#!/bin/tcsh # if ( -d build == 0 ) then echo "Making the build directory" mkdir build else echo "Cleaning out the build directory" cd build rm -f * cd ../ endif # echo "Copying content and figure files" #pwd foreach dir ( chapter1 chapter2 chapter3 chapter4 chapter5 chapter6 chapter7 ) cd ${dir} make distclean cd ../ cp -pfd ${dir}/*.tex build/. cp -pfd ${dir}/*.eps build/. end # echo "Copying Control Files to build" # cp -pvf PPS_Review08.tex build/. cp -pvf standard_symbols.tex build/. cp -pvf halld.bib build/. cp -pvf collab.tex build/. # cd build echo "Running Latex on files" latex PPS_Review08 echo "Running bibtex on files" bibtex PPS_Review08 echo "Running Latex on files" latex PPS_Review08 latex PPS_Review08 latex PPS_Review08 echo "Making Postscript FIles" dvips -o PPS_Review08.ps PPS_Review08 mv PPS_Review08.ps ../. # cd ../ # # pdflatex collab.tex # exit(0)