#!/bin/bash # # setup_gridmake.bash - setup file to run before launching gridmake. # # usage: [bash]$ source setup-gridmake.bash # # author: richard.t.jones at uconn.edu # version: march 18, 2014 # Modify the following to describe your local environment unset XERCESCROOT ROOTSYS export OSG_GLEXEC_LOCATION=None export OSG_WN_TMP=worker_node_temp export OSG_JOB_CONTACT=gluskap.phys.uconn.edu/jobmanager-condor export OSG_SQUID_LOCATION=UNAVAILABLE export OSG_SITE_WRITE=srm://srm.phys.uconn.edu:8443/ export OSG_SITE_READ=dcap://se1.phys.uconn.edu:22125/pnfs/phys.uconn.edu/data export OSG_DATA=/export/osg-data export OSG_APP=/export/osg-app export OSG_GRID=/etc/osg/wn-client/ export OSG_HOSTNAME=gluskap.phys.uconn.edu export OSG_STORAGE_ELEMENT=True export OSG_DEFAULT_SE=grinch.phys.uconn.edu export OSG_SITE_NAME=UConn-OSG_CE if voms-proxy-info >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo You can now run gridmake in this shell. else echo Error: no valid proxy found. echo You must first create a grid proxy before trying to run gridmake. fi