Release 11.3 - netgen L.57 (nt) Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Command Line: netgen -intstyle ise -ar Structure -tm FPGA_ctrl -w -dir netgen/synthesis -ofmt vhdl -sim FPGA_ctrl.ngc FPGA_ctrl_synthesis.vhd Reading design 'FPGA_ctrl.ngc' ... Flattening design ... Processing design ... Preping design's networks ... Preping design's macros ... Writing VHDL netlist 'E:\igors work\GlueX\Tagger\Electronics\FPGA\TotalTest\netgen\synthesis\FPGA_ctrl_synthesi s.vhd' ... INFO:NetListWriters:635 - The generated VHDL netlist contains Xilinx UNISIM simulation primitives and has to be used with UNISIM library for correct compilation and simulation. INFO:NetListWriters:703 - Setup Simulation - To perform a setup simulation, specify values in the Maximum (MAX) field with the following command line modifier: -SDFMAX INFO:NetListWriters:702 - Hold Simulation - To perform the most accurate hold simulation, specify values in the Minimum (MIN) field with the following command line modifier: -SDFMIN INFO:NetListWriters:665 - For more information on how to pass the SDF switches to the simulator, see your Simulator tool documentation. Number of warnings: 0 Number of info messages: 4 Total memory usage is 70652 kilobytes