 par(2) = 22.5 par(3) = 153.231 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.12) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 3 theta1 = 84.1 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 5.9 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'YOK1' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 126.984 y = -45 z = -751.065 irot = 3 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 13 natmed = 'YOKC Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'YOKC' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 13 npar = 3 par(1) = 54.5 par(2) = 24 par(3) = 153.231 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.13) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 4 theta1 = 84.1 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 5.9 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'YOKC' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 96.6459 y = 1.5 z = -754.201 irot = 4 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 5 theta1 = 84.1 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 5.9 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'YOKC' nr = 2 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 96.6459 y = -91.5 z = -754.201 irot = 5 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 6 theta1 = 83.208 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 6.792 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'SHOE' nr = 3 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 17.443 y = -33 z = -409.697 irot = 6 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 7 theta1 = 83.208 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 6.792 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'SHOE' nr = 4 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 17.443 y = -57 z = -409.697 irot = 7 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 14 natmed = 'YOK2 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'YOK2' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 14 npar = 3 par(1) = 24 par(2) = 22.5 par(3) = 153.231 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.14) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 8 theta1 = 83.208 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 6.792 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'YOK2' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 79.5044 y = -45 z = -402.305 irot = 8 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 15 natmed = 'PXHO TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'PXHO' chshap = 'TUBE' nmed = 15 npar = 3 par(1) = 0 par(2) = 1.5 par(3) = 154.5 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.15) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 9 theta1 = 96.79 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 6.79 phi3 = 0 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'PXHO' nr = 1 chmoth = 'YOK2' x = -4.536 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 9 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 10 theta1 = 83.208 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 6.792 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'YOKC' nr = 3 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 49.2184 y = 1.5 z = -405.913 irot = 10 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 11 theta1 = 83.208 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 6.792 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'YOKC' nr = 4 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 49.2184 y = -91.5 z = -405.913 irot = 11 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 16 natmed = 'VBS1 TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBS1' chshap = 'TRAP' nmed = 16 npar = 11 par(1) = 148.743 par(2) = 7.35 par(3) = 180 par(4) = 3.8 par(5) = 38.7425 par(6) = 38.7425 par(7) = 0 par(8) = 3.8 par(9) = 52.5245 par(10) = 52.5245 par(11) = 0 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.16) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBS1' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 46.663 y = -45 z = -761.743 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 17 natmed = 'VBF1 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBF1' chshap = 'TRAP' nmed = 17 npar = 11 par(1) = 148.743 par(2) = 7.35 par(3) = 180 par(4) = 0.5 par(5) = 38.7425 par(6) = 38.7425 par(7) = 0 par(8) = 0.5 par(9) = 52.5245 par(10) = 52.5245 par(11) = 0 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.17) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBF1' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS1' x = 0 y = -3.3 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) chname = 'VBF1' nr = 2 chmoth = 'VBS1' x = 0 y = 3.3 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 18 natmed = 'VBB1 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBB1' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 18 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 149.25 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.18) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 12 theta1 = 85.27 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 4.73 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'VBB1' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS1' x = 45.133 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 12 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 19 natmed = 'VBE1 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBE1' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 19 npar = 3 par(1) = 38.7425 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 0.5 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.19) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBE1' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS1' x = 19.187 y = 0 z = -148.242 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 20 natmed = 'VBX1 TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBX1' chshap = 'TUBE' nmed = 20 npar = 3 par(1) = 0 par(2) = 1.5 par(3) = 0.525 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.20) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBX1' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBE1' x = 9.149 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 21 natmed = 'VBW1 Aluminum' nmat = 4 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBW1' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 21 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.05 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 151.011 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.21) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 13 theta1 = 80.06 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.94 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'VBW1' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS1' x = -45.334 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 13 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 22 natmed = 'VBS2 TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBS2' chshap = 'TRAP' nmed = 22 npar = 11 par(1) = 180 par(2) = 8.15 par(3) = 180 par(4) = 3.8 par(5) = 44.0245 par(6) = 44.0245 par(7) = 0 par(8) = 3.8 par(9) = 55.583 par(10) = 55.583 par(11) = 0 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.22) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBS2' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = -6.804 y = -45 z = -433 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 23 natmed = 'VBF2 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBF2' chshap = 'TRAP' nmed = 23 npar = 11 par(1) = 180 par(2) = 8.15 par(3) = 180 par(4) = 0.5 par(5) = 44.0245 par(6) = 44.0245 par(7) = 0 par(8) = 0.5 par(9) = 55.583 par(10) = 55.583 par(11) = 0 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.23) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBF2' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS2' x = 0 y = -3.3 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) chname = 'VBF2' nr = 2 chmoth = 'VBS2' x = 0 y = 3.3 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 24 natmed = 'VBB2 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBB2' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 24 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 181.339 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.24) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 14 theta1 = 83.03 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 6.97 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'VBB2' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS2' x = 51.304 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 14 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 25 natmed = 'VBW2 Aluminum' nmat = 4 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBW2' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 25 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.05 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 182.745 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.25) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 15 theta1 = 80.06 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.94 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'VBW2' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS2' x = -49.504 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 15 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 26 natmed = 'VBS3 TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBS3' chshap = 'TRAP' nmed = 26 npar = 11 par(1) = 230 par(2) = 11.76 par(3) = 180 par(4) = 3.8 par(5) = 45.083 par(6) = 45.083 par(7) = 0 par(8) = 3.8 par(9) = 29.993 par(10) = 29.993 par(11) = 0 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.26) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBS3' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = -90.953 y = -45 z = -22.9996 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 27 natmed = 'VBF3 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBF3' chshap = 'TRAP' nmed = 27 npar = 11 par(1) = 230 par(2) = 11.76 par(3) = 180 par(4) = 0.5 par(5) = 45.083 par(6) = 45.083 par(7) = 0 par(8) = 0.5 par(9) = 29.993 par(10) = 29.993 par(11) = 0 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.27) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBF3' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS3' x = 0 y = -3.3 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) chname = 'VBF3' nr = 2 chmoth = 'VBS3' x = 0 y = 3.3 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 28 natmed = 'VBB3 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBB3' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 28 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 236.582 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.28) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 16 theta1 = 76.45 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.55 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'VBB3' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS3' x = 37.038 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 16 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 29 natmed = 'VBW3 Aluminum' nmat = 4 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBW3' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 29 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.05 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 233.508 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.29) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 17 theta1 = 80.06 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.94 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'VBW3' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS3' x = -37.238 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 17 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 30 natmed = 'VBS4 TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBS4' chshap = 'TRAP' nmed = 30 npar = 11 par(1) = 60.2715 par(2) = 3.55 par(3) = 180 par(4) = 3.8 par(5) = 29.993 par(6) = 29.993 par(7) = 0 par(8) = 3.8 par(9) = 8.761 par(10) = 8.761 par(11) = 0 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.30) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBS4' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = -142.565 y = -45 z = 267.271 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 31 natmed = 'VBF4 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBF4' chshap = 'TRAP' nmed = 31 npar = 11 par(1) = 60.2715 par(2) = 3.55 par(3) = 180 par(4) = 0.5 par(5) = 29.993 par(6) = 29.993 par(7) = 0 par(8) = 0.5 par(9) = 8.761 par(10) = 8.761 par(11) = 0 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.31) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBF4' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS4' x = 0 y = -3.3 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) chname = 'VBF4' nr = 2 chmoth = 'VBS4' x = 0 y = 3.3 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 32 natmed = 'VBB4 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBB4' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 32 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 61.9585 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.32) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 18 theta1 = 76.6 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.4 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'VBB4' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS4' x = 18.877 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 18 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 33 natmed = 'VBW4 Aluminum' nmat = 4 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBW4' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 33 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 60.662 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.33) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 19 theta1 = 96.53 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 6.53 phi3 = 0 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'VBW4' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS4' x = -19.077 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 19 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 34 natmed = 'VBS5 TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBS5' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 34 npar = 3 par(1) = 8.5225 par(2) = 3.8 par(3) = 2.53 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.34) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 20 theta1 = 76.6 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.4 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'VBS5' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = -146.308 y = -45 z = 328.043 irot = 20 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 35 natmed = 'VBF5 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBF5' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 35 npar = 3 par(1) = 8.5225 par(2) = 0.5 par(3) = 2.53 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.35) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBF5' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS5' x = 0 y = -3.3 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) chname = 'VBF5' nr = 2 chmoth = 'VBS5' x = 0 y = 3.3 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 36 natmed = 'VBB5 Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBB5' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 36 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 2.53 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.36) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBB5' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS5' x = 8.023 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 37 natmed = 'VBW5 Aluminum' nmat = 4 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBW5' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 37 npar = 3 par(1) = 3.5225 par(2) = 2.8 par(3) = 0.5 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.37) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBW5' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBS5' x = -5 y = 0 z = 2.03 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 38 natmed = 'VBXF Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBXF' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 38 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5 par(2) = 2.5 par(3) = 500 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.38) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 21 theta1 = 80.06 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.94 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'VBXF' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = -79.238 y = -45 z = -306.903 irot = 21 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 39 natmed = 'VBXS Air' nmat = 8 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'VBXS' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 39 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5 par(2) = 1.5 par(3) = 490 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.39) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'VBXS' nr = 1 chmoth = 'VBXF' x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 40 natmed = 'EDUT Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'EDUT' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 40 npar = 3 par(1) = 5 par(2) = 2.5 par(3) = 139.744 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.40) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 22 theta1 = 76.6 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.4 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'EDUT' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = -175.737 y = -45 z = 466.274 irot = 22 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 41 natmed = 'EDIT TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'EDIT' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 41 npar = 3 par(1) = 4 par(2) = 2 par(3) = 139.793 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.41) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'EDIT' nr = 1 chmoth = 'EDUT' x = -0.5 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 42 natmed = 'MSCP Carbon' nmat = 13 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'MSCP' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 42 npar = 3 par(1) = 10 par(2) = 5 par(3) = 60 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.42) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 23 theta1 = 80.056 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.944 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCP' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = -70.2456 y = -45 z = -421.783 irot = 23 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 43 natmed = 'MSCI Air' nmat = 8 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'MSCI' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 43 npar = 3 par(1) = 9.5 par(2) = 4 par(3) = 59 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.43) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'MSCI' nr = 1 chmoth = 'MSCP' x = 0.4 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 44 natmed = 'MSCL Air' nmat = 8 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'MSCL' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 44 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.1 par(2) = 0.5 par(3) = 1 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.44) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 24 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 1 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -54.5 irot = 24 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) chname = 'YD01' chmoth = 'MSCL' ndiv = 5 iaxis = 2 step = 0.2 c0 = -0.5 numed = 0 ndvmax = 0 call gsdvx(chname,chmoth,ndiv,iaxis,step,c0,numed,ndvmax) imate = 14 namate = 'Scintillator' wmat(1) = 9 call gfmate(13,chnama,amat(1),zmat(1),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) wmat(2) = 10 call gfmate(2,chnama,amat(2),zmat(2),dens,radl,absl,ubuf,nwbuf) dens = 1.032 nlmat = -2 call gsmixt(imate,namate,amat,zmat,dens,nlmat,wmat) itmed = 45 natmed = 'MSFI Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'MSFI' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 45 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.1 par(2) = 0.1 par(3) = 1 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.46) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'MSFI' nr = 1 chmoth = 'YD01' x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 25 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 2 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -53.403 irot = 25 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 26 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 3 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -52.306 irot = 26 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 27 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 4 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -51.209 irot = 27 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 28 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 5 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -50.112 irot = 28 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 29 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 6 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -49.015 irot = 29 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 30 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 7 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -47.918 irot = 30 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 31 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 8 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -46.821 irot = 31 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 32 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 9 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -45.724 irot = 32 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 33 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 10 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -44.627 irot = 33 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 34 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 11 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -43.53 irot = 34 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 35 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 12 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -42.433 irot = 35 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 36 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 13 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -41.336 irot = 36 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 37 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 14 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -40.239 irot = 37 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 38 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 15 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -39.142 irot = 38 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 39 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 16 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -38.045 irot = 39 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 40 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 17 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -36.948 irot = 40 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 41 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 18 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -35.851 irot = 41 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 42 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 19 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -34.754 irot = 42 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 43 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 20 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -33.657 irot = 43 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 44 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 21 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -32.56 irot = 44 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 45 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 22 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -31.463 irot = 45 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 46 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 23 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -30.366 irot = 46 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 47 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 24 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -29.269 irot = 47 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 48 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 25 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -28.172 irot = 48 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 49 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 26 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -27.075 irot = 49 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 50 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 27 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -25.978 irot = 50 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 51 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 28 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -24.881 irot = 51 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 52 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 29 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -23.784 irot = 52 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 53 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 30 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -22.687 irot = 53 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 54 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 31 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -21.59 irot = 54 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 55 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 32 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -20.493 irot = 55 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 56 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 33 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -19.396 irot = 56 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 57 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 34 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -18.299 irot = 57 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 58 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 35 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -17.202 irot = 58 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 59 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 36 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -16.105 irot = 59 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 60 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 37 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -15.008 irot = 60 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 61 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 38 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -13.911 irot = 61 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 62 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 39 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -12.814 irot = 62 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 63 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 40 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -11.717 irot = 63 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 64 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 41 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -10.62 irot = 64 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 65 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 42 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -9.523 irot = 65 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 66 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 43 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -8.426 irot = 66 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 67 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 44 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -7.329 irot = 67 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 68 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 45 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -6.232 irot = 68 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 69 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 46 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -5.135 irot = 69 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 70 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 47 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -4.038 irot = 70 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 71 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 48 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -2.941 irot = 71 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 72 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 49 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -1.844 irot = 72 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 73 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 50 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = -0.747 irot = 73 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 74 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 51 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 0.35 irot = 74 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 75 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 52 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 1.447 irot = 75 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 76 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 53 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 2.544 irot = 76 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 77 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 54 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 3.641 irot = 77 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 78 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 55 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 4.738 irot = 78 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 79 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 56 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 5.835 irot = 79 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 80 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 57 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 6.932 irot = 80 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 81 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 58 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 8.029 irot = 81 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 82 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 59 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 9.126 irot = 82 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 83 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 60 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 10.223 irot = 83 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 84 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 61 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 11.32 irot = 84 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 85 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 62 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 12.417 irot = 85 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 86 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 63 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 13.514 irot = 86 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 87 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 64 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 14.611 irot = 87 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 88 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 65 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 15.708 irot = 88 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 89 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 66 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 16.805 irot = 89 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 90 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 67 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 17.902 irot = 90 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 91 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 68 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 18.999 irot = 91 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 92 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 69 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 20.096 irot = 92 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 93 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 70 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 21.193 irot = 93 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 94 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 71 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 22.29 irot = 94 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 95 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 72 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 23.387 irot = 95 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 96 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 73 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 24.484 irot = 96 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 97 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 74 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 25.581 irot = 97 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 98 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 75 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 26.678 irot = 98 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 99 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 76 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 27.775 irot = 99 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 100 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 77 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 28.872 irot = 100 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 101 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 78 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 29.969 irot = 101 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 102 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 79 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 31.066 irot = 102 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 103 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 80 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 32.163 irot = 103 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 104 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 81 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 33.26 irot = 104 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 105 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 82 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 34.357 irot = 105 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 106 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 83 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 35.454 irot = 106 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 107 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 84 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 36.551 irot = 107 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 108 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 85 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 37.648 irot = 108 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 109 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 86 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 38.745 irot = 109 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 110 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 87 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 39.842 irot = 110 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 111 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 88 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 40.939 irot = 111 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 112 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 89 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 42.036 irot = 112 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 113 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 90 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 43.133 irot = 113 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 114 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 91 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 44.23 irot = 114 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 115 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 92 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 45.327 irot = 115 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 116 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 93 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 46.424 irot = 116 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 117 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 94 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 47.521 irot = 117 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 118 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 95 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 48.618 irot = 118 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 119 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 96 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 49.715 irot = 119 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 120 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 97 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 50.812 irot = 120 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 121 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 98 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 51.909 irot = 121 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 122 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 99 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 53.006 irot = 122 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 123 theta1 = 79.5 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'MSCL' nr = 100 chmoth = 'MSCI' x = 7.2 y = 0 z = 54.103 irot = 123 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 46 natmed = 'FASC Air' nmat = 8 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FASC' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 46 npar = 3 par(1) = 1.5 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 490.75 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.47) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 124 theta1 = 80.056 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.944 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FASC' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = -103.873 y = -45 z = -311.046 irot = 124 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 47 natmed = 'FX01 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX01' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 47 npar = 3 par(1) = 1.26965 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.48) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 125 theta1 = 62.4215 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 27.5785 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX01' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -489.747 irot = 125 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 48 natmed = 'FX02 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX02' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 48 npar = 3 par(1) = 1.1746 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.49) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 126 theta1 = 63.8739 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 26.1261 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX02' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -479.249 irot = 126 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 49 natmed = 'FX03 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX03' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 49 npar = 3 par(1) = 1.09175 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.50) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 127 theta1 = 65.1345 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 24.8655 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX03' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -469.052 irot = 127 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 50 natmed = 'FX04 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX04' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 50 npar = 3 par(1) = 1.02135 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.51) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 128 theta1 = 66.2418 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 23.7582 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX04' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -459.11 irot = 128 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 51 natmed = 'FX05 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX05' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 51 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.96085 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.52) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 129 theta1 = 67.2242 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 22.7758 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX05' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -449.389 irot = 129 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 52 natmed = 'FX06 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX06' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 52 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.90825 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.53) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 130 theta1 = 68.1034 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 21.8966 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX06' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -439.861 irot = 130 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 53 natmed = 'FX07 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX07' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 53 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.8622 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.54) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 131 theta1 = 68.8962 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 21.1038 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX07' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -430.502 irot = 131 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 54 natmed = 'FX08 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX08' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 54 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.8213 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.55) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 132 theta1 = 69.6155 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 20.3845 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX08' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -421.293 irot = 132 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 55 natmed = 'FX09 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX09' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 55 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.78485 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.56) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 133 theta1 = 70.2721 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 19.7279 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX09' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -412.218 irot = 133 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 56 natmed = 'FX0a Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX0a' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 56 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.75215 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.57) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 134 theta1 = 70.8744 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 19.1256 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX0a' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -403.264 irot = 134 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 57 natmed = 'FX0b Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX0b' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 57 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.72265 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.58) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 135 theta1 = 71.4294 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 18.5706 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX0b' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -394.418 irot = 135 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 58 natmed = 'FX0c Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX0c' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 58 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.6958 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.59) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 136 theta1 = 71.9428 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 18.0572 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX0c' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -385.671 irot = 136 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 59 natmed = 'FX0d Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX0d' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 59 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.6713 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.60) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 137 theta1 = 72.4197 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 17.5803 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX0d' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -377.014 irot = 137 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 60 natmed = 'FX0e Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX0e' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 60 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.6489 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.61) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 138 theta1 = 72.864 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 17.136 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX0e' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -368.439 irot = 138 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 61 natmed = 'FX0f Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX0f' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 61 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.62835 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.62) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 139 theta1 = 73.2792 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 16.7208 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX0f' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -359.94 irot = 139 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 62 natmed = 'FX10 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX10' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 62 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.6092 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.63) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 140 theta1 = 73.6684 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 16.3316 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX10' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -351.509 irot = 140 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 63 natmed = 'FX11 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX11' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 63 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.59155 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.64) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 141 theta1 = 74.034 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 15.966 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX11' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -343.143 irot = 141 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 64 natmed = 'FX12 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX12' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 64 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5752 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.65) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 142 theta1 = 74.3784 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 15.6216 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX12' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -334.835 irot = 142 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 65 natmed = 'FX13 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX13' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 65 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5599 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.66) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 143 theta1 = 74.7034 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 15.2966 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX13' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -326.583 irot = 143 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 66 natmed = 'FX14 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX14' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 66 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.5457 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.67) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 144 theta1 = 75.0108 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 14.9892 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX14' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -318.38 irot = 144 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 67 natmed = 'FX15 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX15' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 67 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.53235 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.68) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 145 theta1 = 75.3021 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 14.6979 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX15' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -310.226 irot = 145 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 68 natmed = 'FX16 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX16' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 68 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.51985 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.69) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 146 theta1 = 75.5786 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 14.4214 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX16' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -302.115 irot = 146 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 69 natmed = 'FX17 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX17' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 69 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.508 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.70) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 147 theta1 = 75.8415 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 14.1585 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX17' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -294.045 irot = 147 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 70 natmed = 'FX18 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX18' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 70 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.4969 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.71) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 148 theta1 = 76.0919 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.9081 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX18' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -286.013 irot = 148 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 71 natmed = 'FX19 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX19' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 71 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.4865 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.72) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 149 theta1 = 76.3306 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.6694 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX19' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -278.017 irot = 149 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 72 natmed = 'FX1a Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX1a' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 72 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.47655 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.73) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 150 theta1 = 76.5586 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.4414 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX1a' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -270.055 irot = 150 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 73 natmed = 'FX1b Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX1b' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 73 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.4672 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.74) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 151 theta1 = 76.7767 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.2233 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX1b' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -262.124 irot = 151 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 74 natmed = 'FX1c Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX1c' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 74 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.4582 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.75) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 152 theta1 = 76.9854 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.0146 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX1c' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -254.223 irot = 152 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 75 natmed = 'FX1d Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX1d' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 75 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.44975 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.76) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 153 theta1 = 77.1854 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 12.8146 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX1d' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -246.35 irot = 153 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 76 natmed = 'FX1e Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX1e' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 76 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.44175 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.77) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 154 theta1 = 77.3773 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 12.6227 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX1e' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -238.503 irot = 154 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 77 natmed = 'FX1f Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX1f' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 77 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.43405 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.78) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 155 theta1 = 77.5617 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 12.4383 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX1f' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -230.68 irot = 155 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 78 natmed = 'FX20 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX20' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 78 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.42665 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.79) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 156 theta1 = 77.7389 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 12.2611 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX20' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -222.88 irot = 156 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 79 natmed = 'FX21 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX21' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 79 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.41975 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.80) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 157 theta1 = 77.9095 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 12.0905 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX21' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -215.102 irot = 157 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 80 natmed = 'FX22 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX22' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 80 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.41305 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.81) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 158 theta1 = 78.0738 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 11.9262 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX22' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -207.345 irot = 158 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 81 natmed = 'FX23 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX23' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 81 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.4066 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.82) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 159 theta1 = 78.2321 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 11.7679 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX23' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -199.607 irot = 159 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 82 natmed = 'FX24 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX24' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 82 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.4005 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.83) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 160 theta1 = 78.3849 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 11.6151 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX24' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -191.887 irot = 160 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 83 natmed = 'FX25 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX25' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 83 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3947 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.84) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 161 theta1 = 78.5324 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 11.4676 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX25' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -184.185 irot = 161 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 84 natmed = 'FX26 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX26' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 84 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.38905 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.85) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 162 theta1 = 78.6749 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 11.3251 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX26' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -176.498 irot = 162 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 85 natmed = 'FX27 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX27' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 85 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3836 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.86) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 163 theta1 = 78.8127 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 11.1873 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX27' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -168.827 irot = 163 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 86 natmed = 'FX28 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX28' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 86 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.37835 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.87) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 164 theta1 = 78.9461 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 11.0539 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX28' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -161.171 irot = 164 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 87 natmed = 'FX29 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX29' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 87 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.37335 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.88) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 165 theta1 = 79.0752 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.9248 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX29' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -153.529 irot = 165 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 88 natmed = 'FX2a Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX2a' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 88 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3685 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.89) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 166 theta1 = 79.2002 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.7998 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX2a' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -145.899 irot = 166 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 89 natmed = 'FX2b Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX2b' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 89 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3639 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.90) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 167 theta1 = 79.3215 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.6785 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX2b' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -138.282 irot = 167 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 90 natmed = 'FX2c Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX2c' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 90 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3594 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.91) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 168 theta1 = 79.4391 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.5609 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX2c' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -130.676 irot = 168 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 91 natmed = 'FX2d Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX2d' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 91 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.355 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.92) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 169 theta1 = 79.5532 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.4468 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX2d' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -123.081 irot = 169 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 92 natmed = 'FX2e Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX2e' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 92 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.35085 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.93) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 170 theta1 = 79.664 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.336 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX2e' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -115.496 irot = 170 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 93 natmed = 'FX2f Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX2f' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 93 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3468 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.94) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 171 theta1 = 79.7716 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.2284 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX2f' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -107.921 irot = 171 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 94 natmed = 'FX30 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX30' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 94 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.34285 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.95) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 172 theta1 = 79.8762 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.1238 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX30' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -100.356 irot = 172 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 95 natmed = 'FX31 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX31' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 95 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3391 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.96) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 173 theta1 = 79.978 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 10.022 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX31' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -92.7993 irot = 173 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 96 natmed = 'FX32 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX32' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 96 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.33545 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.97) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 174 theta1 = 80.077 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.923 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX32' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -85.2507 irot = 174 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 97 natmed = 'FX33 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX33' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 97 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.33185 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.98) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 175 theta1 = 80.1733 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.8267 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX33' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -77.7097 irot = 175 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 98 natmed = 'FX34 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX34' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 98 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3284 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.99) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 176 theta1 = 80.2671 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.7329 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX34' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -70.1766 irot = 176 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 99 natmed = 'FX35 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX35' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 99 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3251 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.100) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 177 theta1 = 80.3585 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.6415 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX35' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -62.6499 irot = 177 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 100 natmed = 'FX36 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX36' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 100 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.32185 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.101) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 178 theta1 = 80.4475 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.5525 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX36' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -55.1301 irot = 178 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 101 natmed = 'FX37 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX37' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 101 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.31865 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.102) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 179 theta1 = 80.5344 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.4656 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX37' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -47.6163 irot = 179 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 102 natmed = 'FX38 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX38' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 102 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.31565 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.103) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 180 theta1 = 80.619 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.381 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX38' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -40.1078 irot = 180 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 103 natmed = 'FX39 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX39' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 103 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.31265 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.104) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 181 theta1 = 80.7017 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.2983 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX39' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -32.6054 irot = 181 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 104 natmed = 'FX3a Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX3a' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 104 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.30975 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.105) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 182 theta1 = 80.7823 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.2177 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX3a' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -25.1076 irot = 182 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 105 natmed = 'FX3b Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX3b' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 105 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3069 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.106) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 183 theta1 = 80.861 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.139 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX3b' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -17.6151 irot = 183 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 106 natmed = 'FX3c Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX3c' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 106 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.3042 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.107) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 184 theta1 = 80.9379 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 9.0621 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX3c' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -10.1264 irot = 184 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 107 natmed = 'FX3d Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX3d' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 107 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.30155 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.108) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 185 theta1 = 81.013 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.987 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX3d' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = -2.64189 irot = 185 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 108 natmed = 'FX3e Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX3e' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 108 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.29885 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.109) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 186 theta1 = 81.0864 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.9136 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX3e' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 4.83829 irot = 186 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 109 natmed = 'FX3f Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX3f' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 109 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.24175 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.110) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 187 theta1 = 81.1257 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.8743 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX3f' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 11.6445 irot = 187 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 110 natmed = 'FX40 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX40' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 110 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2422 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.111) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 188 theta1 = 81.1301 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.8699 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX40' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 17.7259 irot = 188 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 111 natmed = 'FX41 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX41' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 111 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.24255 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.112) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 189 theta1 = 81.1359 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.8641 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX41' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 23.8216 irot = 189 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 112 natmed = 'FX42 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX42' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 112 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2428 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.113) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 190 theta1 = 81.143 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.857 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX42' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 29.9291 irot = 190 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 113 natmed = 'FX43 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX43' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 113 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.24295 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.114) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 191 theta1 = 81.1512 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.8488 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX43' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 36.0473 irot = 191 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 114 natmed = 'FX44 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX44' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 114 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2431 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.115) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 192 theta1 = 81.1605 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.8395 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX44' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 42.1744 irot = 192 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 115 natmed = 'FX45 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX45' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 115 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.24305 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.116) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 193 theta1 = 81.1707 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.8293 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX45' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 48.3096 irot = 193 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 116 natmed = 'FX46 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX46' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 116 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.24305 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.117) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 194 theta1 = 81.1818 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.8182 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX46' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 54.4513 irot = 194 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 117 natmed = 'FX47 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX47' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 117 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2429 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.118) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 195 theta1 = 81.1936 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.8064 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX47' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 60.5987 irot = 195 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 118 natmed = 'FX48 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX48' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 118 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.24275 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.119) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 196 theta1 = 81.2063 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.7937 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX48' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 66.7514 irot = 196 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 119 natmed = 'FX49 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX49' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 119 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2426 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.120) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 197 theta1 = 81.2196 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.7804 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX49' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 72.9084 irot = 197 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 120 natmed = 'FX4a Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX4a' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 120 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2423 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.121) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 198 theta1 = 81.2334 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.7666 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX4a' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 79.0689 irot = 198 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 121 natmed = 'FX4b Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX4b' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 121 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.242 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.122) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 199 theta1 = 81.2479 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.7521 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX4b' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 85.2328 irot = 199 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 122 natmed = 'FX4c Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX4c' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 122 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.24165 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.123) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 200 theta1 = 81.2628 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.7372 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX4c' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 91.3992 irot = 200 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 123 natmed = 'FX4d Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX4d' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 123 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.24135 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.124) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 201 theta1 = 81.2782 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.7218 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX4d' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 97.567 irot = 201 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 124 natmed = 'FX4e Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX4e' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 124 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.24095 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.125) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 202 theta1 = 81.294 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.706 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX4e' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 103.737 irot = 202 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 125 natmed = 'FX4f Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX4f' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 125 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.24055 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.126) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 203 theta1 = 81.3102 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.6898 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX4f' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 109.907 irot = 203 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 126 natmed = 'FX50 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX50' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 126 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2401 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.127) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 204 theta1 = 81.3267 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.6733 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX50' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 116.079 irot = 204 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 127 natmed = 'FX51 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX51' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 127 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23965 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.128) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 205 theta1 = 81.3436 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.6564 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX51' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 122.251 irot = 205 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 128 natmed = 'FX52 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX52' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 128 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23915 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.129) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 206 theta1 = 81.3607 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.6393 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX52' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 128.423 irot = 206 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 129 natmed = 'FX53 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX53' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 129 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23875 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.130) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 207 theta1 = 81.378 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.622 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX53' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 134.596 irot = 207 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 130 natmed = 'FX54 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX54' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 130 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23815 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.131) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 208 theta1 = 81.3956 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.6044 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX54' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 140.767 irot = 208 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 131 natmed = 'FX55 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX55' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 131 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2377 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.132) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 209 theta1 = 81.4133 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.5867 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX55' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 146.938 irot = 209 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 132 natmed = 'FX56 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX56' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 132 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2372 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.133) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 210 theta1 = 81.4312 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.5688 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX56' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 153.109 irot = 210 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 133 natmed = 'FX57 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX57' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 133 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23665 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.134) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 211 theta1 = 81.4493 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.5507 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX57' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 159.279 irot = 211 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 134 natmed = 'FX58 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX58' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 134 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23615 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.135) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 212 theta1 = 81.4675 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.5325 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX58' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 165.448 irot = 212 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 135 natmed = 'FX59 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX59' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 135 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2355 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.136) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 213 theta1 = 81.4858 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.5142 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX59' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 171.615 irot = 213 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 136 natmed = 'FX5a Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX5a' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 136 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.235 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.137) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 214 theta1 = 81.5043 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.4957 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX5a' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 177.781 irot = 214 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 137 natmed = 'FX5b Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX5b' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 137 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2344 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.138) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 215 theta1 = 81.5228 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.4772 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX5b' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 183.946 irot = 215 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 138 natmed = 'FX5c Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX5c' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 138 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23385 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.139) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 216 theta1 = 81.5413 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.4587 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX5c' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 190.109 irot = 216 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 139 natmed = 'FX5d Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX5d' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 139 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2333 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.140) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 217 theta1 = 81.56 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.44 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX5d' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 196.271 irot = 217 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 140 natmed = 'FX5e Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX5e' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 140 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23275 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.141) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 218 theta1 = 81.5786 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.4214 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX5e' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 202.431 irot = 218 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 141 natmed = 'FX5f Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX5f' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 141 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2321 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.142) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 219 theta1 = 81.5973 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.4027 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX5f' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 208.589 irot = 219 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 142 natmed = 'FX60 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX60' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 142 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23155 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.143) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 220 theta1 = 81.616 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.384 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX60' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 214.746 irot = 220 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 143 natmed = 'FX61 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX61' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 143 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23095 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.144) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 221 theta1 = 81.6347 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.3653 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX61' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 220.9 irot = 221 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 144 natmed = 'FX62 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX62' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 144 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.23035 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.145) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 222 theta1 = 81.6535 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.3465 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX62' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 227.053 irot = 222 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 145 natmed = 'FX63 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX63' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 145 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2298 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.146) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 223 theta1 = 81.6722 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.3278 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX63' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 233.203 irot = 223 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 146 natmed = 'FX64 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX64' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 146 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2292 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.147) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 224 theta1 = 81.6909 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.3091 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX64' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 239.353 irot = 224 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 147 natmed = 'FX65 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX65' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 147 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2286 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.148) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 225 theta1 = 81.7096 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.2904 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX65' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 245.499 irot = 225 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 148 natmed = 'FX66 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX66' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 148 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.228 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.149) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 226 theta1 = 81.7282 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.2718 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX66' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 251.645 irot = 226 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 149 natmed = 'FX67 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX67' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 149 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22745 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.150) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 227 theta1 = 81.7468 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.2532 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX67' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 257.788 irot = 227 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 150 natmed = 'FX68 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX68' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 150 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22685 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.151) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 228 theta1 = 81.7654 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.2346 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX68' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 263.928 irot = 228 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 151 natmed = 'FX69 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX69' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 151 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2263 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.152) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 229 theta1 = 81.7839 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.2161 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX69' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 270.067 irot = 229 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 152 natmed = 'FX6a Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX6a' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 152 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22565 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.153) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 230 theta1 = 81.8024 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.1976 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX6a' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 276.204 irot = 230 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 153 natmed = 'FX6b Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX6b' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 153 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22515 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.154) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 231 theta1 = 81.8208 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.1792 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX6b' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 282.339 irot = 231 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 154 natmed = 'FX6c Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX6c' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 154 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22455 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.155) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 232 theta1 = 81.8391 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.1609 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX6c' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 288.471 irot = 232 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 155 natmed = 'FX6d Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX6d' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 155 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22395 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.156) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 233 theta1 = 81.8574 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.1426 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX6d' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 294.602 irot = 233 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 156 natmed = 'FX6e Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX6e' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 156 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22345 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.157) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 234 theta1 = 81.8757 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.1243 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX6e' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 300.73 irot = 234 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 157 natmed = 'FX6f Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX6f' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 157 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2228 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.158) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 235 theta1 = 81.8938 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.1062 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX6f' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 306.856 irot = 235 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 158 natmed = 'FX70 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX70' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 158 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22225 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.159) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 236 theta1 = 81.9119 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.0881 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX70' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 312.981 irot = 236 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 159 natmed = 'FX71 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX71' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 159 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2217 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.160) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 237 theta1 = 81.9299 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.0701 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX71' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 319.103 irot = 237 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 160 natmed = 'FX72 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX72' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 160 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22115 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.161) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 238 theta1 = 81.9478 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.0522 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX72' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 325.223 irot = 238 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 161 natmed = 'FX73 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX73' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 161 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22055 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.162) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 239 theta1 = 81.9656 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.0344 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX73' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 331.341 irot = 239 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 162 natmed = 'FX74 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX74' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 162 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.22005 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.163) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 240 theta1 = 81.9834 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 8.0166 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX74' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 337.457 irot = 240 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 163 natmed = 'FX75 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX75' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 163 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.21945 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.164) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 241 theta1 = 82.0011 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.9989 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX75' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 343.571 irot = 241 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 164 natmed = 'FX76 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX76' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 164 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2189 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.165) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 242 theta1 = 82.0186 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.9814 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX76' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 349.683 irot = 242 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 165 natmed = 'FX77 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX77' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 165 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.21835 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.166) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 243 theta1 = 82.0361 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.9639 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX77' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 355.794 irot = 243 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 166 natmed = 'FX78 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX78' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 166 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.21785 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.167) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 244 theta1 = 82.0535 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.9465 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX78' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 361.901 irot = 244 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 167 natmed = 'FX79 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX79' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 167 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.21725 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.168) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 245 theta1 = 82.0708 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.9292 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX79' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 368.007 irot = 245 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 168 natmed = 'FX7a Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX7a' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 168 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.21675 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.169) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 246 theta1 = 82.088 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.912 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX7a' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 374.112 irot = 246 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 169 natmed = 'FX7b Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX7b' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 169 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2162 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.170) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 247 theta1 = 82.1052 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.8948 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX7b' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 380.214 irot = 247 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 170 natmed = 'FX7c Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX7c' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 170 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2157 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.171) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 248 theta1 = 82.1222 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.8778 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX7c' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 386.315 irot = 248 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 171 natmed = 'FX7d Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX7d' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 171 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2151 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.172) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 249 theta1 = 82.1391 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.8609 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX7d' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 392.413 irot = 249 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 172 natmed = 'FX7e Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX7e' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 172 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2146 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.173) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 250 theta1 = 82.1559 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.8441 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX7e' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 398.51 irot = 250 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 173 natmed = 'FX7f Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX7f' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 173 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2141 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.174) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 251 theta1 = 82.1727 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.8273 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX7f' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 404.604 irot = 251 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 174 natmed = 'FX80 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX80' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 174 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2136 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.175) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 252 theta1 = 82.1893 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.8107 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX80' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 410.697 irot = 252 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 175 natmed = 'FX81 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX81' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 175 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2131 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.176) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 253 theta1 = 82.2058 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.7942 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX81' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 416.788 irot = 253 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 176 natmed = 'FX82 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX82' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 176 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2126 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.177) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 254 theta1 = 82.2223 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.7777 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX82' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 422.878 irot = 254 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 177 natmed = 'FX83 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX83' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 177 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.21205 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.178) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 255 theta1 = 82.2386 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.7614 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX83' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 428.965 irot = 255 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 178 natmed = 'FX84 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX84' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 178 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.21155 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.179) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 256 theta1 = 82.2549 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.7451 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX84' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 435.051 irot = 256 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 179 natmed = 'FX85 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX85' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 179 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.21105 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.180) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 257 theta1 = 82.271 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.729 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX85' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 441.134 irot = 257 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 180 natmed = 'FX86 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX86' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 180 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.21055 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.181) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 258 theta1 = 82.287 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.713 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX86' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 447.217 irot = 258 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 181 natmed = 'FX87 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX87' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 181 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2101 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.182) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 259 theta1 = 82.303 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.697 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX87' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 453.298 irot = 259 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 182 natmed = 'FX88 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX88' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 182 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2095 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.183) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 260 theta1 = 82.3188 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.6812 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX88' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 459.376 irot = 260 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 183 natmed = 'FX89 Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX89' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 183 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.20915 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.184) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 261 theta1 = 82.3346 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.6654 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX89' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 465.454 irot = 261 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 184 natmed = 'FX8a Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX8a' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 184 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2086 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.185) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 262 theta1 = 82.3502 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.6498 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX8a' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 471.529 irot = 262 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 185 natmed = 'FX8b Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX8b' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 185 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2081 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.186) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 263 theta1 = 82.3657 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.6343 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX8b' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 477.603 irot = 263 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 186 natmed = 'FX8c Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX8c' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 186 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2077 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.187) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 264 theta1 = 82.3812 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.6188 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX8c' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 483.676 irot = 264 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 187 natmed = 'FX8d Scintillator' nmat = 14 isvol = 1 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'FX8d' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 187 npar = 3 par(1) = 0.2072 par(2) = 1 par(3) = 0.2 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.188) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 265 theta1 = 82.3965 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 7.6035 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'FX8d' nr = 1 chmoth = 'FASC' x = 0 y = 0 z = 489.747 irot = 265 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 188 natmed = 'PITU TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'PITU' chshap = 'TUBE' nmed = 188 npar = 3 par(1) = 0 par(2) = 2 par(3) = 28.1 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.189) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'PITU' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 75 y = -45 z = -585.085 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 189 natmed = 'PITW Aluminum' nmat = 4 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'PITW' chshap = 'TUBE' nmed = 189 npar = 3 par(1) = 1.8 par(2) = 2 par(3) = 28.1 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.190) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'PITW' nr = 1 chmoth = 'PITU' x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 190 natmed = 'PXTU TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'PXTU' chshap = 'TUBE' nmed = 190 npar = 3 par(1) = 0 par(2) = 2 par(3) = 1100 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.191) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'PXTU' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = 75 y = -45 z = 851.445 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 191 natmed = 'PXTW Aluminum' nmat = 4 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'PXTW' chshap = 'TUBE' nmed = 191 npar = 3 par(1) = 1.8 par(2) = 2 par(3) = 1100 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.192) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'PXTW' nr = 1 chmoth = 'PXTU' x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 192 natmed = 'TUNL Air' nmat = 8 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'TUNL' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 192 npar = 3 par(1) = 173 par(2) = 225 par(3) = 825.207 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.193) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' irot = 266 theta1 = 76.6 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.4 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'TUNL' nr = 1 chmoth = 'AREA' x = -397.95 y = 0 z = 1405.24 irot = 266 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 193 natmed = 'EDMT Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'EDMT' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 193 npar = 3 par(1) = 5 par(2) = 2.5 par(3) = 506 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.194) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'EDMT' nr = 1 chmoth = 'TUNL' x = -1.5 y = -45 z = -319.225 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 194 natmed = 'EDMV TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'EDMV' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 194 npar = 3 par(1) = 4 par(2) = 2 par(3) = 506.05 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.195) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'EDMV' nr = 1 chmoth = 'EDMT' x = -0.5 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 195 natmed = 'LAB1 Concrete' nmat = 1 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'LAB1' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 195 npar = 3 par(1) = 145.06 par(2) = 225 par(3) = 30.48 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.196) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'LAB1' nr = 1 chmoth = 'TUNL' x = 27.94 y = 0 z = -108 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 196 natmed = 'BEHO Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'BEHO' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 196 npar = 3 par(1) = 5 par(2) = 2.5 par(3) = 30.48 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.197) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'BEHO' nr = 1 chmoth = 'LAB1' x = -29.44 y = -45 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 197 natmed = 'BEHV TaggerVacuum' nmat = 11 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'BEHV' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 197 npar = 3 par(1) = 4 par(2) = 2 par(3) = 30.485 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.198) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'BEHV' nr = 1 chmoth = 'BEHO' x = -0.5 y = 0 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 198 natmed = 'LAB2 Concrete' nmat = 1 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'LAB2' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 198 npar = 3 par(1) = 143.79 par(2) = 225 par(3) = 30.48 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.199) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'LAB2' nr = 1 chmoth = 'TUNL' x = -29.21 y = 0 z = -311.2 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) chname = 'BEHO' nr = 2 chmoth = 'LAB2' x = 27.71 y = -45 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 199 natmed = 'LAB3 Concrete' nmat = 1 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'LAB3' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 199 npar = 3 par(1) = 145.06 par(2) = 225 par(3) = 30.48 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.200) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'LAB3' nr = 1 chmoth = 'TUNL' x = -27.94 y = 0 z = 95.2 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) chname = 'BEHO' nr = 3 chmoth = 'LAB3' x = 26.44 y = -45 z = 0 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 200 natmed = 'EDHS Iron' nmat = 7 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'EDHS' chshap = 'BOX ' nmed = 200 npar = 3 par(1) = 173 par(2) = 180 par(3) = 231.14 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.201) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'EDHS' nr = 1 chmoth = 'TUNL' x = -1.5 y = -45 z = 600 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) itmed = 201 natmed = 'EDUM Aluminum' nmat = 4 isvol = 0 ifield = 1 fieldm = 18 tmaxfd = 1 stemax = 0 deemax = 0 epsil = 0.001 stmin = 0 nwbuf = 0 call gstmed(itmed,natmed,nmat,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd, + stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf) chname = 'EDUM' chshap = 'TUBE' nmed = 201 npar = 3 par(1) = 0 par(2) = 33 par(3) = 100 call gsvolu(chname,chshap,nmed,par,npar,ivolu) if (ivolu.ne.202) stop 'consistency check #1 failed' chname = 'EDUM' nr = 1 chmoth = 'EDHS' x = 0 y = 0 z = -131.14 irot = 0 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) irot = 267 theta1 = 76.6 phi1 = 0 theta2 = 90 phi2 = 90 theta3 = 13.4 phi3 = 180 call gsrotm(irot,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3) chname = 'TUNL' nr = 2 chmoth = 'HILL' x = -472.95 y = 45 z = 2618.24 irot = 267 chonly = 'ONLY' call gspos(chname,nr,chmoth,x,y,z,irot,chonly) end function getCell() implicit none integer getCell integer nlevel,names,number,lvolum common /gcvolu/nlevel,names(15),number(15),lvolum(15) integer i,istart(202) data (istart(i),i=1,100) / + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, + 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, + 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, + 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, + 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, + 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53/ data (istart(i),i=101,200) / + 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, + 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, + 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, + 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, + 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, + 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, + 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, + 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, + 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/ data (istart(i),i=201,202) / + 0, 0/ integer lookup(141) data (lookup(i),i=1,100) / + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, + 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, + 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, + 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, + 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, + 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, + 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, + 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, + 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, + 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100/ data (lookup(i),i=101,141) / + 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, + 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, + 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, + 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, + 141/ integer level,index integer cell getCell = 0 do level=1,nlevel index = istart(lvolum(level)) if (index.gt.0) then cell = lookup(index + number(level) - 1) if (cell.gt.0) then getCell = cell endif endif enddo end function getColumn() implicit none integer getColumn integer nlevel,names,number,lvolum common /gcvolu/nlevel,names(15),number(15),lvolum(15) integer i,istart(202) data (istart(i),i=1,100) / + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/ data (istart(i),i=101,200) / + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/ data (istart(i),i=201,202) / + 0, 0/ integer lookup(100) data (lookup(i),i=1,100) / + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, + 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, + 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, + 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, + 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, + 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, + 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, + 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, + 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, + 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100/ integer level,index integer column getColumn = 0 do level=1,nlevel index = istart(lvolum(level)) if (index.gt.0) then column = lookup(index + number(level) - 1) if (column.gt.0) then getColumn = column endif endif enddo end function getMap() implicit none integer getMap integer nlevel,names,number,lvolum common /gcvolu/nlevel,names(15),number(15),lvolum(15) integer i,istart(202) data (istart(i),i=1,100) / + 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/ data (istart(i),i=101,200) / + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/ data (istart(i),i=201,202) / + 0, 0/ integer lookup(2) data (lookup(i),i=1,2) / + 1, 0/ integer level,index integer map getMap = 0 do level=1,nlevel index = istart(lvolum(level)) if (index.gt.0) then map = lookup(index + number(level) - 1) if (map.gt.0) then getMap = map endif endif enddo end function getRow() implicit none integer getRow integer nlevel,names,number,lvolum common /gcvolu/nlevel,names(15),number(15),lvolum(15) integer i,istart(202) data (istart(i),i=1,100) / + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/ data (istart(i),i=101,200) / + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/ data (istart(i),i=201,202) / + 0, 0/ integer lookup(5) data (lookup(i),i=1,5) / + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/ integer level,index integer row getRow = 0 do level=1,nlevel index = istart(lvolum(level)) if (index.gt.0) then row = lookup(index + number(level) - 1) if (row.gt.0) then getRow = row endif endif enddo end subroutine gufld(r,B) implicit none real r(3),B(3) real rr(3),rs(3),BB(3) integer iregion integer getMap external getMap real orig1(3),rmat1(3,3) data orig1/0,0,0/ data rmat1/1,0,0, + 0,1,0, + 0,0,1/ real orig2(3),rmat2(3,3) data orig2/0,0,166.015/ data rmat2/1,0,0, + 0,1,0, + 0,0,1/ iregion = getMap() if (iregion.eq.0) then B(1) = 0 B(2) = 0 B(3) = 0 else if (iregion.eq.1) then rs(1) = r(1)-orig1(1) rs(2) = r(2)-orig1(2) rs(3) = r(3)-orig1(3) rr(1) = rs(1)*rmat1(1,1)+rs(2)*rmat1(1,2)+rs(3)*rmat1(1,3) rr(2) = rs(1)*rmat1(2,1)+rs(2)*rmat1(2,2)+rs(3)*rmat1(2,3) rr(3) = rs(1)*rmat1(3,1)+rs(2)*rmat1(3,2)+rs(3)*rmat1(3,3) call gufld1(rr,BB) B(1) = BB(1)*rmat1(1,1)+BB(2)*rmat1(2,1)+BB(3)*rmat1(3,1) B(2) = BB(1)*rmat1(1,2)+BB(2)*rmat1(2,2)+BB(3)*rmat1(3,2) B(3) = BB(1)*rmat1(1,3)+BB(2)*rmat1(2,3)+BB(3)*rmat1(3,3) B(1) = B(1)*0.001 B(2) = B(2)*0.001 B(3) = B(3)*0.001 endif end subroutine gufld1(r,B) implicit none real r(3),B(3) real rho,phi,alpha real u(3) real twopi parameter (twopi=6.28318530717959) real bound0(3,2) data bound0/10,0,-10, + -340,-1.5,1600/ integer reverse0(3) data reverse0/-1,1,-1/ real bound1(3,2) data bound1/10,0,-10, + -340,1.5,1600/ integer reverse1(3) data reverse1/1,1,1/ real Bmap(3,351,16,1611) integer nsites(3) data nsites/351,16,1611/ logical loaded data loaded/.false./ save Bmap,nsites,loaded integer i,i1,i2,i3 if (.not.loaded) then open(unit=78,file='taggerBfield-quad.map',status='old',err=7) read(unit=78,fmt=*,err=5,end=6) + ((((Bmap(i,i1,i2,i3),i=1,3), + i2=1,16), + i3=1,1611), + i1=1,351) go to 8 5 stop 'error reading magnetic field map, stop' 6 stop 'EOF encountered reading magnetic field map, stop' 7 stop 'error opening magnetic field map, stop' 8 loaded=.true. endif u(1) = (r(1)-bound0(1,1))/(bound0(1,2)-bound0(1,1)) u(2) = (r(2)-bound0(2,1))/(bound0(2,2)-bound0(2,1)) u(3) = (r(3)-bound0(3,1))/(bound0(3,2)-bound0(3,1)) if ((u(1).ge.0.and.u(1).le.1).and. + (u(2).ge.0.and.u(2).le.1).and. + (u(3).ge.0.and.u(3).le.1)) then call interpol3(Bmap,nsites,u,B) B(1)=B(1)*reverse0(1) B(2)=B(2)*reverse0(2) B(3)=B(3)*reverse0(3) return endif u(1) = (r(1)-bound1(1,1))/(bound1(1,2)-bound1(1,1)) u(2) = (r(2)-bound1(2,1))/(bound1(2,2)-bound1(2,1)) u(3) = (r(3)-bound1(3,1))/(bound1(3,2)-bound1(3,1)) if ((u(1).ge.0.and.u(1).le.1).and. + (u(2).ge.0.and.u(2).le.1).and. + (u(3).ge.0.and.u(3).le.1)) then call interpol3(Bmap,nsites,u,B) B(1)=B(1)*reverse1(1) B(2)=B(2)*reverse1(2) B(3)=B(3)*reverse1(3) return endif B(1) = 0 B(2) = 0 B(3) = 0 return end subroutine interpol3(Bmap,nsites,u,B) implicit none integer nsites(3) real Bmap(3,nsites(1),nsites(2),nsites(3)) real u(3),B(3) integer ir(3),ir0(3),ir1(3) real ur(3),dur(3),ugrad(3,3) integer i do i=1,3 ur(i)=u(i)*(nsites(i)-1)+1 ir(i)=nint(ur(i)) ir0(i)=max(ir(i)-1,1) ir1(i)=min(ir(i)+1,nsites(i)) dur(i)=(ur(i)-ir(i))/(ir1(i)-ir0(i)+1e-20) enddo ugrad(1,1)=(Bmap(1,ir1(1),ir(2),ir(3))-Bmap(1,ir0(1),ir(2),ir(3))) ugrad(2,1)=(Bmap(2,ir1(1),ir(2),ir(3))-Bmap(2,ir0(1),ir(2),ir(3))) ugrad(3,1)=(Bmap(3,ir1(1),ir(2),ir(3))-Bmap(3,ir0(1),ir(2),ir(3))) ugrad(1,2)=(Bmap(1,ir(1),ir1(2),ir(3))-Bmap(1,ir(1),ir0(2),ir(3))) ugrad(2,2)=(Bmap(2,ir(1),ir1(2),ir(3))-Bmap(2,ir(1),ir0(2),ir(3))) ugrad(3,2)=(Bmap(3,ir(1),ir1(2),ir(3))-Bmap(3,ir(1),ir0(2),ir(3))) ugrad(1,3)=(Bmap(1,ir(1),ir(2),ir1(3))-Bmap(1,ir(1),ir(2),ir0(3))) ugrad(2,3)=(Bmap(2,ir(1),ir(2),ir1(3))-Bmap(2,ir(1),ir(2),ir0(3))) ugrad(3,3)=(Bmap(3,ir(1),ir(2),ir1(3))-Bmap(3,ir(1),ir(2),ir0(3))) B(1)=Bmap(1,ir(1),ir(2),ir(3)) + +ugrad(1,1)*dur(1)+ugrad(1,2)*dur(2)+ugrad(1,3)*dur(3) B(2)=Bmap(2,ir(1),ir(2),ir(3)) + +ugrad(2,1)*dur(1)+ugrad(2,2)*dur(2)+ugrad(2,3)*dur(3) B(3)=Bmap(3,ir(1),ir(2),ir(3)) + +ugrad(3,1)*dur(1)+ugrad(3,2)*dur(2)+ugrad(3,3)*dur(3) end