require "" class SerialPort private_class_method(:create) # Creates a serial port object. # # port may be a port number # or the file name of a defice. # The number is portable; so 0 is mapped to "COM1" on Windows, # "/dev/ttyS0" on Linux, "/dev/cuaa0" on Mac OS X, etc. # # params can be used to configure the serial port. # See SerialPort#set_modem_params for details def SerialPort::new(port, *params) sp = create(port) begin sp.set_modem_params(*params) rescue sp.close raise end return sp end # This behaves like SerialPort#new, except that you can pass a block # to which the new serial port object will be passed. In this case # the connection is automaticaly closed when the block has finished. def SerialPort::open(port, *params) sp = create(port) begin sp.set_modem_params(*params) if (block_given?) yield sp sp.close return nil end rescue sp.close raise end return sp end end