// // CobremsGeneration class header // // author: richard.t.jones at uconn.edu // version: july 27, 2015 // // notes: // // This class computes differential rates and polarization factors // for coherent bremsstrahlung by an electron beam passing through // a crystal radiator. A beamline geometry similar to that in Hall D // at Jefferson Lab is assumed, consisting of a single radiator // followed by a collimator located some distance away. Rates are // computed for both the pre-collimated and post-collimated beams. // // This code was ported from cobrems.f, written in Fortran 77. // // units: // Any length is in m; energy,momentum,mass in GeV (c=1); angles in // radians; time in seconds; current in microAmps. #ifndef CobremsGeneration_h #define CobremsGeneration_h 1 #include #include #if BOOST_PYTHON_WRAPPING #include #endif class CobremsGeneration { public: CobremsGeneration(double Emax_GeV, double Epeak_GeV); CobremsGeneration(const CobremsGeneration &src); CobremsGeneration &operator=(const CobremsGeneration &src); ~CobremsGeneration(); void setBeamEnergy(double Ebeam_GeV); void setBeamErms(double Erms_GeV); void setBeamEmittance(double emit_m_r); void setCollimatorSpotrms(double spotrms_m); void setCollimatorDistance(double distance_m); void setCollimatorDiameter(double diameter_m); void setTargetThickness(double thickness_m); void setTargetCrystal(std::string crystal); void setCoherentEdge(double Epeak_GeV); void setTargetThetax(double thetax); void setTargetThetay(double thetay); void setTargetThetaz(double thetaz); void setTargetOrientation(double thetax, double thetay, double thetaz); void setPhotonEnergyMin(double Emin_GeV); void RotateTarget(double thetax, double thetay, double thetaz); void setCollimatedFlag(bool flag); void setPolarizedFlag(bool flag); double getBeamEnergy() { return fBeamEnergy; // (GeV) } double getBeamErms() { return fBeamErms; // (GeV) } double getBeamEmittance() { return fBeamEmittance; // (m rad) } double getCollimatorSpotrms() { return fCollimatorSpotrms; // (m) } double getCollimatorDistance() { return fCollimatorDistance; // (m) } double getCollimatorDiameter() { return fCollimatorDiameter; // (m) } double getTargetThickness() { return fTargetThickness; // (m) } std::string getTargetCrystal() { return fTargetCrystal.name; } int getTargetCrystalNsites() { return fTargetCrystal.nsites; } double getTargetCrystalAtomicNumber() { return fTargetCrystal.Z; } double getTargetCrystalAtomicWeight() { return fTargetCrystal.A; // (amu) } double getTargetCrystalDensity() { return fTargetCrystal.density; // (g/cm^3) } double getTargetCrystalLatticeConstant() { return fTargetCrystal.lattice_constant; // (m) } double getTargetCrystalRadiationLength() { return fTargetCrystal.radiation_length; // (m) } double getTargetCrystalDebyeWallerConst() { return fTargetCrystal.Debye_Waller_const; // (1/GeV^2) } double getTargetCrystalMosaicSpread() { return fTargetCrystal.mosaic_spread; // (rad) } double getTargetCrystalBetaFF() { return fTargetCrystal.betaFF; // (1/GeV^2) } double getTargetThetax() { return fTargetThetax; // (rad) } double getTargetThetay() { return fTargetThetay; // (rad) } double getTargetThetaz() { return fTargetThetaz; // (rad) } double getPhotonEnergyMin() { return fPhotonEnergyMin; // (GeV) } bool getCollimatedFlag() { return fCollimatedFlag; } bool getPolarizedFlag() { return fPolarizedFlag; } double getTargetRadiationLength_PDG(); double getTargetRadiationLength_Schiff(); double getTargetDebyeWallerConstant(double DebyeT_K, double T_K); void applyBeamCrystalConvolution(int nbins, double *xvalues, double *yvalues); #if BOOST_PYTHON_WRAPPING typedef boost::python::object pyobject; void pyApplyBeamCrystalConvolution(int nbins, pyobject xarr, pyobject yarr); #endif void printBeamlineInfo(); void printTargetCrystalInfo(); double CoherentEnhancement(double x); double Rate_dNtdx(double x); double Rate_dNtdx(double x, double distance_m, double diameter_m); double Rate_dNtdk(double k_GeV); double Rate_dNcdx(double x); double Rate_dNcdx(double x, double distance_m, double diameter_m); double Rate_dNcdxdp(double x, double phi); double Rate_dNidx(double x); double Rate_dNBidx(double x); double Rate_dNidxdt2(double x, double theta2); double Rate_para(double x, double theta2, double phi); double Rate_ortho(double x, double theta2, double phi); double Polarization(double x, double theta2); double Acceptance(double theta2, double phi, double xshift_m, double yshift_m); double Acceptance(double theta2); double Sigma2MS(double thickness_m); double Sigma2MS_Kaune(double thickness_m); double Sigma2MS_PDG(double thickness_m); double Sigma2MS_Geant(double thickness_m); double Sigma2MS_Hanson(double thickness_m); // some math and physical constants static const double dpi; static const double me; static const double alpha; static const double hbarc; // statistical record from last sum over reciprocal lattice std::vector fQ2theta2; std::vector fQ2weight; private: void resetTargetOrientation(); void updateTargetOrientation(); // description of the radiator crystal lattice, here configured for diamond // but may be customized to describe any regular crystal struct lattice_vector { double x; double y; double z; lattice_vector() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {} lattice_vector(double ux, double uy, double uz) : x(ux), y(uy), z(uz) {} lattice_vector(const lattice_vector &src) : x(src.x), y(src.y), z(src.z) {} lattice_vector &operator=(const lattice_vector &src) { x = src.x; y = src.y; z = src.z; return *this; } }; struct crystal_parameters_t { std::string name; int nsites; double Z; double A; // amu double density; // g/cm^3 double lattice_constant; // m double radiation_length; // m double Debye_Waller_const; // 1/GeV^2 double mosaic_spread; // rms radians double betaFF; // 1/GeV^2 std::vector ucell_site; lattice_vector primaryHKL; } fTargetCrystal; double fTargetThickness; // orientation of the radiator with respect to the beam axis double fTargetThetax; // the "small" angle double fTargetThetay; // the "large" angle double fTargetThetaz; double fTargetRmatrix[3][3]; // description of the beam at the radiator double fBeamEnergy; // GeV double fBeamErms; // GeV double fBeamEmittance; // m radians double fCollimatorSpotrms; // m double fCollimatorDistance; // m double fCollimatorDiameter; // m // flags to select kind of flux to be computed bool fCollimatedFlag; bool fPolarizedFlag; // parameters controlling Monte Carlo generation of photons double fPhotonEnergyMin; // GeV }; inline void CobremsGeneration::setBeamEmittance(double emit_m_r) { fBeamEmittance = emit_m_r; } inline void CobremsGeneration::setBeamEnergy(double Ebeam_GeV) { fBeamEnergy = Ebeam_GeV; } inline void CobremsGeneration::setBeamErms(double Erms_GeV) { fBeamErms = Erms_GeV; } inline void CobremsGeneration::setCollimatorSpotrms(double spotrms_m) { fCollimatorSpotrms = spotrms_m; } inline void CobremsGeneration::setCollimatorDistance(double distance_m) { fCollimatorDistance = distance_m; } inline void CobremsGeneration::setCollimatorDiameter(double diameter_m) { fCollimatorDiameter = diameter_m; } inline void CobremsGeneration::setTargetThickness(double thickness_m) { fTargetThickness = thickness_m; } inline void CobremsGeneration::setTargetThetax(double thetax) { fTargetThetax = thetax; updateTargetOrientation(); } inline void CobremsGeneration::setTargetThetay(double thetay) { fTargetThetay = thetay; updateTargetOrientation(); } inline void CobremsGeneration::setTargetThetaz(double thetaz) { fTargetThetaz = thetaz; updateTargetOrientation(); } inline void CobremsGeneration::setTargetOrientation(double thetax, double thetay, double thetaz) { fTargetThetax = thetax; fTargetThetay = thetay; fTargetThetaz = thetaz; updateTargetOrientation(); } inline void CobremsGeneration::setPhotonEnergyMin(double Emin_GeV) { fPhotonEnergyMin = Emin_GeV; } inline void CobremsGeneration::setCollimatedFlag(bool flag) { fCollimatedFlag = flag; } inline void CobremsGeneration::setPolarizedFlag(bool flag) { fPolarizedFlag = flag; } inline void CobremsGeneration::resetTargetOrientation() { fTargetRmatrix[0][0] = 1; fTargetRmatrix[0][1] = 0; fTargetRmatrix[0][2] = 0; fTargetRmatrix[1][0] = 0; fTargetRmatrix[1][1] = 1; fTargetRmatrix[1][2] = 0; fTargetRmatrix[2][0] = 0; fTargetRmatrix[2][1] = 0; fTargetRmatrix[2][2] = 1; } #endif