c hpd - a package for simulating the readout preamplifier electronics c for the hybrid photodiode (HPD) c c Richard Jones c March 6, 2005 c c Usage: To generate one signal and 10 noise pulses do: c paw> call hpd.f77(100,10) c The output signal is saved in histogram 100 and histograms 101-110 c will contain the noise traces. c c Model 1: fast readout with good timing and noise of 6 p.e. c This circuit couples the signal from the HPD (capacitance C0=200pF) c to the emitter of a fast bipolar transistor. The bias current of the c transistor is set by a 500 Ohm resisitor and a 50 Ohm base network so c the effective discharge resistance is low (30mV / Icc) with Icc=1mA. c The collector current drives a R0=3KOhm gain resistor. A fast op-amp c (specs taken from OPA657) reads the voltage across R0. The feedback c circuit between the op-amp output and its negative input is a resistor c capacitor pair (R=5KOhm, C=1pF), with a reference resisitor Rt=100Ohms c between the negative pin and ground. The output voltage for a 100 p.e. c pulse is about 350mV peak so no further amplification is needed before c digitization. The following noise sources are included. c 1. Johnson noise associated with the capacitance of the HPD c 2. shot noise associated with the collector current of the transistor c 3. input noise on the op-amp (as specified on the OPA657 data sheet) c The results give an integrated charge of 100 ± 6 p.e. and a leading- c edge timing resolution of 250ps r.m.s. To use this simulation, c set the noise function to compute the sum of johnson_noise, shot_noise c and opamp_noise1, and set the hpd subroutine to call the filter1. If c you change any component values, make sure that you change them in both c the noise_* and filter1 functions. c c Model 2: slow readout with poor timing and noise of 4 p.e. c This circuit couples the HPD (capacitance C0=200pF) directly to the c minus input pin of the op-amp. The feeback of the op-amp is a RC c parallel circuit with R=50KOhms and C=1.5pF. The positive input is c coupled directly to ground. This is the configuration described in c the OPA657 data sheet, and turns out to be very slow because of the c large capacitance of the HPD. The following noise sources are included. c 1. Johnson noise associated with the capacitance of the HPD c 2. input noise on the op-amp (as specified on the OPA657 data sheet) c The results give an integrated charge of 100 ± 6 p.e. and a leading- c edge timing resolution of 3ns r.m.s. To use this simulation, c set the noise function to compute the sum of johnson_noise and c opamp_noise2, and set the hpd subroutine to call the filter2. If c you change any component values, make sure that you change them in c both the noise_* and filter2 functions. subroutine hpd(id,n) integer id,n external pulse,noise integer nbins real tstart,tend c parameter (nbins=1500,tstart=-50,tend=100) c call filter1(id,pulse,nbins,tstart,tend) parameter (nbins=2500,tstart=0,tend=1000) call filter2(id,pulse,nbins,tstart,tend) do i=1,n c call filter1(id+i,noise,nbins,tstart,tend) call filter2(id+i,noise,nbins,tstart,tend) enddo end c generic HPD pulse for 100 p.e. (assumes manufacturer's characteristics) real function pulse(t,dt) ! Amperes as a function of ns real t,dt real pe,gain c parameter (pe=100,gain=2700) c parameter (pe=1200,gain=2200) parameter (pe=1440,gain=2200) real x x=t-155 if (x.gt.0) then * pulse=x**2*exp(-x/10-x**2/80)/125 * pulse=x**2*exp(-x/20-x**2/320)/500 pulse=(exp(-x/325)-exp(-x/10))/500 else pulse=0 endif pulse=pulse*pe*gain*1.6e-19*1e9 end c generic noise routine - customize to simulate either model 1 or 2 real function noise(t,dt) ! Amperes as a function of ns real t,dt real johnson_noise,shot_noise,opamp_noise external johnson_noise,shot_noise,opamp_noise noise=johnson_noise(t,dt) + +opamp_noise2(t,dt) c noise=johnson_noise(t,dt) c + +shot_noise(t,dt) c + +opamp_noise1(t,dt) end c noise current on the HPD from the equipartition theorem real function johnson_noise(t,dt) ! Amperes as a function of ns real t,dt real q,qsaved common /qsave1/qsaved data qsaved/0/ real kT,C0 parameter (kT=4.04e-21,C0=200e-12) real rangauss external rangauss if (qsaved.eq.0) then qsaved=rangauss()*sqrt(kT*C0) endif q=rangauss()*sqrt(kT*C0) johnson_noise=(q-qsaved)/(dt*1e-9) qsaved=q end C noise current on the collector from electron statistics real function shot_noise(t,dt) ! Amperes as a function of ns real t,dt real Icc parameter (Icc=1e-3) real rangauss external rangauss real ecount ecount=Icc*(dt*1e-9)/1.6e-19 shot_noise=rangauss()*sqrt(ecount)*1.6e-19/(dt*1e-9) end C noise on the op-amp inputs from the manufacturer's specs (model 1) real function opamp_noise1(t,dt) ! Amperes as a function of ns real t,dt real Vin,R0 parameter (Vin=4.8e-9,R0=5e3) real rangauss external rangauss opamp_noise1=rangauss()*Vin/sqrt(4*dt*1e-9)/R0 end C noise on the op-amp inputs from the manufacturer's specs (model 2) real function opamp_noise2(t,dt) ! Amperes as a function of ns real t,dt real Vin,R,C,C0 parameter (Vin=4.8e-9,R=50e3,C=2.0e-12,C0=200e-12) real q,qsaved common /qsave2/qsaved data qsaved/0/ real rangauss external rangauss q=rangauss()*Vin/sqrt(4*dt*1e-9)*(C+C0) opamp_noise2=rangauss()*Vin/sqrt(4*dt*1e-9)/R + +(q-qsaved)/(dt*1e-9) qsaved=q end c simple two-pole model of the HPD+preamplifier response (model 1) subroutine filter1(id,f,nbins,xlo,xhi) integer id real f integer nbins real xlo,xhi real x,dx real sig(999999),amp real filtf(999999) real R,Rt,R0,R1,C,Gbw parameter (R0=3e+3,R=5e+3,C=1.0e-12,Rt=100,Gbw=10e9) real ceq(3),discrim real wpole(2),wfreq R1=1/(1/R+1/Rt) ceq(1)=Gbw/(R*C)*1e-18 ceq(2)=(Gbw+1/(C*R1))*1e-9 ceq(3)=1 discrim=4*ceq(1)*ceq(3)-ceq(2)**2 if (discrim.ge.0) then wpole(1)=ceq(2)/(2*ceq(3)) wpole(2)=wpole(1) wfreq=sqrt(discrim)/(2*ceq(3)) else wpole(1)=(ceq(2)-sqrt(-discrim))/(2*ceq(3)) wpole(2)=(ceq(2)+sqrt(-discrim))/(2*ceq(3)) wfreq=0 endif print *, 'poles are ',wpole,wfreq dx=(xhi-xlo)/nbins do i=1,nbins if (wfreq.eq.0) then filtf(i)=-(Gbw*R0)/(R1*C)*1e-18 + *(exp(-wpole(1)*i*dx)-exp(-wpole(2)*i*dx)) + /(wpole(1)-wpole(2)) else filtf(i)=+(Gbw*R0)/(C*R1)*1e-18 + *sin(wfreq*i*dx)*exp(-wpole(1)*i*dx) + /wfreq endif enddo x=xlo-dx/2 call hbook1(id,'filtered signal',nbins,xlo,xhi,0.) do i=2,nbins x=x+dx sig(i)=f(x,dx) amp=sig(1)*filtf(i-1)*dx do j=2,i-1 amp=amp+(sig(j)*dx+R1*C*(sig(j)-sig(j-1)))*filtf(i-j) enddo call hfill(id,x,0.,amp) enddo end c simple two-pole model of the HPD+preamplifier response (model 2) subroutine filter2(id,f,nbins,xlo,xhi) integer id real f integer nbins real xlo,xhi real x,dx real sig(999999),amp real filtf(999999) real R,C,R0,C0,Gbw parameter (R=50e+3,C=1.8e-12,R0=0,C0=200e-12,Gbw=10e9) real ceq(3),discrim real wpole(2),wfreq ceq(1)=Gbw*1e-18 ceq(2)=(1+Gbw*(R*C+R0*C0))*1e-9 ceq(3)=R*(C+C0)+R0*C0*(1+Gbw*R*C) discrim=4*ceq(1)*ceq(3)-ceq(2)**2 if (discrim.ge.0) then wpole(1)=ceq(2)/(2*ceq(3)) wpole(2)=wpole(1) wfreq=sqrt(discrim)/(2*ceq(3)) else wpole(1)=(ceq(2)-sqrt(-discrim))/(2*ceq(3)) wpole(2)=(ceq(2)+sqrt(-discrim))/(2*ceq(3)) wfreq=0 endif print *, 'poles are ',wpole,wfreq dx=(xhi-xlo)/nbins do i=1,nbins if (wfreq.eq.0) then filtf(i)=-Gbw*R/ceq(3)*1e-18 + *(exp(-wpole(1)*i*dx)-exp(-wpole(2)*i*dx)) + /(wpole(1)-wpole(2)) else filtf(i)=+Gbw*R/ceq(3)*1e-18 + *sin(wfreq*i*dx)*exp(-wpole(1)*i*dx) + /wfreq endif enddo x=xlo-dx/2 call hbook1(id,'filtered signal',nbins,xlo,xhi,0.) do i=2,nbins x=x+dx sig(i)=f(x,dx) amp=sig(1)*filtf(i-1)*dx do j=2,i-1 amp=amp+sig(j)*filtf(i-j)*dx enddo call hfill(id,x,0.,amp) enddo end c plugin replacement for filter functions, useful as a debugging check subroutine dintegrate(id,f,nbins,xlo,xhi) integer id real f integer nbins real xlo,xhi real R,C,CD,Gbw parameter (R=50e3,C=2.0e-12,CD=200e-12,Gbw=10e+9) real x,dx,Vout,Vout1,Vout2 real Vin real c0,c1,c2 c0=1/R c1=(C+1/(Gbw*R))*1e9 c2=((C+CD)/Gbw)*1e18 dx=(xhi-xlo)/nbins x=xlo-dx/2 Vout=0 Vout1=0 Vout2=0 call hbook1(id,'integrated signal',nbins,xlo,xhi,0.) do i=1,nbins x=x+dx Vout2=(f(x,dx)-c0*Vout-c1*Vout1)/c2 Vout1=Vout1+Vout2*dx Vout=Vout+Vout1*dx Vin=-(Vout1/Gbw)*1e+9 call hfill(id,x,0.,Vout) enddo end c Gaussian random number generator, based on CERNLIB rndm() real function rangauss() real r,phi,pi parameter (pi=3.1415926) external rndm r=sqrt(-2*log(rndm())) phi=2*pi*rndm() rangauss=r*cos(phi) end