c c ffilters.f - These dummy functions are front-ends to those in filters.f c of the same name without the leading f. This frontend was c introduced so that the user code in filters.f could be c statically linked into paw, otherwise there are problems c trying to run on the x86_64 platform where the extended c 36bit address length that gets used for dynamically linked c segments exceeds the 32-bit limit of cernlib, and produces c the infamous LOCB/LOCF abort illustrated below. c c ----------------------------------------------------------- c LOCB/LOCF: address 0x7fff31602530 exceeds the 32 bit address space c or is not in the data segments c This may result in program crash or incorrect results c Therefore we will stop here c ------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine ffilters call filters end subroutine fgenerate(nrep) call generate(nrep) end subroutine fmakefilters call makefilters end subroutine fcheckfilters(nrep) call checkfilters(nrep) end subroutine freload call reload end