WARNING: Container does not have an exec helper script, calling '/srv/.osgvo-user-job-wrapper.sh' directly JANA ERROR>>thread 0 has stalled on run:41936 event:3139798 JANA ERROR>> Thread 0 (2b8151ec3700) hasn't responded in 601 seconds. (run:event=41936:3139798) Cancelling ... JANA ERROR>>Caught HUP signal for thread 0x2b8151ec3700 thread exiting... JANA ERROR>> JANA ERROR>> Automatic relaunching of threads is disabled. If you wish to JANA ERROR>> have the program relaunch a replacement thread when a stalled JANA ERROR>> one is killed, set the JANA:MAX_RELAUNCH_THREADS configuration JANA ERROR>> parameter to a value greater than zero. E.g.: JANA ERROR>> JANA ERROR>> jana -PJANA:MAX_RELAUNCH_THREADS=10 JANA ERROR>> JANA ERROR>> The program will quit now. Exit code: 70