Calorimetry: simulation and reconstruction
Status report to GlueX colllaboration meeting
Newport News, Virginia, May 12-13, 2005
Richard Jones, University of Connecticut
- General Strategy
- Forward calorimeter: lead glass array
- Central calorimeter: lead-SciFi barrel
- Backward calorimeter: lead-scintillator sandwich
I. General Strategy
- Three types of calorimeters,
three different approaches to simulation, reconstruction
- Common strategy in three cases
- detailed simulation
- module-based, not necessarily the complete detector
- structural geometry described in microscopic detail
- detailed simulation of detector response
- standalone simulation code, not integrated with entire detector
- generally expensive in terms of compute and storage resources
- only way to understand detector response from first principles
- useful for optimizing detector parameters and readout
- full-detector simulation
- geometry more coarse-grained than detailed simulation
- detail roughly matches the level of readout segmentation
- full physics simulation, but detector response is modelled
- optimized for efficient use of compute,storage resources
- only way to understand integrated detector performance
- essential for developing reconstruction code
- reconstruction package
- existing prototypes based on code developed by previous experiments
- integration into general reconstruction framework yet to come
II. Forward Calorimeter: lead glass array
- detailed simulation
- mature simulator exists, developed at UConn
- incorporates detailed data for lead glass provided by I.U. group
- refractive index as a function of wavelength 350-800 nm
- absorption coefficient as a function of wavelength 350-800 nm
- photocathode efficiency as a function of wavelength 350-800 nm
- accounts for polarization and wavelength-dependence of:
- Cerenkov process
- refraction, reflection
- absorption in bulk and at surfaces
- quantum efficiency
- predicts photoelectron yield as a function of shower particle:
- velocity
- direction w.r.t. block axis
- position in block
- path length
- main detector issues:
- wrapping (absorptive, reflective, air gap)
- coupling to phototube
- blind spot
- full-detector simulation
- incorporates parameterized response from detailed sim
- detailed showering (avoids shower library problems)
- still needs work to match detailed sim at
Eγ > 3 GeV (non-linearities) --
not yet in production
- cvs version simply returns deposited energy sum per
block as the hit E value
- multiple hits treated with a simple two-hit separation
- reconstruction package
- existing prototypes based on code developed by E852 and Radphi
- integration into general reconstruction framework underway at Jlab
III. Central Calorimeter: lead-SciFi barrel
- detailed simulation
- program exists
- work underway by Regina group (Papandreou
- full-detector simulation
- present version is rudimentary, but incorporates
- detailed showering
- exponential attenuation
- internal propagation delays at ceffective
- energy sums at the module-end level
- energy-weighted time values
- simple Δt cut on multiple hits
- anticipated developments include
- increased readout segmentation
(in cvs, certification pending)
- photoelectron statistics in σ(E)
- photoelectron statistics propagated into σ(t)
- matching to test run data, especially for
low-E range 20-70 MeV
- reconstruction package
- existing reconstruction code from KLOE is being dusted off at Regina
- integration into general reconstruction framework yet to come
IV. Backward Calorimeter: lead-scintillator sandwich
- detailed simulation
- program exists
- work underway by the Florida State group (Eugenio
- full-detector simulation
- detector not present in the initial release of HDGEANT
- detector geometry recently added (in cvs, certification pending)
- hits generation code in development
- more news from Florida State group
- reconstruction package
- more news from Florida State group