c c tresol.f - simulation of the pulse train in a single channel of the c gluex tagger microscope. The pulses are generated with an c exponential t0 and a Landau amplitude distribution, with c fixed rise and fall times. A leading-edge discriminator c is used to read off crossing times. Use of this package c is for extracting time resolution and efficiency as a c function of count rate in a single channel. c author: Richard Jones at uconn.edu c version: Sept. 28, 2009 c c modifications by R. Jones: c 1. Noise was added to simulate dark rate in a silicon photomultiplier. c The noise is modeled as a random rate of pixel clusters firing c with the same pulse shape as signal pulses. The pixel cluster c size is distributed as Poisson with a mean set by 1+fcrosstalk c where fcrosstalk is set based on multi-poisson fits to measured c noise pulse-height spectra. c 2. Whereas before the most-probable pulse height of the signal pulses c was specified in arbitrary units, now the units must be normalized c by some convention so that the relative size of noise and signal c pulses can be properly adjusted. Pulse height shall henceforth be c specified in units of photoelectrons (SiPM pixels). c version: Sept. 20, 2010 c c modifications by R. Jones: c 3. Before I was generating the entire pulse corresponding to a tag c electron by rescaling the single-pixel pulse by an amplitude c factor. What this misses is the contribution to the spread in c the leading edge timing coming from photoelectron statistics. c I had tried to incorporate the broadening effects of the scintillation c decay time constant on the pulse shape by introducing a broadened c pulse called scint_pulseN (N is the extra attenuation introduced c to simulate the effect of N meters of RG-58 cable between the preamp c and the discriminator) but that has very little effect, only slightly c increasing the rise time of the pulse. c * sipm_pulse: rise time 2.45 ns c * wiki_pulse: rise time 2.43 ns c * scint_pulse0: rise time 2.70 ns c The change made here is to switch from generating the signal as c single pulses of varying magnitude, I now generate them as a cluster c of many individual pulses, each corresponding to the pulse height of c a single pixel. This increases the run time a great deal, but it is c the only way to incorporate statistical time resolution effects on c the same basis as electronic noise due to dark rate contributes. c 4. Read the ranlux random number generator seed from a file randomseed c if it exists in the current working directory and is readable. c version: Dec. 14, 2010 c c modifications by R. Jones: c 5. Added after-pulsing to the simulation. Multiple exponentials are c supported in the afterpulsing model, through parameters c * nafterpulse - number of exponentials c * tafterpulse - after-pulsing time constant c * fafterpulse - mean after-pulses per pixel c 6. Serialized the pixels generated in a single pulse. Before I had c been generating the individual pixels in the simulation independently c according to the exponential decay distribution for the scintillator. c This has the disadvantage that the dead-pixel correction is applied to c the overall yield in the pulse, and not preferentially to the later c part of the pulse as required by the physical model. Now they are c generated in time order, and the dead pixel correction updated as c each occurs. c 7. Added cross-talk hits to the signal pulse as well as to the noise c pulses. Before I had included these only for the noise pulses. c version: Dec. 29, 2010 subroutine tresol(a0_,a1_,trise_,tfall_,R_,Rnoise_,dtmin_) implicit none real a0_,a1_,trise_,tfall_,R_,Rnoise_,dtmin_ include 'tresol.inc' real gamma external gamma integer n data idtrace,idtres,idgen,iddet/10,11,12,13/ data tracelen,tmemory/1e-6,2e-6/ data scintdecayt/2.7e-9/ ! BCF-20 fast-green plastic scintillator c======================================================================== c This section describes the CPTA 2x2 mm^2 SSPM from Photonique c operated at 2V above the reverse-bias breakdown potential data Rnoise/9e6/ !Hz data trecovery/1e-6/ !s data fcrosstalk/0.13/ data Npixels/1700/ data nafterpulse/0/ c======================================================================== c This section describes the Hamamatus S10931 3x3 mm^2 MPPC (25 micron pixels) c operated at 1V above the reverse-bias breakdown potential c data Rnoise/4e6/ !Hz c data trecovery/15e-9/ !s c data fcrosstalk/0.02/ c data Npixels/14400/ c data nafterpulse/2/ c data fafterpulse/0.06,0.05,7*0/ c data tafterpulse/18e-9,70e-9,7*0/ c======================================================================== a0 = a0_ a1 = a1_ trise = trise_ tfall = tfall_ R = R_ Rnoise = Rnoise_ dtmin = dtmin_ tstep = tracelen/max_samples ppar(1) = tfall/5 ppar(2) = 10*trise/tfall ppar(3) = exp(ppar(2))/(1e9*ppar(1)*ppar(2))**ppar(2) ppar(4) = 1.5e-6 ppar(5) = 1.0e-7 ppar(6) = gamma(ppar(2)+1)*(ppar(1)*1e9)**(ppar(2)+1)/ + (ppar(4)-ppar(5))/1e9 if (Npixels.gt.max_pixels) then write(6,*) 'tresol error - Npixels',Npixels, + ' must be less than max_pixels',max_pixels return endif call get_pulse_characteristics write(6,*) 'tresol - simulation of pulse train in a single', + ' microscope channel' write(6,*) ' MP amplitude = ',a0,' photoelectrons' write(6,*) ' scintillator time constant = ', scintdecayt,' s' write(6,*) ' discriminator threshold = ',a1, ' photoelectrons' write(6,*) ' minimum pulse separation = ',dtmin,' s' write(6,*) ' pulse rise time = ',trise,' s' write(6,*) ' pulse fall time = ',tfall,' s' write(6,*) ' pulse peak time = ',dtmax,' s' write(6,*) ' pulse 50% delay = ',dtcross,' s' write(6,*) ' mean pulse rate = ',R,' Hz' write(6,*) ' full trace length = ',tracelen,' s' write(6,*) ' time step length = ',tstep,' s' write(6,*) ' dark rate = ', Rnoise,' Hz' write(6,*) ' pixel recovery time = ',trecovery, ' s' write(6,*) ' cross-talk fraction = ',fcrosstalk do n=1,nafterpulse write(6,1000) fafterpulse(n),tafterpulse(n) 1000 format(f8.2,' after-pulses with time constant = ',e12.5,' s') enddo call seedranlux end subroutine simulate(nrep) implicit none integer nrep include 'tresol.inc' logical hexist external hexist real ranlan external ranlan real tdecay real t0 integer Npe integer ip integer ierr integer irep,i integer next_pulse real rnd01(max_pixels) real unif01(2) call deftrace call deftres call defeffic do irep=1,nrep do i=1,max_samples sample(i) = 0 enddo t0 = -tmemory last_event = 0 next_pulse = 0 do while (t0 .lt. tracelen) next_pulse = next_pulse+1 call ranlux(unif01,2) t0 = t0-log(unif01(1))/R if (t0 .lt. tracelen) then c c The factor 0.17 has been adjusted to obtain a good description of the c fluctations in energy deposition by electrons in 2cm of scintillator. c Npe = a0*(1+0.17*ranlan(unif01(2))) Npe = min(Npe,max_pixels) ! truncate the Landau tail if (verbose) then write(6,*) 'pulse amplitude ',Npe endif call ranlux(rnd01,Npe) pcount = 0 tdecay = 0 do ip=1,Npe tdecay = tdecay-log(rnd01(ip))*scintdecayt/(Npe-ip+1) call add_1photon(t0+tdecay) enddo if (t0+dtcross.gt.0 .and. t0+dtmax.lt.tracelen) then last_event = last_event+1 if (last_event .ge. max_events) then write(6,*) 'tresol::simulate error - ', + 'overflow of event arrays, ', + 'please increase the value of max_events' return endif event_t0(last_event) = t0 event_amp(last_event) = Npe call hfill(idgen,float(Npe),0.,1.) if (verbose) then print 1000, last_event,t0,Npe,pcount 1000 format(' event',i6,' with t0,Npe,pcount =', + e12.5,' s,',i5,',',f5.0) endif endif endif enddo event_t0(last_event+1) = -9999 event_amp(last_event+1) = -9999 call add_noise call hpak(idtrace,sample) call analyze_trace enddo end subroutine add_1photon(t0) implicit none real t0 include 'tresol.inc' real pulse external pulse real deadpixels real lastt0 common /deadtime/deadpixels,lastt0 data deadpixels/0/ data lastt0/0/ integer ierr integer i,i1,i2 integer Npe,nafter,n real rnd01(max_pixels) real lambda real t,amp real t1 if (t0.lt.lastt0) then deadpixels = Rnoise*trecovery else deadpixels = Rnoise*trecovery + (deadpixels-Rnoise*trecovery) + *exp(-(t0-lastt0)/trecovery) endif deadpixels = min(nint(deadpixels),Npixels-1) lambda = (1+fcrosstalk)*(1-deadpixels/Npixels) call RNPSSN(lambda,Npe,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(6,*) 'tresol::add_1photon - ', + 'error ',ierr,' returned from RNPSSN, ', + 'called with mean',lambda,', cannot continue!' return elseif (Npe .gt. Npixels) then Npe = Npixels elseif (Npe .le. 0) then return endif deadpixels = deadpixels+Npe i1 = t0/tstep+0.9999 i1 = max(i1,1) i2 = i1+tmemory/tstep i2 = min(i2,int(tracelen/tstep)) do i=i1,i2 t = tstep*(i-0.5) sample(i) = sample(i)+Npe*pulse(t-t0) enddo lastt0 = t0 pcount = pcount+Npe do nafter=1,nafterpulse if (fafterpulse(nafter) .gt. 0) then call RNPSSN(fafterpulse(nafter),Npe,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(6,*) 'tresol::add_1photon - ', + 'error ',ierr,' returned from RNPSSN, ', + 'called with mean',fafterpulse(nafter), + 'cannot continue!' endif Npe = min(Npe,max_pixels) call ranlux(rnd01,Npe) do n=1,Npe t1 = t0-log(rnd01(n))*tafterpulse(nafter)/(Npe-n+1) i1 = t1/tstep+0.9999 i1 = max(i1,1) i2 = i1+tmemory/tstep i2 = min(i2,int(tracelen/tstep)) amp = 1-exp(-trecovery*(t1-t0)) do i=i1,i2 t = tstep*(i-0.5) sample(i) = sample(i)+amp*pulse(t-t1) enddo t0 = t1 enddo pcount = pcount+Npe endif enddo end subroutine add_noise implicit none include 'tresol.inc' real pulse external pulse real urandom(max_events) integer prandom integer ierr real sample_noise(max_samples) save sample_noise real twidth integer Nnoise data Nnoise/0/ save Nnoise integer n integer i,i1,i2 real t,t0 real amp twidth = tracelen+tmemory if (Nnoise .ne. int(Rnoise*twidth+0.5)) then print *, 'generating noise trace...' Nnoise = Rnoise*twidth+0.5 if (Nnoise .ge. max_events) then write(6,*) 'tresol::add_noise error - ', + 'overflow of event arrays, ', + 'please increase the value of max_events' return endif call ranlux(urandom,Nnoise) do i=1,max_samples sample_noise(i) = 0 enddo do n=1,Nnoise t0 = urandom(n)*twidth-tmemory call RNPSSN(fcrosstalk,prandom,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(6,*) 'tresol::add_noise error - ', + 'error ',ierr,' returned from RNPSSN, ', + 'called with mean',fcrosstalk, + 'cannot continue!' return endif amp = 1+prandom i1 = t0/tstep+0.9999 i1 = max(i1,1) i2 = i1+tmemory/tstep i2 = min(i2,int(tracelen/tstep)) do i=i1,i2 t = tstep*(i-0.5) sample_noise(i) = sample_noise(i)+amp*pulse(t-t0) enddo enddo print *, '...done generating noise trace with',Nnoise,' pulses.' endif call ranlux(urandom,1) t0 = urandom(1)*tracelen i1 = t0/tstep+0.9999 i2 = tracelen/tstep+0.9999 do i=1,i2 sample(i) = sample(i)+sample_noise(mod(i1+i,i2)+1) enddo end subroutine analyze_trace implicit none include 'tresol.inc' integer this_event integer i,imax real tcross real f this_event = 1 i = 1 do while (i .lt. max_samples-1) if (sample(i).lt.a1) then if (sample(i+1).gt.a1) then f = (a1-sample(i))/(sample(i+1)-sample(i)) tcross = (i+f-0.5)*tstep do while (abs(tcross-event_t0(this_event)) .gt. + abs(tcross-event_t0(this_event+1))) this_event = this_event + 1 enddo call hfill(iddet,event_amp(this_event),0.,1.) imax = i+nint((dtmax-dtcross)/tstep) call hfill(idtres,sample(min(imax,max_samples)), + tcross-event_t0(this_event)-dtcross,1.) if (verbose) then print *, 'pulse with amplitude', + sample(min(imax,max_samples)), + ' has tcross gen,rec =', + event_t0(this_event)+dtcross,tcross endif i = i+dtmin/tstep endif endif i = i+1 enddo end subroutine deftrace implicit none include 'tresol.inc' logical hexist external hexist character*80 title if (hexist(idtrace)) then call hdelet(idtrace) endif write(title,*) 'trace of pulse train' call hbook1(idtrace,title,max_samples,0,tracelen,0) end subroutine deftres implicit none include 'tresol.inc' logical hexist external hexist character*80 title if (hexist(idtres)) then call hdelet(idtres) endif write(title,*) 'time resolution vs pulse height' call hbook2(idtres,title,100,0.,a0*10,200,-5e-9,5e-9,0) end subroutine defeffic implicit none include 'tresol.inc' logical hexist external hexist character*80 title if (hexist(idgen)) then call hdelet(idgen) call hdelet(iddet) endif write(title,*) 'pulses generated' call hbook1(idgen,title,200,0,a0*10,0) write(title,*) 'pulses detected' call hbook1(iddet,title,200,0,a0*10,0) end real function dflandau(x) implicit none real x include 'tresol.inc' real denlan external denlan if (x .gt.-5*a0) then dflandau = denlan((x-a0)/(0.17*a0)) else dflandau = 0 endif end subroutine get_pulse_characteristics implicit none include 'tresol.inc' real pulse external pulse real t10up,t50up,t90up,tpeak real t90down,t10down real t,f integer i real s0,s1,s2 s0 = 0 do i=1,max_samples t = (i-0.5)*tstep s2 = s1 s1 = s0 s0 = pulse(t) if (s1 .lt. 0.10 .and. s0 .gt. 0.10) then f = (s0-0.10)/(s0-s1) t10up = t-f*tstep goto 1 endif enddo 1 continue do i=i+1,max_samples t = (i-0.5)*tstep s2 = s1 s1 = s0 s0 = pulse(t) if (s1 .lt. 0.50 .and. s0 .gt. 0.50) then f = (s0-0.50)/(s0-s1) t50up = t-f*tstep goto 2 endif enddo 2 continue do i=i+1,max_samples t = (i-0.5)*tstep s2 = s1 s1 = s0 s0 = pulse(t) if (s1 .lt. 0.90 .and. s0 .gt. 0.90) then f = (s0-0.90)/(s0-s1) t90up = t-f*tstep goto 3 endif enddo 3 continue do i=i+1,max_samples t = (i-0.5)*tstep s2 = s1 s1 = s0 s0 = pulse(t) if (s0 .lt. s1) then f = 0.5*(s0-s2)/(2*s1-s0-s2) tpeak = t+(f-1)*tstep goto 4 endif enddo 4 continue do i=i+1,max_samples t = (i-0.5)*tstep s2 = s1 s1 = s0 s0 = pulse(t) if (s0 .lt. 0.90 .and. s1 .gt. 0.90) then f = (s0-0.90)/(s0-s1) t90down = t-f*tstep goto 5 endif enddo 5 continue do i=i+1,max_samples t = (i-0.5)*tstep s2 = s1 s1 = s0 s0 = pulse(t) if (s0 .lt. 0.10 .and. s1 .gt. 0.10) then f = (s0-0.10)/(s0-s1) t10down = t-f*tstep goto 6 endif enddo 6 continue trise = t90up-t10up tfall = t10down-t90down dtmax = tpeak dtcross = t50up end real function pulse(t) implicit none real t real sipm_pulse real wiki_pulse real scint_pulse0 real scint_pulse30 real scint_pulse55 * pulse = sipm_pulse(t) pulse = wiki_pulse(t) * pulse = scint_pulse0(t) * pulse = scint_pulse30(t) * pulse = scint_pulse55(t) end real function sipm_pulse(t) implicit none real t include 'tresol.inc' if (t .gt. 0) then sipm_pulse = ppar(3)*(exp(-t/ppar(1))*(t*1e9)**ppar(2) + - ppar(6)*(exp(-t/ppar(4))-exp(-t/ppar(5)))) else sipm_pulse = 0 endif end real function wiki_pulse(t) implicit none real t include 'tresol.inc' real para(3) data para/1.00,9.50e-9,1.44e-9/ real parb(4) data parb/-56.380,1.6168e10,-1.4996e18,4.5625e25/ real parc(4) data parc/4.66,-4.48e8,-4.15,-5.13e7/ real pard(6) data pard/-3.9944,0.43269E+07,49196., + -0.42559E-02,0.60271E+06,-0.74869E+06/ if (t.lt.para(2)) then wiki_pulse = para(1)*exp(-0.5*((t-para(2))/para(3))**2) else if (t.lt.11e-9) then wiki_pulse = parb(1)+parb(2)*t+parb(3)*t**2+parb(4)*t**3 else if (t.lt.32e-9) then wiki_pulse = exp(parc(1)+parc(2)*t)+exp(parc(3)+parc(4)*t) else wiki_pulse = pard(1)*exp(-t*pard(2))*sin((t-5e-8)*pard(3)) + + pard(4)*exp(-t*pard(5))*sin((t-5e-8)*pard(6)) endif c wiki_pulse = wiki_pulse - (1+tanh(t*1e8-5))* c + (exp(-t/ppar(4))-exp(-t/ppar(5))) c + /(ppar(4)-ppar(5))*2.58e-9 end real function scint_pulse0(t) implicit none real t include 'tresol.inc' real para(3) data para/2.50e-3,22.1e-9,1.53e-9/ real parb(4) data parb/-0.64881,0.81319e8,-0.33661e16,0.46161e23/ real parc(4) data parc/3.16,-3.99e8,-1.15,-2.54e8/ real pard(6) data pard/-1.146e-4,0.23818e+7,-0.17975e+8, + 0.57134e-1,0.10459e+9,-0.55833e+6/ if (t.lt.para(2)) then scint_pulse0 = para(1)*exp(-0.5*((t-para(2))/para(3))**2) else if (t.lt.25e-9) then scint_pulse0 = parb(1)+parb(2)*t+parb(3)*t**2+parb(4)*t**3 else if (t.lt.42e-9) then scint_pulse0 = exp(parc(1)+parc(2)*t)+exp(parc(3)+parc(4)*t) else scint_pulse0 = pard(1)*exp(-t*pard(2)) + *sin(abs((t-5e-8)*pard(3))**0.5) + + pard(4)*exp(-t*pard(5)) + *sin(abs((t-5e-8)*pard(6))**0.5) endif scint_pulse0 = scint_pulse0/0.0026 end real function scint_pulse30(t) implicit none real t include 'tresol.inc' real para(3) data para/2.21e-3,22.4e-9,1.60e-9/ real parb(4) data parb/-0.41921,0.51662e8,-0.20968e16,0.28141e23/ real parc(4) data parc/3.37,-4.06e8,-2.84,-1.94e8/ real pard(6) data pard/-1.0555e-4,0.23649e+7,-0.17836e+8, + 0.75701e-1,0.77241e+8,-4.9260e+4/ if (t.lt.para(2)) then scint_pulse30 = para(1)*exp(-0.5*((t-para(2))/para(3))**2) else if (t.lt.25e-9) then scint_pulse30 = parb(1)+parb(2)*t+parb(3)*t**2+parb(4)*t**3 else if (t.lt.42e-9) then scint_pulse30 = exp(parc(1)+parc(2)*t)+exp(parc(3)+parc(4)*t) else scint_pulse30 = pard(1)*exp(-t*pard(2)) + *sin(abs((t-4.8e-8)*pard(3))**0.5) + + pard(4)*exp(-t*pard(5)) + *sin(abs((t-4.8e-8)*pard(6))**0.5) endif scint_pulse30 = scint_pulse30/0.0022 end real function scint_pulse55(t) implicit none real t include 'tresol.inc' real para(3) data para/1.96e-3,22.6e-9,1.62e-9/ real parb(4) data parb/-0.41487,0.50456e8,-0.20235e16,0.26860e23/ real parc(4) data parc/2.23,-3.49e8,-5.15,-1.30e8/ real pard(6) data pard/-1.0523e-4,0.24084e+7,-0.17922e+8, + 0.46463e-1,0.53160e+8,-2.0966e+4/ if (t.lt.para(2)) then scint_pulse55 = para(1)*exp(-0.5*((t-para(2))/para(3))**2) else if (t.lt.27e-9) then scint_pulse55 = parb(1)+parb(2)*t+parb(3)*t**2+parb(4)*t**3 else if (t.lt.42e-9) then scint_pulse55 = exp(parc(1)+parc(2)*t)+exp(parc(3)+parc(4)*t) else scint_pulse55 = pard(1)*exp(-t*pard(2)) + *sin(abs((t-5e-8)*pard(3))**0.5) + + pard(4)*exp(-t*pard(5)) + *sin(abs((t-5e-8)*pard(6))**0.5) endif scint_pulse55 = scint_pulse55/0.0020 end subroutine changeid(id) implicit none integer id include 'tresol.inc' if (id .gt. 0) then idtrace = id idtres = id+1 idgen = id+2 iddet = id+3 else write(6,*) 'idtrace = ',idtrace write(6,*) 'idtres = ',idtres write(6,*) 'idgen = ',idgen write(6,*) 'iddet = ',iddet endif end subroutine seedranlux implicit none include 'tresol.inc' integer iseq open(unit=1,file='randomseed',status='old',err=9) read(1,*,err=8) iseq call rluxgo(2,iseq,0,0) 8 close(unit=1) 9 continue end * * $Id: rnpssn.F,v 1.2 2005/04/19 08:34:14 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: rnpssn.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 2005/04/19 08:34:14 mclareni * Protection against possible invalid negative number submitted by Piotr Niezurawski * * Revision 1996/04/01 15:02:56 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * *#include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE RNPSSN(AMU,N,IERR) EXTERNAL RANLUX SAVE EMU,AMU0,AMAX DATA AMU0 /-12345.67/, AMAX /88/ PARAMETER (AMXA = 88) IERR=0 IF(AMU .LE. 0) THEN IERR=1 J=0 ELSEIF(AMU .GT. AMAX) THEN CALL RNORMX(R,1,RANLUX) J=R*SQRT(AMU)+AMU+0.5 ELSE IF(AMU .NE. AMU0) THEN AMU0=AMU EMU=EXP(-AMU) ENDIF P=1 J=-1 1 J=J+1 CALL RANLUX(R,1) P=P*R IF(P .GT. EMU) GO TO 1 ENDIF * PN IF (J.LT.0) THEN PRINT *,' RNPSSN: Warning: J<0; J=',J PRINT *,' Correction: J=0' PRINT *,' Increase AMAX value!' J=0 ENDIF * PN N=J RETURN * ENTRY RNPSET(AMX) * AMAX=MIN(AMX,AMXA) * WRITE(6,'(/7X,''+++++ CERN V136 RNPSSN : SWITCH TO '', * 1 ''NORMAL APPROXIMATION FOR AMU > '',F7.2/)') AMAX * RETURN END