---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: University of Connecticut -- Engineer: Igor Senderovich -- -- Create Date: 22:52:57 11/29/2007 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: Reset_soft - Behavioral -- Description: Loads the factory-coded MAC address from Flash memory into -- MAC system registers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; --use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; library FPGA_BasicComp; use FPGA_BasicComp.BasicComp.all; entity Reset_soft is Port ( Clk : in STD_LOGIC; Rst : in STD_LOGIC; DAC_iRST : out STD_LOGIC; --ADC_Rst : out STD_LOGIC; state_En : out STD_LOGIC; state_D : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); state_Q : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); MACregs_En : out STD_LOGIC; MACregs_A : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); MACregs_D : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); DBbyte : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); --Transceiver control lines TxRx_Go : out STD_LOGIC; TxRx_A : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); TxRx_D : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); TxRx_RiW : out STD_LOGIC; TxRx_Q : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); TxRx_Done : in STD_LOGIC; ser_Go : out STD_LOGIC; ser_D : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0) ); end Reset_soft; architecture Behavioral of Reset_soft is signal ReadCount : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); signal Data, DBbyte_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); signal Go_Init, Go_Byte, Go, Go_late, Done_Byte, Done_Skip, Go_Skip, En : STD_LOGIC; signal TxRx_Go_uAutoRd, TxRx_Go_uPktSkip, MACrdStage, LastByte : STD_LOGIC; begin -- Hold enable if state="001" En <= not (state_Q(2) or state_Q(1) or not state_Q(0)); u1: Pulse_Delay port map (Clk, En, Go_Init); Go <= Go_Init or Done_Byte; --Go_Byte <= Go and not (ReadCount(3) and ReadCount(0)); Go_Byte <= Go when LastByte='0' else '0'; -- AUTORD through source address (reprinted in packet payload) uAutoRd: AutoRd port map (Clk, Rst, Go_Byte, Data, Done_Byte, TxRx_Go_uAutoRd, TxRx_RiW, TxRx_A, TxRx_Q, TxRx_Done); MACrdStage <= not (ReadCount(2) and ReadCount(1)); LastByte <= Done_Byte when ReadCount(2 downto 0)="110" else '0'; MACregs_En <= '1' when (Done_Byte and MACrdStage)='1' else '0'; MACregs_A <= ReadCount when (Done_Byte and MACrdStage)='1' else "ZZZZ"; MACregs_D <= Data when (Done_Byte and MACrdStage)='1' else "ZZZZZZZZ"; ReadCount_ctrl : process (Rst, En, Go_Init, Done_Byte) begin if Rst='1' or Go_Init='1' then ReadCount <= "1111"; else if rising_edge(Done_Byte) and En='1' then ReadCount <= ReadCount + "0001"; else ReadCount <= ReadCount; end if; end if; end process; -- debugbits : process (Rst,Done_Byte,ReadCount) -- set timout multiple -- begin -- if (Rst='1') then DBbyte_int <= "00000001"; -- else -- if rising_edge(ReadCount(3)) then -- DBbyte_int <= Data; -- else DBbyte_int <= DBbyte_int; end if; -- end if; -- end process; -- DBbyte <= DBbyte_int; DAC_iRst <= '0' when (Done_Byte='1' and Data(0)='1' and ReadCount(2 downto 0)="110") else not Rst; -- Order RXSKIP (RXCN(1) - 0x11(1) ) of the packet Go_Skip <= LastByte; uPktSkip: wrToAddr port map (Clk, Rst, Go_Skip, X"11", "00000010", TxRx_Go_uPktSkip, TxRx_A, TxRx_D, TxRx_RiW, TxRx_Done, Done_Skip); state_En <= Done_Skip; state_D <= "101" when (Done_Skip='1') else "ZZZ"; TxRx_Go <= TxRx_Go_uAutoRd or TxRx_Go_uPktSkip; ser_Go <= Go_Byte; ser_D <= X"0" & ReadCount when Done_Byte='1' else "ZZZZZZZZ"; end Behavioral;