Beam Line for Hall D
background material for meeting between Hall D collaborators and
JLab staff April 15, 1999
Richard Jones
Basic Design Requirements
Photon Energy
8-12 GeV photons
eliminates laser backscatter source in 12GeV era
bremsstrahlung only viable photon source
Photon Polarization
circular polarization may be useful
best physics information from linear polarization
requires coherent bremsstrahlung for photon source
Photon Flux
limited by tagging to about 10
tagged photons per second.
eliminates laser backscatter source in 24GeV era
Design for Photon Beam Line
Photon energy resolution
0.1% r.m.s. required for optimum missing-mass resolution
eliminates collimation as a means to obtain monochromatic photons
from a coherent bremsstrahlung source
requires photon tagging
Circular photon polarization
comes for free if electrons are longitudinally polarized
approaching 100% transfer from electrons to photons at the endpoint
its presence does not decrease the linear polarization of the coherent
Linear photon polarization
up to 30% is possible at 8GeV by severe collimation
polarization goes smoothly to zero at the endpoint
important factor in determining length of photon beam line
design is 80m from bremsstrahlung target to 2mm collimator
polarization present over limited photon energy range, determined
by crystal orientation
Beam flux and power
photon beam power in experimental hall is 1W max
photon beam power in tunnel can be up to 100W
most of the power is dissipated on the collimator
Shielding the photon beam
most important in the tunnel
shielded "hut" at the end of the tunnel before hall to house collimators
and sweeps
Tagger Design
Magnet design based on Hall B tagger
same amount of iron, larger bending radius
(main beam bends 9.4
inside spectrometer)
runs at low field for 12GeV, designed for full field at 24GeV
requires extra dipoles to bend electron beam into dump
Special focal plane for coherent bremsstrahlung
electron rates as high as GHz per GeV
very narrow counters to keep rates down to 2MHz per tube
covers only the region of the coherent peak where tagging
efficiency is high
focal plane counters can be moved to follow coherent peak
Beam Dump Design
Horizontal beam dump
enables parasitic beam-dump experiments
facilitates access for repairs or shielding modifications
avoids some environmental concerns
Design for operation at 24GeV
Design for Electron Beam Line
Requirements for electron beam current
operation with optimum polarization foreseen at 3µA
design should include some safety factor
Requirements on electron beam energy
tagging energy resolution requires beam energy spread less than 5MeV r.m.s.
similar value required for the energy stability over time
Requirements on electron beam emittance
coherent bremsstrahlung calculations include beam emittance effects
collimation works best if the beam has cylindrical symmetry
beam emittance effects become important above about 1mm.µr (1-sigma)
stability of emittance is important in terms of an upper limit
emittance a major concern for this design
Requirements on electron beam position control
photon beam must be centered on 2mm collimator 80m away
requires active feedback
uses active collimator (SLAC idea) as sensor for feedback control
feedback primarily concerned with low frequency (60Hz + harmonics)
stability required at the ±200µm r.m.s. level at the collimator
Requirements on electron beam optics
virtual electron beam spot projected on front face of collimator
virtual spot should be circular, near focus in x (horizontal)
beam spot is large and elliptical on crystal radiator, but converging in both x and y
only raster foreseen is slow vertical motion of beam spot on radiator