// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4Tubs.cc 88946 2015-03-16 16:14:24Z gcosmo $ // // // class G4Tubs // // History: // // 05.04.12 M.Kelsey: Use sqrt(r) in GetPointOnSurface() for uniform points // 02.08.07 T.Nikitina: bug fixed in DistanceToOut(p,v,..) for negative value under sqrt // for the case: p on the surface and v is tangent to the surface // 11.05.07 T.Nikitina: bug fixed in DistanceToOut(p,v,..) for phi < 2pi // 03.05.05 V.Grichine: SurfaceNormal(p) according to J. Apostolakis proposal // 16.03.05 V.Grichine: SurfaceNormal(p) with edges/corners for boolean // 20.07.01 V.Grichine: bug fixed in Inside(p) // 20.02.01 V.Grichine: bug fixed in Inside(p) and CalculateExtent was // simplified base on G4Box::CalculateExtent // 07.12.00 V.Grichine: phi-section algorithm was changed in Inside(p) // 28.11.00 V.Grichine: bug fixed in Inside(p) // 31.10.00 V.Grichine: assign srd, sphi in Distance ToOut(p,v,...) // 08.08.00 V.Grichine: more stable roots of 2-equation in DistanceToOut(p,v,..) // 02.08.00 V.Grichine: point is outside check in Distance ToOut(p) // 17.05.00 V.Grichine: bugs (#76,#91) fixed in Distance ToOut(p,v,...) // 31.03.00 V.Grichine: bug fixed in Inside(p) // 19.11.99 V.Grichine: side = kNull in DistanceToOut(p,v,...) // 13.10.99 V.Grichine: bugs fixed in DistanceToIn(p,v) // 28.05.99 V.Grichine: bugs fixed in DistanceToOut(p,v,...) // 25.05.99 V.Grichine: bugs fixed in DistanceToIn(p,v) // 23.03.99 V.Grichine: bug fixed in DistanceToIn(p,v) // 09.10.98 V.Grichine: modifications in DistanceToOut(p,v,...) // 18.06.98 V.Grichine: n-normalisation in DistanceToOut(p,v) // // 1994-95 P.Kent: implementation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "G4Tubs.hh" #if !defined(G4GEOM_USE_UTUBS) #include "G4VoxelLimits.hh" #include "G4AffineTransform.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include "G4VPVParameterisation.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "meshdefs.hh" #include "G4VGraphicsScene.hh" using namespace CLHEP; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor - check parameters, convert angles so 02PI then reset to 2PI G4Tubs::G4Tubs( const G4String &pName, G4double pRMin, G4double pRMax, G4double pDz, G4double pSPhi, G4double pDPhi ) : G4CSGSolid(pName), fRMin(pRMin), fRMax(pRMax), fDz(pDz), fSPhi(0), fDPhi(0) { kRadTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetRadialTolerance(); kAngTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetAngularTolerance(); halfCarTolerance=kCarTolerance*0.5; halfRadTolerance=kRadTolerance*0.5; halfAngTolerance=kAngTolerance*0.5; if (pDz<=0) // Check z-len { std::ostringstream message; message << "Negative Z half-length (" << pDz << ") in solid: " << GetName(); G4Exception("G4Tubs::G4Tubs()", "GeomSolids0002", FatalException, message); } if ( (pRMin >= pRMax) || (pRMin < 0) ) // Check radii { std::ostringstream message; message << "Invalid values for radii in solid: " << GetName() << G4endl << " pRMin = " << pRMin << ", pRMax = " << pRMax; G4Exception("G4Tubs::G4Tubs()", "GeomSolids0002", FatalException, message); } // Check angles // CheckPhiAngles(pSPhi, pDPhi); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Fake default constructor - sets only member data and allocates memory // for usage restricted to object persistency. // G4Tubs::G4Tubs( __void__& a ) : G4CSGSolid(a), kRadTolerance(0.), kAngTolerance(0.), fRMin(0.), fRMax(0.), fDz(0.), fSPhi(0.), fDPhi(0.), sinCPhi(0.), cosCPhi(0.), cosHDPhiOT(0.), cosHDPhiIT(0.), sinSPhi(0.), cosSPhi(0.), sinEPhi(0.), cosEPhi(0.), fPhiFullTube(false), halfCarTolerance(0.), halfRadTolerance(0.), halfAngTolerance(0.) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Destructor G4Tubs::~G4Tubs() { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copy constructor G4Tubs::G4Tubs(const G4Tubs& rhs) : G4CSGSolid(rhs), kRadTolerance(rhs.kRadTolerance), kAngTolerance(rhs.kAngTolerance), fRMin(rhs.fRMin), fRMax(rhs.fRMax), fDz(rhs.fDz), fSPhi(rhs.fSPhi), fDPhi(rhs.fDPhi), sinCPhi(rhs.sinCPhi), cosCPhi(rhs.cosCPhi), cosHDPhiOT(rhs.cosHDPhiOT), cosHDPhiIT(rhs.cosHDPhiIT), sinSPhi(rhs.sinSPhi), cosSPhi(rhs.cosSPhi), sinEPhi(rhs.sinEPhi), cosEPhi(rhs.cosEPhi), fPhiFullTube(rhs.fPhiFullTube), halfCarTolerance(rhs.halfCarTolerance), halfRadTolerance(rhs.halfRadTolerance), halfAngTolerance(rhs.halfAngTolerance) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Assignment operator G4Tubs& G4Tubs::operator = (const G4Tubs& rhs) { // Check assignment to self // if (this == &rhs) { return *this; } // Copy base class data // G4CSGSolid::operator=(rhs); // Copy data // kRadTolerance = rhs.kRadTolerance; kAngTolerance = rhs.kAngTolerance; fRMin = rhs.fRMin; fRMax = rhs.fRMax; fDz = rhs.fDz; fSPhi = rhs.fSPhi; fDPhi = rhs.fDPhi; sinCPhi = rhs.sinCPhi; cosCPhi = rhs.cosCPhi; cosHDPhiOT = rhs.cosHDPhiOT; cosHDPhiIT = rhs.cosHDPhiIT; sinSPhi = rhs.sinSPhi; cosSPhi = rhs.cosSPhi; sinEPhi = rhs.sinEPhi; cosEPhi = rhs.cosEPhi; fPhiFullTube = rhs.fPhiFullTube; halfCarTolerance = rhs.halfCarTolerance; halfRadTolerance = rhs.halfRadTolerance; halfAngTolerance = rhs.halfAngTolerance; return *this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dispatch to parameterisation for replication mechanism dimension // computation & modification. void G4Tubs::ComputeDimensions( G4VPVParameterisation* p, const G4int n, const G4VPhysicalVolume* pRep ) { p->ComputeDimensions(*this,n,pRep) ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calculate extent under transform and specified limit G4bool G4Tubs::CalculateExtent( const EAxis pAxis, const G4VoxelLimits& pVoxelLimit, const G4AffineTransform& pTransform, G4double& pMin, G4double& pMax ) const { if ( (!pTransform.IsRotated()) && (fDPhi == twopi) && (fRMin == 0) ) { // Special case handling for unrotated solid tubes // Compute x/y/z mins and maxs fro bounding box respecting limits, // with early returns if outside limits. Then switch() on pAxis, // and compute exact x and y limit for x/y case G4double xoffset, xMin, xMax; G4double yoffset, yMin, yMax; G4double zoffset, zMin, zMax; G4double diff1, diff2, maxDiff, newMin, newMax; G4double xoff1, xoff2, yoff1, yoff2, delta; xoffset = pTransform.NetTranslation().x(); xMin = xoffset - fRMax; xMax = xoffset + fRMax; if (pVoxelLimit.IsXLimited()) { if ( (xMin > pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent()) || (xMax < pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent()) ) { return false; } else { if (xMin < pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent()) { xMin = pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent(); } if (xMax > pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent()) { xMax = pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent(); } } } yoffset = pTransform.NetTranslation().y(); yMin = yoffset - fRMax; yMax = yoffset + fRMax; if ( pVoxelLimit.IsYLimited() ) { if ( (yMin > pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent()) || (yMax < pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent()) ) { return false; } else { if (yMin < pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent()) { yMin = pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent(); } if (yMax > pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent()) { yMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent(); } } } zoffset = pTransform.NetTranslation().z(); zMin = zoffset - fDz; zMax = zoffset + fDz; if ( pVoxelLimit.IsZLimited() ) { if ( (zMin > pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent()) || (zMax < pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent()) ) { return false; } else { if (zMin < pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent()) { zMin = pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent(); } if (zMax > pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent()) { zMax = pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent(); } } } switch ( pAxis ) // Known to cut cylinder { case kXAxis : { yoff1 = yoffset - yMin; yoff2 = yMax - yoffset; if ( (yoff1 >= 0) && (yoff2 >= 0) ) // Y limits cross max/min x { // => no change pMin = xMin; pMax = xMax; } else { // Y limits don't cross max/min x => compute max delta x, // hence new mins/maxs delta = fRMax*fRMax - yoff1*yoff1; diff1 = (delta>0.) ? std::sqrt(delta) : 0.; delta = fRMax*fRMax - yoff2*yoff2; diff2 = (delta>0.) ? std::sqrt(delta) : 0.; maxDiff = (diff1 > diff2) ? diff1:diff2; newMin = xoffset - maxDiff; newMax = xoffset + maxDiff; pMin = (newMin < xMin) ? xMin : newMin; pMax = (newMax > xMax) ? xMax : newMax; } break; } case kYAxis : { xoff1 = xoffset - xMin; xoff2 = xMax - xoffset; if ( (xoff1 >= 0) && (xoff2 >= 0) ) // X limits cross max/min y { // => no change pMin = yMin; pMax = yMax; } else { // X limits don't cross max/min y => compute max delta y, // hence new mins/maxs delta = fRMax*fRMax - xoff1*xoff1; diff1 = (delta>0.) ? std::sqrt(delta) : 0.; delta = fRMax*fRMax - xoff2*xoff2; diff2 = (delta>0.) ? std::sqrt(delta) : 0.; maxDiff = (diff1 > diff2) ? diff1 : diff2; newMin = yoffset - maxDiff; newMax = yoffset + maxDiff; pMin = (newMin < yMin) ? yMin : newMin; pMax = (newMax > yMax) ? yMax : newMax; } break; } case kZAxis: { pMin = zMin; pMax = zMax; break; } default: break; } pMin -= kCarTolerance; pMax += kCarTolerance; return true; } else // Calculate rotated vertex coordinates { G4int i, noEntries, noBetweenSections4; G4bool existsAfterClip = false; G4ThreeVectorList* vertices = CreateRotatedVertices(pTransform); pMin = kInfinity; pMax = -kInfinity; noEntries = vertices->size(); noBetweenSections4 = noEntries - 4; for ( i = 0 ; i < noEntries ; i += 4 ) { ClipCrossSection(vertices, i, pVoxelLimit, pAxis, pMin, pMax); } for ( i = 0 ; i < noBetweenSections4 ; i += 4 ) { ClipBetweenSections(vertices, i, pVoxelLimit, pAxis, pMin, pMax); } if ( (pMin != kInfinity) || (pMax != -kInfinity) ) { existsAfterClip = true; pMin -= kCarTolerance; // Add 2*tolerance to avoid precision troubles pMax += kCarTolerance; } else { // Check for case where completely enveloping clipping volume // If point inside then we are confident that the solid completely // envelopes the clipping volume. Hence set min/max extents according // to clipping volume extents along the specified axis. G4ThreeVector clipCentre( (pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent()+pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent())*0.5, (pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent()+pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent())*0.5, (pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent()+pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent())*0.5 ); if ( Inside(pTransform.Inverse().TransformPoint(clipCentre)) != kOutside ) { existsAfterClip = true; pMin = pVoxelLimit.GetMinExtent(pAxis); pMax = pVoxelLimit.GetMaxExtent(pAxis); } } delete vertices; return existsAfterClip; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return whether point inside/outside/on surface EInside G4Tubs::Inside( const G4ThreeVector& p ) const { G4double r2,pPhi,tolRMin,tolRMax; EInside in = kOutside ; if (std::fabs(p.z()) <= fDz - halfCarTolerance) { r2 = p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y() ; if (fRMin) { tolRMin = fRMin + halfRadTolerance ; } else { tolRMin = 0 ; } tolRMax = fRMax - halfRadTolerance ; if ((r2 >= tolRMin*tolRMin) && (r2 <= tolRMax*tolRMax)) { if ( fPhiFullTube ) { in = kInside ; } else { // Try inner tolerant phi boundaries (=>inside) // if not inside, try outer tolerant phi boundaries if ( (tolRMin==0) && (std::fabs(p.x())<=halfCarTolerance) && (std::fabs(p.y())<=halfCarTolerance) ) { in=kSurface; } else { pPhi = std::atan2(p.y(),p.x()) ; if ( pPhi < -halfAngTolerance ) { pPhi += twopi; } // 0<=pPhi<2pi if ( fSPhi >= 0 ) { if ( (std::fabs(pPhi) < halfAngTolerance) && (std::fabs(fSPhi + fDPhi - twopi) < halfAngTolerance) ) { pPhi += twopi ; // 0 <= pPhi < 2pi } if ( (pPhi >= fSPhi + halfAngTolerance) && (pPhi <= fSPhi + fDPhi - halfAngTolerance) ) { in = kInside ; } else if ( (pPhi >= fSPhi - halfAngTolerance) && (pPhi <= fSPhi + fDPhi + halfAngTolerance) ) { in = kSurface ; } } else // fSPhi < 0 { if ( (pPhi <= fSPhi + twopi - halfAngTolerance) && (pPhi >= fSPhi + fDPhi + halfAngTolerance) ) {;} //kOutside else if ( (pPhi <= fSPhi + twopi + halfAngTolerance) && (pPhi >= fSPhi + fDPhi - halfAngTolerance) ) { in = kSurface ; } else { in = kInside ; } } } } } else // Try generous boundaries { tolRMin = fRMin - halfRadTolerance ; tolRMax = fRMax + halfRadTolerance ; if ( tolRMin < 0 ) { tolRMin = 0; } if ( (r2 >= tolRMin*tolRMin) && (r2 <= tolRMax*tolRMax) ) { if (fPhiFullTube || (r2 <=halfRadTolerance*halfRadTolerance) ) { // Continuous in phi or on z-axis in = kSurface ; } else // Try outer tolerant phi boundaries only { pPhi = std::atan2(p.y(),p.x()) ; if ( pPhi < -halfAngTolerance) { pPhi += twopi; } // 0<=pPhi<2pi if ( fSPhi >= 0 ) { if ( (std::fabs(pPhi) < halfAngTolerance) && (std::fabs(fSPhi + fDPhi - twopi) < halfAngTolerance) ) { pPhi += twopi ; // 0 <= pPhi < 2pi } if ( (pPhi >= fSPhi - halfAngTolerance) && (pPhi <= fSPhi + fDPhi + halfAngTolerance) ) { in = kSurface ; } } else // fSPhi < 0 { if ( (pPhi <= fSPhi + twopi - halfAngTolerance) && (pPhi >= fSPhi + fDPhi + halfAngTolerance) ) {;} // kOutside else { in = kSurface ; } } } } } } else if (std::fabs(p.z()) <= fDz + halfCarTolerance) { // Check within tolerant r limits r2 = p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y() ; tolRMin = fRMin - halfRadTolerance ; tolRMax = fRMax + halfRadTolerance ; if ( tolRMin < 0 ) { tolRMin = 0; } if ( (r2 >= tolRMin*tolRMin) && (r2 <= tolRMax*tolRMax) ) { if (fPhiFullTube || (r2 <=halfRadTolerance*halfRadTolerance)) { // Continuous in phi or on z-axis in = kSurface ; } else // Try outer tolerant phi boundaries { pPhi = std::atan2(p.y(),p.x()) ; if ( pPhi < -halfAngTolerance ) { pPhi += twopi; } // 0<=pPhi<2pi if ( fSPhi >= 0 ) { if ( (std::fabs(pPhi) < halfAngTolerance) && (std::fabs(fSPhi + fDPhi - twopi) < halfAngTolerance) ) { pPhi += twopi ; // 0 <= pPhi < 2pi } if ( (pPhi >= fSPhi - halfAngTolerance) && (pPhi <= fSPhi + fDPhi + halfAngTolerance) ) { in = kSurface; } } else // fSPhi < 0 { if ( (pPhi <= fSPhi + twopi - halfAngTolerance) && (pPhi >= fSPhi + fDPhi + halfAngTolerance) ) {;} else { in = kSurface ; } } } } } return in; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return unit normal of surface closest to p // - note if point on z axis, ignore phi divided sides // - unsafe if point close to z axis a rmin=0 - no explicit checks G4ThreeVector G4Tubs::SurfaceNormal( const G4ThreeVector& p ) const { G4int noSurfaces = 0; G4double rho, pPhi; G4double distZ, distRMin, distRMax; G4double distSPhi = kInfinity, distEPhi = kInfinity; G4ThreeVector norm, sumnorm(0.,0.,0.); G4ThreeVector nZ = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 1.0); G4ThreeVector nR, nPs, nPe; rho = std::sqrt(p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y()); distRMin = std::fabs(rho - fRMin); distRMax = std::fabs(rho - fRMax); distZ = std::fabs(std::fabs(p.z()) - fDz); if (!fPhiFullTube) // Protected against (0,0,z) { if ( rho > halfCarTolerance ) { pPhi = std::atan2(p.y(),p.x()); if(pPhi < fSPhi- halfCarTolerance) { pPhi += twopi; } else if(pPhi > fSPhi+fDPhi+ halfCarTolerance) { pPhi -= twopi; } distSPhi = std::fabs(pPhi - fSPhi); distEPhi = std::fabs(pPhi - fSPhi - fDPhi); } else if( !fRMin ) { distSPhi = 0.; distEPhi = 0.; } nPs = G4ThreeVector(std::sin(fSPhi),-std::cos(fSPhi),0); nPe = G4ThreeVector(-std::sin(fSPhi+fDPhi),std::cos(fSPhi+fDPhi),0); } if ( rho > halfCarTolerance ) { nR = G4ThreeVector(p.x()/rho,p.y()/rho,0); } if( distRMax <= halfCarTolerance ) { noSurfaces ++; sumnorm += nR; } if( fRMin && (distRMin <= halfCarTolerance) ) { noSurfaces ++; sumnorm -= nR; } if( fDPhi < twopi ) { if (distSPhi <= halfAngTolerance) { noSurfaces ++; sumnorm += nPs; } if (distEPhi <= halfAngTolerance) { noSurfaces ++; sumnorm += nPe; } } if (distZ <= halfCarTolerance) { noSurfaces ++; if ( p.z() >= 0.) { sumnorm += nZ; } else { sumnorm -= nZ; } } if ( noSurfaces == 0 ) { #ifdef G4CSGDEBUG G4Exception("G4Tubs::SurfaceNormal(p)", "GeomSolids1002", JustWarning, "Point p is not on surface !?" ); G4int oldprc = G4cout.precision(20); G4cout<< "G4Tubs::SN ( "< 0 ) { norm = G4ThreeVector(0,0,1) ; } else { norm = G4ThreeVector(0,0,-1); } break ; } case kNSPhi: { norm = G4ThreeVector(std::sin(fSPhi), -std::cos(fSPhi), 0) ; break ; } case kNEPhi: { norm = G4ThreeVector(-std::sin(fSPhi+fDPhi), std::cos(fSPhi+fDPhi), 0) ; break; } default: // Should never reach this case ... { DumpInfo(); G4Exception("G4Tubs::ApproxSurfaceNormal()", "GeomSolids1002", JustWarning, "Undefined side for valid surface normal to solid."); break ; } } return norm; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Calculate distance to shape from outside, along normalised vector // - return kInfinity if no intersection, or intersection distance <= tolerance // // - Compute the intersection with the z planes // - if at valid r, phi, return // // -> If point is outer outer radius, compute intersection with rmax // - if at valid phi,z return // // -> Compute intersection with inner radius, taking largest +ve root // - if valid (in z,phi), save intersction // // -> If phi segmented, compute intersections with phi half planes // - return smallest of valid phi intersections and // inner radius intersection // // NOTE: // - 'if valid' implies tolerant checking of intersection points G4double G4Tubs::DistanceToIn( const G4ThreeVector& p, const G4ThreeVector& v ) const { G4double snxt = kInfinity ; // snxt = default return value G4double tolORMin2, tolIRMax2 ; // 'generous' radii squared G4double tolORMax2, tolIRMin2, tolODz, tolIDz ; const G4double dRmax = 100.*fRMax; // Intersection point variables // G4double Dist, sd, xi, yi, zi, rho2, inum, iden, cosPsi, Comp ; G4double t1, t2, t3, b, c, d ; // Quadratic solver variables // Calculate tolerant rmin and rmax if (fRMin > kRadTolerance) { tolORMin2 = (fRMin - halfRadTolerance)*(fRMin - halfRadTolerance) ; tolIRMin2 = (fRMin + halfRadTolerance)*(fRMin + halfRadTolerance) ; } else { tolORMin2 = 0.0 ; tolIRMin2 = 0.0 ; } tolORMax2 = (fRMax + halfRadTolerance)*(fRMax + halfRadTolerance) ; tolIRMax2 = (fRMax - halfRadTolerance)*(fRMax - halfRadTolerance) ; // Intersection with Z surfaces tolIDz = fDz - halfCarTolerance ; tolODz = fDz + halfCarTolerance ; if (std::fabs(p.z()) >= tolIDz) { if ( p.z()*v.z() < 0 ) // at +Z going in -Z or visa versa { sd = (std::fabs(p.z()) - fDz)/std::fabs(v.z()) ; // Z intersect distance if(sd < 0.0) { sd = 0.0; } xi = p.x() + sd*v.x() ; // Intersection coords yi = p.y() + sd*v.y() ; rho2 = xi*xi + yi*yi ; // Check validity of intersection if ((tolIRMin2 <= rho2) && (rho2 <= tolIRMax2)) { if (!fPhiFullTube && rho2) { // Psi = angle made with central (average) phi of shape // inum = xi*cosCPhi + yi*sinCPhi ; iden = std::sqrt(rho2) ; cosPsi = inum/iden ; if (cosPsi >= cosHDPhiIT) { return sd ; } } else { return sd ; } } } else { if ( snxt cannot intersect } } // -> Can not intersect z surfaces // // Intersection with rmax (possible return) and rmin (must also check phi) // // Intersection point (xi,yi,zi) on line x=p.x+t*v.x etc. // // Intersects with x^2+y^2=R^2 // // Hence (v.x^2+v.y^2)t^2+ 2t(p.x*v.x+p.y*v.y)+p.x^2+p.y^2-R^2=0 // t1 t2 t3 t1 = 1.0 - v.z()*v.z() ; t2 = p.x()*v.x() + p.y()*v.y() ; t3 = p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y() ; if ( t1 > 0 ) // Check not || to z axis { b = t2/t1 ; c = t3 - fRMax*fRMax ; if ((t3 >= tolORMax2) && (t2<0)) // This also handles the tangent case { // Try outer cylinder intersection // c=(t3-fRMax*fRMax)/t1; c /= t1 ; d = b*b - c ; if (d >= 0) // If real root { sd = c/(-b+std::sqrt(d)); if (sd >= 0) // If 'forwards' { if ( sd>dRmax ) // Avoid rounding errors due to precision issues on { // 64 bits systems. Split long distances and recompute G4double fTerm = sd-std::fmod(sd,dRmax); sd = fTerm + DistanceToIn(p+fTerm*v,v); } // Check z intersection // zi = p.z() + sd*v.z() ; if (std::fabs(zi)<=tolODz) { // Z ok. Check phi intersection if reqd // if (fPhiFullTube) { return sd ; } else { xi = p.x() + sd*v.x() ; yi = p.y() + sd*v.y() ; cosPsi = (xi*cosCPhi + yi*sinCPhi)/fRMax ; if (cosPsi >= cosHDPhiIT) { return sd ; } } } // end if std::fabs(zi) } // end if (sd>=0) } // end if (d>=0) } // end if (r>=fRMax) else { // Inside outer radius : // check not inside, and heading through tubs (-> 0 to in) if ((t3 > tolIRMin2) && (t2 < 0) && (std::fabs(p.z()) <= tolIDz)) { // Inside both radii, delta r -ve, inside z extent if (!fPhiFullTube) { inum = p.x()*cosCPhi + p.y()*sinCPhi ; iden = std::sqrt(t3) ; cosPsi = inum/iden ; if (cosPsi >= cosHDPhiIT) { // In the old version, the small negative tangent for the point // on surface was not taken in account, and returning 0.0 ... // New version: check the tangent for the point on surface and // if no intersection, return kInfinity, if intersection instead // return sd. // c = t3-fRMax*fRMax; if ( c<=0.0 ) { return 0.0; } else { c = c/t1 ; d = b*b-c; if ( d>=0.0 ) { snxt = c/(-b+std::sqrt(d)); // using safe solution // for quadratic equation if ( snxt < halfCarTolerance ) { snxt=0; } return snxt ; } else { return kInfinity; } } } } else { // In the old version, the small negative tangent for the point // on surface was not taken in account, and returning 0.0 ... // New version: check the tangent for the point on surface and // if no intersection, return kInfinity, if intersection instead // return sd. // c = t3 - fRMax*fRMax; if ( c<=0.0 ) { return 0.0; } else { c = c/t1 ; d = b*b-c; if ( d>=0.0 ) { snxt= c/(-b+std::sqrt(d)); // using safe solution // for quadratic equation if ( snxt < halfCarTolerance ) { snxt=0; } return snxt ; } else { return kInfinity; } } } // end if (!fPhiFullTube) } // end if (t3>tolIRMin2) } // end if (Inside Outer Radius) if ( fRMin ) // Try inner cylinder intersection { c = (t3 - fRMin*fRMin)/t1 ; d = b*b - c ; if ( d >= 0.0 ) // If real root { // Always want 2nd root - we are outside and know rmax Hit was bad // - If on surface of rmin also need farthest root sd =( b > 0. )? c/(-b - std::sqrt(d)) : (-b + std::sqrt(d)); if (sd >= -halfCarTolerance) // check forwards { // Check z intersection // if(sd < 0.0) { sd = 0.0; } if ( sd>dRmax ) // Avoid rounding errors due to precision issues seen { // 64 bits systems. Split long distances and recompute G4double fTerm = sd-std::fmod(sd,dRmax); sd = fTerm + DistanceToIn(p+fTerm*v,v); } zi = p.z() + sd*v.z() ; if (std::fabs(zi) <= tolODz) { // Z ok. Check phi // if ( fPhiFullTube ) { return sd ; } else { xi = p.x() + sd*v.x() ; yi = p.y() + sd*v.y() ; cosPsi = (xi*cosCPhi + yi*sinCPhi)/fRMin ; if (cosPsi >= cosHDPhiIT) { // Good inner radius isect // - but earlier phi isect still possible snxt = sd ; } } } // end if std::fabs(zi) } // end if (sd>=0) } // end if (d>=0) } // end if (fRMin) } // Phi segment intersection // // o Tolerant of points inside phi planes by up to kCarTolerance*0.5 // // o NOTE: Large duplication of code between sphi & ephi checks // -> only diffs: sphi -> ephi, Comp -> -Comp and half-plane // intersection check <=0 -> >=0 // -> use some form of loop Construct ? // if ( !fPhiFullTube ) { // First phi surface (Starting phi) // Comp = v.x()*sinSPhi - v.y()*cosSPhi ; if ( Comp < 0 ) // Component in outwards normal dirn { Dist = (p.y()*cosSPhi - p.x()*sinSPhi) ; if ( Dist < halfCarTolerance ) { sd = Dist/Comp ; if (sd < snxt) { if ( sd < 0 ) { sd = 0.0; } zi = p.z() + sd*v.z() ; if ( std::fabs(zi) <= tolODz ) { xi = p.x() + sd*v.x() ; yi = p.y() + sd*v.y() ; rho2 = xi*xi + yi*yi ; if ( ( (rho2 >= tolIRMin2) && (rho2 <= tolIRMax2) ) || ( (rho2 > tolORMin2) && (rho2 < tolIRMin2) && ( v.y()*cosSPhi - v.x()*sinSPhi > 0 ) && ( v.x()*cosSPhi + v.y()*sinSPhi >= 0 ) ) || ( (rho2 > tolIRMax2) && (rho2 < tolORMax2) && (v.y()*cosSPhi - v.x()*sinSPhi > 0) && (v.x()*cosSPhi + v.y()*sinSPhi < 0) ) ) { // z and r intersections good // - check intersecting with correct half-plane // if ((yi*cosCPhi-xi*sinCPhi) <= halfCarTolerance) { snxt = sd; } } } } } } // Second phi surface (Ending phi) Comp = -(v.x()*sinEPhi - v.y()*cosEPhi) ; if (Comp < 0 ) // Component in outwards normal dirn { Dist = -(p.y()*cosEPhi - p.x()*sinEPhi) ; if ( Dist < halfCarTolerance ) { sd = Dist/Comp ; if (sd < snxt) { if ( sd < 0 ) { sd = 0; } zi = p.z() + sd*v.z() ; if ( std::fabs(zi) <= tolODz ) { xi = p.x() + sd*v.x() ; yi = p.y() + sd*v.y() ; rho2 = xi*xi + yi*yi ; if ( ( (rho2 >= tolIRMin2) && (rho2 <= tolIRMax2) ) || ( (rho2 > tolORMin2) && (rho2 < tolIRMin2) && (v.x()*sinEPhi - v.y()*cosEPhi > 0) && (v.x()*cosEPhi + v.y()*sinEPhi >= 0) ) || ( (rho2 > tolIRMax2) && (rho2 < tolORMax2) && (v.x()*sinEPhi - v.y()*cosEPhi > 0) && (v.x()*cosEPhi + v.y()*sinEPhi < 0) ) ) { // z and r intersections good // - check intersecting with correct half-plane // if ( (yi*cosCPhi-xi*sinCPhi) >= 0 ) { snxt = sd; } } //?? >=-halfCarTolerance } } } } // Comp < 0 } // !fPhiFullTube if ( snxt If point is outer outer radius, compute intersection with rmax // - if at valid phi,z return // // -> Compute intersection with inner radius, taking largest +ve root // - if valid (in z,phi), save intersction // // -> If phi segmented, compute intersections with phi half planes // - return smallest of valid phi intersections and // inner radius intersection // // NOTE: // - Precalculations for phi trigonometry are Done `just in time' // - `if valid' implies tolerant checking of intersection points // Calculate distance (<= actual) to closest surface of shape from outside // - Calculate distance to z, radial planes // - Only to phi planes if outside phi extent // - Return 0 if point inside G4double G4Tubs::DistanceToIn( const G4ThreeVector& p ) const { G4double safe=0.0, rho, safe1, safe2, safe3 ; G4double safePhi, cosPsi ; rho = std::sqrt(p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y()) ; safe1 = fRMin - rho ; safe2 = rho - fRMax ; safe3 = std::fabs(p.z()) - fDz ; if ( safe1 > safe2 ) { safe = safe1; } else { safe = safe2; } if ( safe3 > safe ) { safe = safe3; } if ( (!fPhiFullTube) && (rho) ) { // Psi=angle from central phi to point // cosPsi = (p.x()*cosCPhi + p.y()*sinCPhi)/rho ; if ( cosPsi < std::cos(fDPhi*0.5) ) { // Point lies outside phi range if ( (p.y()*cosCPhi - p.x()*sinCPhi) <= 0 ) { safePhi = std::fabs(p.x()*sinSPhi - p.y()*cosSPhi) ; } else { safePhi = std::fabs(p.x()*sinEPhi - p.y()*cosEPhi) ; } if ( safePhi > safe ) { safe = safePhi; } } } if ( safe < 0 ) { safe = 0; } return safe ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calculate distance to surface of shape from `inside', allowing for tolerance // - Only Calc rmax intersection if no valid rmin intersection G4double G4Tubs::DistanceToOut( const G4ThreeVector& p, const G4ThreeVector& v, const G4bool calcNorm, G4bool *validNorm, G4ThreeVector *n ) const { ESide side=kNull , sider=kNull, sidephi=kNull ; G4double snxt, srd=kInfinity, sphi=kInfinity, pdist ; G4double deltaR, t1, t2, t3, b, c, d2, roMin2 ; // Vars for phi intersection: G4double pDistS, compS, pDistE, compE, sphi2, xi, yi, vphi, roi2 ; // Z plane intersection if (v.z() > 0 ) { pdist = fDz - p.z() ; if ( pdist > halfCarTolerance ) { snxt = pdist/v.z() ; side = kPZ ; } else { if (calcNorm) { *n = G4ThreeVector(0,0,1) ; *validNorm = true ; } return snxt = 0 ; } } else if ( v.z() < 0 ) { pdist = fDz + p.z() ; if ( pdist > halfCarTolerance ) { snxt = -pdist/v.z() ; side = kMZ ; } else { if (calcNorm) { *n = G4ThreeVector(0,0,-1) ; *validNorm = true ; } return snxt = 0.0 ; } } else { snxt = kInfinity ; // Travel perpendicular to z axis side = kNull; } // Radial Intersections // // Find intersection with cylinders at rmax/rmin // Intersection point (xi,yi,zi) on line x=p.x+t*v.x etc. // // Intersects with x^2+y^2=R^2 // // Hence (v.x^2+v.y^2)t^2+ 2t(p.x*v.x+p.y*v.y)+p.x^2+p.y^2-R^2=0 // // t1 t2 t3 t1 = 1.0 - v.z()*v.z() ; // since v normalised t2 = p.x()*v.x() + p.y()*v.y() ; t3 = p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y() ; if ( snxt > 10*(fDz+fRMax) ) { roi2 = 2*fRMax*fRMax; } else { roi2 = snxt*snxt*t1 + 2*snxt*t2 + t3; } // radius^2 on +-fDz if ( t1 > 0 ) // Check not parallel { // Calculate srd, r exit distance if ( (t2 >= 0.0) && (roi2 > fRMax*(fRMax + kRadTolerance)) ) { // Delta r not negative => leaving via rmax deltaR = t3 - fRMax*fRMax ; // NOTE: Should use rho-fRMax<-kRadTolerance*0.5 // - avoid sqrt for efficiency if ( deltaR < -kRadTolerance*fRMax ) { b = t2/t1 ; c = deltaR/t1 ; d2 = b*b-c; if( d2 >= 0 ) { srd = c/( -b - std::sqrt(d2)); } else { srd = 0.; } sider = kRMax ; } else { // On tolerant boundary & heading outwards (or perpendicular to) // outer radial surface -> leaving immediately if ( calcNorm ) { *n = G4ThreeVector(p.x(), p.y(), 0) ; n->setMag(1) ; *validNorm = true ; } return snxt = 0 ; // Leaving by rmax immediately } } else if ( t2 < 0. ) // i.e. t2 < 0; Possible rmin intersection { roMin2 = t3 - t2*t2/t1 ; // min ro2 of the plane of movement if ( fRMin && (roMin2 < fRMin*(fRMin - kRadTolerance)) ) { deltaR = t3 - fRMin*fRMin ; b = t2/t1 ; c = deltaR/t1 ; d2 = b*b - c ; if ( d2 >= 0 ) // Leaving via rmin { // NOTE: SHould use rho-rmin>kRadTolerance*0.5 // - avoid sqrt for efficiency if (deltaR > kRadTolerance*fRMin) { srd = c/(-b+std::sqrt(d2)); sider = kRMin ; } else { if ( calcNorm ) { *validNorm = false; } // Concave side return snxt = 0.0; } } else // No rmin intersect -> must be rmax intersect { deltaR = t3 - fRMax*fRMax ; c = deltaR/t1 ; d2 = b*b-c; if( d2 >=0. ) { srd = -b + std::sqrt(d2) ; sider = kRMax ; } else // Case: On the border+t2setMag(1) ; *validNorm = true ; } return snxt = 0.0; } } } else if ( roi2 > fRMax*(fRMax + kRadTolerance) ) // No rmin intersect -> must be rmax intersect { deltaR = t3 - fRMax*fRMax ; b = t2/t1 ; c = deltaR/t1; d2 = b*b-c; if( d2 >= 0 ) { srd = -b + std::sqrt(d2) ; sider = kRMax ; } else // Case: On the border+t2setMag(1) ; *validNorm = true ; } return snxt = 0.0; } } } // Phi Intersection if ( !fPhiFullTube ) { // add angle calculation with correction // of the difference in domain of atan2 and Sphi // vphi = std::atan2(v.y(),v.x()) ; if ( vphi < fSPhi - halfAngTolerance ) { vphi += twopi; } else if ( vphi > fSPhi + fDPhi + halfAngTolerance ) { vphi -= twopi; } if ( p.x() || p.y() ) // Check if on z axis (rho not needed later) { // pDist -ve when inside pDistS = p.x()*sinSPhi - p.y()*cosSPhi ; pDistE = -p.x()*sinEPhi + p.y()*cosEPhi ; // Comp -ve when in direction of outwards normal compS = -sinSPhi*v.x() + cosSPhi*v.y() ; compE = sinEPhi*v.x() - cosEPhi*v.y() ; sidephi = kNull; if( ( (fDPhi <= pi) && ( (pDistS <= halfCarTolerance) && (pDistE <= halfCarTolerance) ) ) || ( (fDPhi > pi) && !((pDistS > halfCarTolerance) && (pDistE > halfCarTolerance) ) ) ) { // Inside both phi *full* planes if ( compS < 0 ) { sphi = pDistS/compS ; if (sphi >= -halfCarTolerance) { xi = p.x() + sphi*v.x() ; yi = p.y() + sphi*v.y() ; // Check intersecting with correct half-plane // (if not -> no intersect) // if( (std::fabs(xi)<=kCarTolerance)&&(std::fabs(yi)<=kCarTolerance) ) { sidephi = kSPhi; if (((fSPhi-halfAngTolerance)<=vphi) &&((fSPhi+fDPhi+halfAngTolerance)>=vphi)) { sphi = kInfinity; } } else if ( yi*cosCPhi-xi*sinCPhi >=0 ) { sphi = kInfinity ; } else { sidephi = kSPhi ; if ( pDistS > -halfCarTolerance ) { sphi = 0.0 ; // Leave by sphi immediately } } } else { sphi = kInfinity ; } } else { sphi = kInfinity ; } if ( compE < 0 ) { sphi2 = pDistE/compE ; // Only check further if < starting phi intersection // if ( (sphi2 > -halfCarTolerance) && (sphi2 < sphi) ) { xi = p.x() + sphi2*v.x() ; yi = p.y() + sphi2*v.y() ; if ((std::fabs(xi)<=kCarTolerance)&&(std::fabs(yi)<=kCarTolerance)) { // Leaving via ending phi // if( !((fSPhi-halfAngTolerance <= vphi) &&(fSPhi+fDPhi+halfAngTolerance >= vphi)) ) { sidephi = kEPhi ; if ( pDistE <= -halfCarTolerance ) { sphi = sphi2 ; } else { sphi = 0.0 ; } } } else // Check intersecting with correct half-plane if ( (yi*cosCPhi-xi*sinCPhi) >= 0) { // Leaving via ending phi // sidephi = kEPhi ; if ( pDistE <= -halfCarTolerance ) { sphi = sphi2 ; } else { sphi = 0.0 ; } } } } } else { sphi = kInfinity ; } } else { // On z axis + travel not || to z axis -> if phi of vector direction // within phi of shape, Step limited by rmax, else Step =0 if ( (fSPhi - halfAngTolerance <= vphi) && (vphi <= fSPhi + fDPhi + halfAngTolerance ) ) { sphi = kInfinity ; } else { sidephi = kSPhi ; // arbitrary sphi = 0.0 ; } } if (sphi < snxt) // Order intersecttions { snxt = sphi ; side = sidephi ; } } if (srd < snxt) // Order intersections { snxt = srd ; side = sider ; } } if (calcNorm) { switch(side) { case kRMax: // Note: returned vector not normalised // (divide by fRMax for unit vector) // xi = p.x() + snxt*v.x() ; yi = p.y() + snxt*v.y() ; *n = G4ThreeVector(xi, yi, 0) ; n->setMag(1) ; *validNorm = true ; break ; case kRMin: *validNorm = false ; // Rmin is inconvex break ; case kSPhi: if ( fDPhi <= pi ) { *n = G4ThreeVector(sinSPhi, -cosSPhi, 0) ; n->setMag(1) ; *validNorm = true ; } else { *validNorm = false ; } break ; case kEPhi: if (fDPhi <= pi) { *n = G4ThreeVector(-sinEPhi, cosEPhi, 0) ; n->setMag(1) ; *validNorm = true ; } else { *validNorm = false ; } break ; case kPZ: *n = G4ThreeVector(0,0,1) ; *validNorm = true ; break ; case kMZ: *n = G4ThreeVector(0,0,-1) ; *validNorm = true ; break ; default: G4cout << G4endl ; DumpInfo(); std::ostringstream message; G4int oldprc = message.precision(16); message << "Undefined side for valid surface normal to solid." << G4endl << "Position:" << G4endl << G4endl << "p.x() = " << p.x()/mm << " mm" << G4endl << "p.y() = " << p.y()/mm << " mm" << G4endl << "p.z() = " << p.z()/mm << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl << "Direction:" << G4endl << G4endl << "v.x() = " << v.x() << G4endl << "v.y() = " << v.y() << G4endl << "v.z() = " << v.z() << G4endl << G4endl << "Proposed distance :" << G4endl << G4endl << "snxt = " << snxt/mm << " mm" << G4endl ; message.precision(oldprc) ; G4Exception("G4Tubs::DistanceToOut(p,v,..)", "GeomSolids1002", JustWarning, message); break ; } } if ( snxtkMaxMeshSections) { noCrossSections = kMaxMeshSections ; } // noCrossSections = 4 ; meshAngle = fDPhi/(noCrossSections - 1) ; // meshAngle = fDPhi/(noCrossSections) ; meshRMax = (fRMax+100*kCarTolerance)/std::cos(meshAngle*0.5) ; meshRMin = fRMin - 100*kCarTolerance ; // If complete in phi, set start angle such that mesh will be at fRMax // on the x axis. Will give better extent calculations when not rotated. if (fPhiFullTube && (fSPhi == 0) ) { sAngle = -meshAngle*0.5 ; } else { sAngle = fSPhi ; } vertices = new G4ThreeVectorList(); if ( vertices ) { vertices->reserve(noCrossSections*4); for (crossSection = 0 ; crossSection < noCrossSections ; crossSection++ ) { // Compute coordinates of cross section at section crossSection crossAngle = sAngle + crossSection*meshAngle ; cosCrossAngle = std::cos(crossAngle) ; sinCrossAngle = std::sin(crossAngle) ; rMaxX = meshRMax*cosCrossAngle ; rMaxY = meshRMax*sinCrossAngle ; if(meshRMin <= 0.0) { rMinX = 0.0 ; rMinY = 0.0 ; } else { rMinX = meshRMin*cosCrossAngle ; rMinY = meshRMin*sinCrossAngle ; } vertex0 = G4ThreeVector(rMinX,rMinY,-fDz) ; vertex1 = G4ThreeVector(rMaxX,rMaxY,-fDz) ; vertex2 = G4ThreeVector(rMaxX,rMaxY,+fDz) ; vertex3 = G4ThreeVector(rMinX,rMinY,+fDz) ; vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex0)) ; vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex1)) ; vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex2)) ; vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex3)) ; } } else { DumpInfo(); G4Exception("G4Tubs::CreateRotatedVertices()", "GeomSolids0003", FatalException, "Error in allocation of vertices. Out of memory !"); } return vertices ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Stream object contents to an output stream G4GeometryType G4Tubs::GetEntityType() const { return G4String("G4Tubs"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Make a clone of the object // G4VSolid* G4Tubs::Clone() const { return new G4Tubs(*this); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Stream object contents to an output stream std::ostream& G4Tubs::StreamInfo( std::ostream& os ) const { G4int oldprc = os.precision(16); os << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n" << " *** Dump for solid - " << GetName() << " ***\n" << " ===================================================\n" << " Solid type: G4Tubs\n" << " Parameters: \n" << " inner radius : " << fRMin/mm << " mm \n" << " outer radius : " << fRMax/mm << " mm \n" << " half length Z: " << fDz/mm << " mm \n" << " starting phi : " << fSPhi/degree << " degrees \n" << " delta phi : " << fDPhi/degree << " degrees \n" << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; os.precision(oldprc); return os; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GetPointOnSurface G4ThreeVector G4Tubs::GetPointOnSurface() const { G4double xRand, yRand, zRand, phi, cosphi, sinphi, chose, aOne, aTwo, aThr, aFou; G4double rRand; aOne = 2.*fDz*fDPhi*fRMax; aTwo = 2.*fDz*fDPhi*fRMin; aThr = 0.5*fDPhi*(fRMax*fRMax-fRMin*fRMin); aFou = 2.*fDz*(fRMax-fRMin); phi = RandFlat::shoot(fSPhi, fSPhi+fDPhi); cosphi = std::cos(phi); sinphi = std::sin(phi); rRand = GetRadiusInRing(fRMin,fRMax); if( (fSPhi == 0) && (fDPhi == twopi) ) { aFou = 0; } chose = RandFlat::shoot(0.,aOne+aTwo+2.*aThr+2.*aFou); if( (chose >=0) && (chose < aOne) ) { xRand = fRMax*cosphi; yRand = fRMax*sinphi; zRand = RandFlat::shoot(-1.*fDz,fDz); return G4ThreeVector (xRand, yRand, zRand); } else if( (chose >= aOne) && (chose < aOne + aTwo) ) { xRand = fRMin*cosphi; yRand = fRMin*sinphi; zRand = RandFlat::shoot(-1.*fDz,fDz); return G4ThreeVector (xRand, yRand, zRand); } else if( (chose >= aOne + aTwo) && (chose < aOne + aTwo + aThr) ) { xRand = rRand*cosphi; yRand = rRand*sinphi; zRand = fDz; return G4ThreeVector (xRand, yRand, zRand); } else if( (chose >= aOne + aTwo + aThr) && (chose < aOne + aTwo + 2.*aThr) ) { xRand = rRand*cosphi; yRand = rRand*sinphi; zRand = -1.*fDz; return G4ThreeVector (xRand, yRand, zRand); } else if( (chose >= aOne + aTwo + 2.*aThr) && (chose < aOne + aTwo + 2.*aThr + aFou) ) { xRand = rRand*std::cos(fSPhi); yRand = rRand*std::sin(fSPhi); zRand = RandFlat::shoot(-1.*fDz,fDz); return G4ThreeVector (xRand, yRand, zRand); } else { xRand = rRand*std::cos(fSPhi+fDPhi); yRand = rRand*std::sin(fSPhi+fDPhi); zRand = RandFlat::shoot(-1.*fDz,fDz); return G4ThreeVector (xRand, yRand, zRand); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Methods for visualisation void G4Tubs::DescribeYourselfTo ( G4VGraphicsScene& scene ) const { scene.AddSolid (*this) ; } G4Polyhedron* G4Tubs::CreatePolyhedron () const { return new G4PolyhedronTubs (fRMin, fRMax, fDz, fSPhi, fDPhi) ; } #endif