Los Alamos National Laboratory Poisson Superfish Program Force written by Ron F. Holsinger in collaboration with Klaus Halbach The original Poisson Superfish codes were developed by Ron F. Holsinger in collaboration with Klaus Halbach. These programs are provided as a service to the accelerator community by the Los Alamos Accelerator Code Group (LAACG). (c) Copyright 1985-2005, by the Regents of the University of California. This software was produced under U. S. Government contract W-7405-ENG-36 by Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is operated by the University of California for the U. S. Department of Energy. Neither the Government nor the University makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for its use, or represents that use of this software would not infringe privately owned rights. Unpublished - rights reserved under Copyright Laws of the United States. Program Force 7.17 released 1-13-2006 Starting from file Z:\home\gen\.wine\my_poisson\GLUEX_SOL_02.T35. Program file: Z:\HOME\GEN\.WINE\LANL\FORCE.EXE SF.INI file: Z:\HOME\GEN\.WINE\LANL\SF.INI 7-21-2006 18:34:36 Memory used for GLUEX_SOL_02.T35 arrays: 15.759 M Memory used for other FORCE arrays: 332.020 K Problem description: GlueX (Hall D) solenoid - basic, 1500A Problem file: Z:\home\gen\.wine\my_poisson\GLUEX_SOL_02.AM 7-29-2009 9:49:50 Problem file length: 6691 bytes Originating program: Automesh Problem type: Magnetostatic Coordinates and lengths have dimensions of centimeters. Problem constants and variables. Letter A in the code column indicates a value supplied in the Automesh input file. Letter S in the code column indicates a value supplied in the SFO input file. Variable Code Value Description ANGLE 0.0 Extent of arc for interpolating potential ANGLZ 0.0 Initial point on arc for interpolation CLIGHT 2.997924580E+10 Exact speed of light in cm/sec CONV 1.00000000 Length conversion (number of units per cm) DIAGDLL 0 If 1, DLL writes diagnostics to DiagDLL.txt DX1 2.06896552 First X mesh interval (at XMIN) DXMIN 0.250000000 Minimum X mesh interval (found by Automesh) DYMIN 1.00000000 Minimum Y mesh interval (found by Automesh) EPS0 8.854187818E-12 Permittivity of free space EPSILA 5.000000000E-07 Convergence PARAMETER: air, interface points EPSILI 5.000000000E-07 Convergence parameter for iron points EPSO 1.000000000E-05 Convergence parameter in mesh optimization ETAAIR 0.998128892 Rate of convergence in air, cycle N ETAFE 0.998121870 Rate of convergence in iron, cycle N FIXEPS 9.00000000 Permittivity when MODE=-1 FIXGAM 4.000000000E-03 Reluctivity when MODE=-1 FMU0 1.256637061E-06 Permeability of free space ICAL 0 Type of formula for currents near coils ICCC 1 1 in Poisson/Pandira problems (all real arrays) ICYCLE 4400 Present iteration number ICYLIN A 1 0 for X,Y problems, 1 for Z,R problems ICYSEN 0 If zero, do not print boundary integrals IENERGY 0 If 1, calculate stored energy IHDL 100000 Cycles between H*dl integrals IMAX 322 KMAX+2 IPERM 0 0 = real currents, 1 = no real currents IPIVOT 1 Pivoting in matrix inversion routines IPRFQ 0 Print frequency during Poisson iterations IRMAX 25 Used in optimization of RHOXY ISKIP 1 Cycles between calculation of reluctance ITOT 226044 (KMAX+2)*(LMAX+2) IVERG 10 Number of cycles between convergence tests KBZERO 1 Logical K coordinate where B = BDES KMAX 320 Number of horizontal logical mesh points KMIN 1 Lower K bound for computing field KPROB A 0 Problem type indicator (Poisson) KTOP 320 Upper K bound for computing field KTYPE 2 Symmetry indicator for harmonic analysis LAST35 5 Code for last program to update T35 file LBZERO 1 Logical L coordinate where B = BDES LCYCLE 47 Iteration number LMAX 700 Number of vertical logical mesh points LMIN 1 Lower L bound for computing field LTOP 1 Upper L bound for computing field MAP 1 Conformal mapping parameter MAXCY 100000 Maximum number of cycles (-1: use default) MAXPPR 2038 Maximum points per region MODE A 0 Material property indicator NAIR 173267 Number of air points NAMAX 0 Number of points for recalculating couplings NBND 2036 Number of Dirichlet boundary points NBSLF A 0 Left-side boundary condition NBSLO A 0 Lower boundary condition NBSRT A 0 Right-side boundary condition NBSUP A 0 Upper boundary condition NEGAT 0 Zero-area triangle indicator NFE 46591 Number of iron points NGMAX 48222 Number of points for recalculating gammas NGSAM 47064 Number of points for reluctivity when NM6=NM1 NINTER 2106 Number of interface points NMATR 1 Number of material records in T35 file NOTE 1 Determines relaxation order NPBOUND 8375 Total number of boundary points in the mesh NPINP 224000 Total points in problem NPONTS 213542 Number of unknown relaxation points NPTC 0 Number of arc points for interpolation NREG 32 Number of regions NSEG 151 Number of boundary segments NSPL 0 Number of special-potential points NTERM 0 Number of coefficients in harmonic analysis NWMAX 48459 Number of points for recalculating couplings OMEGAM 1.000000000E-03 Used in optimization of RHOXY OMEGAP 1.000000000E-03 Optimization parameter for RHOAIR in Poisson PI 3.14159265 The number pi to machine precision RATIO 0.0 BZERO/XJFACT for air solution RESIDA 1.385090612E-07 Residual for air RESIDI 4.907815868E-07 Residual for iron RHOAIR 1.99516927 Over-relaxation factor: air, interface points RHOFE 1.00000000 Over-relaxation factor for iron points RHOGAM 8.000000000E-02 Under-relaxation parameter for reluctivity RHOPT1 1.90000000 If = RHOAIR, causes optimization of RHOAIR RHOXY 1.60000000 Over-relaxation factor for mesh optimization RINT 0.0 Radius of arc for interpolating potential RNORM 0.0 Aperture radius in harmonic analysis RZERO 1.00000000 Scaling factor for conformal transformation SNEGA 0.0 Total negative current, this solution SNEGG 0.0 Total negative current at generation SPOSA 6912000.00 total positive current, this solution SPOSG 6912000.00 Total positive current at generation STACK 1.00000000 Stacking factor STOTA 6912000.00 Total current in problem, this solution STOTG 6912000.00 Total current in problem at generation TNEGC 0.0 Negative current after conformal transformation TPOSC 0.0 Positive current after conformal transformation TRIAVG 0.896937407 Average area of all triangles TRIMAX 10.8161565 Area of the largest positive-area triangle TRIMIN 0.118884109 Area of the smallest positive-area triangle VOLUME 502654825. Cavity volume (cylindrical symmetry only) XJFACT 1.00000000 Factor multiplying currents XJFEND 1.00000000 Ending XJFACT for a range of multipliers XJSTEPS 0 Number of steps from XJFACT to XJFEND XJTOL 5.000000000E-07 Tolerance on XJFACT XMAXF 0.0 Upper X bound for computing field XMAXG 400.000000 Upper X bound of the problem geometry XMINF 0.0 Lower X bound for computing field XMING 0.0 Lower X bound of the problem geometry XORG 0.0 X coordinate center of harmonic analysis circle XYAREA 400000.000 Total cross sectional area YMAXF 0.0 Upper Y bound for computing field YMAXG 700.000000 Upper Y bound of the problem geometry YMINF 0.0 Lower Y bound for computing field YMING -300.000000 Lower Y bound of the problem geometry YORG 0.0 Y coordinate center of harmonic analysis circle Region 2 Current density = 2450.9895 Integration path, region of interest = 2 Point K L X Y Triangle leg to next point 1 94 223 101.88100 92.85300 space both sides 2 95 223 102.38337 92.85300 space both sides 3 96 223 102.88573 92.85300 space both sides 4 97 223 103.38810 92.85300 space both sides 5 98 223 103.89047 92.85300 space both sides 6 99 223 104.39283 92.85300 space both sides 7 100 223 104.89520 92.85300 space both sides 8 101 223 105.39757 92.85300 space both sides 9 102 223 105.89993 92.85300 space both sides 10 103 223 106.40230 92.85300 space both sides 11 104 223 106.90467 92.85300 space both sides 12 105 223 107.40703 92.85300 space both sides 13 106 223 107.90940 92.85300 space both sides 14 107 223 108.41177 92.85300 space both sides 15 108 223 108.91413 92.85300 space both sides 16 109 223 109.41650 92.85300 space both sides 17 110 223 109.91887 92.85300 space both sides 18 111 223 110.42123 92.85300 space both sides 19 112 223 110.92360 92.85300 space both sides 20 113 223 111.42597 92.85300 space both sides 21 114 223 111.92833 92.85300 space both sides 22 115 223 112.43070 92.85300 space both sides 23 116 223 112.93307 92.85300 space both sides 24 117 223 113.43543 92.85300 space both sides 25 118 223 113.93780 92.85300 space both sides 26 119 223 114.44017 92.85300 space both sides 27 120 223 114.94253 92.85300 space both sides 28 121 223 115.44490 92.85300 space both sides 29 122 223 115.94727 92.85300 space both sides 30 123 223 116.44963 92.85300 space both sides 31 124 223 116.95200 92.85300 space both sides 32 124 224 116.95200 93.91618 space both sides 33 124 225 116.95200 94.97936 space both sides 34 124 226 116.95200 96.04255 space both sides 35 124 227 116.95200 97.10573 space both sides 36 124 228 116.95200 98.16891 space both sides 37 124 229 116.95200 99.23209 space both sides 38 124 230 116.95200 100.29527 space both sides 39 124 231 116.95200 101.35846 space both sides 40 124 232 116.95200 102.42164 space both sides 41 124 233 116.95200 103.48482 space both sides 42 124 234 116.95200 104.54800 space both sides 43 123 234 116.32000 104.54800 space both sides 44 122 234 115.82210 104.54800 space both sides 45 121 234 115.32421 104.54800 space both sides 46 120 234 114.82631 104.54800 space both sides 47 119 234 114.32841 104.54800 space both sides 48 118 234 113.83052 104.54800 space both sides 49 117 234 113.33262 104.54800 space both sides 50 116 234 112.83472 104.54800 space both sides 51 115 234 112.33683 104.54800 space both sides 52 114 234 111.83893 104.54800 space both sides 53 113 234 111.34103 104.54800 space both sides 54 112 234 110.84314 104.54800 space both sides 55 111 234 110.34524 104.54800 space both sides 56 110 234 109.84735 104.54800 space both sides 57 109 234 109.34945 104.54800 space both sides 58 108 234 108.85155 104.54800 space both sides 59 107 234 108.35366 104.54800 space both sides 60 106 234 107.85576 104.54800 space both sides 61 105 234 107.35786 104.54800 space both sides 62 104 234 106.85997 104.54800 space both sides 63 103 234 106.36207 104.54800 space both sides 64 102 234 105.86417 104.54800 space both sides 65 101 234 105.36628 104.54800 space both sides 66 100 234 104.86838 104.54800 space both sides 67 99 234 104.37048 104.54800 space both sides 68 98 234 103.87259 104.54800 space both sides 69 97 234 103.37469 104.54800 space both sides 70 96 234 102.87679 104.54800 space both sides 71 95 234 102.37890 104.54800 space both sides 72 94 234 101.88100 104.54800 space both sides 73 94 233 101.88100 103.48482 space both sides 74 94 232 101.88100 102.42164 space both sides 75 94 231 101.88100 101.35846 space both sides 76 94 230 101.88100 100.29527 space both sides 77 94 229 101.88100 99.23209 space both sides 78 94 228 101.88100 98.16891 space both sides 79 94 227 101.88100 97.10573 space both sides 80 94 226 101.88100 96.04255 space both sides 81 94 225 101.88100 94.97936 space both sides 82 94 224 101.88100 93.91618 space both sides 83 94 223 101.88100 92.85300 Fr = 5.43486E+05 N/radian Fz = 2.65907E+05 N/radian 2piFz = 1.67074E+06 N Fr = 5.54202E+04 kg/radian Fz = 2.71149E+04 kg/radian 2piFz = 1.70368E+05 kg Fr = 1.22201E+05 lb/radian Fz = 5.97885E+04 lb/radian 2piFz = 3.75662E+05 lb