message 'set the radiator thickness to 20 microns' vi cobrems.f cobrems message 'set the radiator thickness to 50 microns' vi cobrems.f cobrems id=200 message 'set the radiator thickness to 100 microns' vi cobrems.f cobrems id=300 message 'set the radiator thickness to 10 microns' vi cobrems.f cobrems id=400 add 200 200 201 0.4 0 add 300 300 301 0.2 0 add 400 400 401 2 0 h/pl 100(6.:) c h/pl 401(6.:) sc h/pl 301(6.:) sc h/pl 201(6.:) sc label key=2 text='10 microns (x 2)' label key=1 text='20 microns' label key=4 text='50 microns (x 0.4)' label key=4 text='100 microns (x 0.2)' atit 'E?[g]! (GeV)' 'beam flux (/GeV/s)'